module Capistrano module Middleman # Utils module Utils # Create zip archive from source directory # # @param [String] source_directory # The directory # @param [String] destination_file # Name of the zip file # @param [String] prefix # Prefix inside zip file # @param [String] working_directory # The directory where rubyzip should change to # @param [Array] exclude_patterns # Ignore files matching patterns # @param [TrueClass, FalseClass] keep_filesystem_permissions # Record permissions in file system # @param [OctalNumber] file_permissions # Permissions for files # @param [OctalNumber] directory_permissions # Permissions for directories def zip( source_directory, destination_file, prefix: nil, working_directory: Dir.getwd, exclude_patterns: [], keep_filesystem_permissions: false, file_permissions: 0664, directory_permissions: 2775 ) list =, '**', '{*,.*}')) list.exclude { |f| !File.file? f } exclude_patterns.each { |e| list.exclude e }, Zip::File::CREATE) do |z| list.uniq.each do |filename| paths = [] paths << unless prefix.nil? || prefix.empty? paths << z.add(File.join(*paths), File.expand_path(filename)) next if keep_filesystem_permissions z.file.chmod(file_permissions, File.join(*paths)) if z.file.file? File.join(*paths) z.file.chmod(directory_permissions, File.join(*paths)) if File.join(*paths) end end end module_function :zip end end end