@javascript Feature: As a content editor type person In order to manage content I should be able to insert and edit complex tables Background: Given I am on an editable page And the editor won't prompt when leaving the page Scenario: A user can expect all this! # Scenario: A user can insert a table Given the content of the full region is simple content And I make a selection When I click on the "Insert Table" button Then the modal window should be visible And I should see "Insert Table" within the modal title When I click on the third cell in the first row And I add a column before it Then the table column count should be 4 And the selected cell should be the forth cell in the first row When I add a column after Then the table column count should be 5 And the selected cell should be the forth cell in the first row When I add a row after Then the table row count should be 3 And the selected cell should be the forth cell in the first row When I add a row before Then the table row count should be 4 And the selected cell should be the forth cell in the second row When I delete the column Then the table column count should be 4 And a selected cell should not be visible When I click on the second cell in the second row And delete the row Then the table row count should be 3 And a selected cell should not be visible When I click on the second cell in the second row And increase the colspan And click on the first cell in the first row And increase the rowspan And select "Right" from "Alignment" And fill in "Border" with "2" And fill in "Spacing" with "2" And press "Insert Table" Then the contents of the full region should be "this is 

content" And the modal window should not be visible # Scenario: A user can edit a table after inserting one (in a full region) Given the content of the full region has a table And I make a selection When I click on the add row before editor button Then the table row count should be 3 And the contents of the full region should be "this is a

content" When I click on the add row after editor button Then the table row count should be 4 And the contents of the full region should be "this is a


content" When I click on the add column before editor button Then the column count should be 3 And the contents of the full region should be "this is a


content" When I click on the add column after editor button Then the column count should be 4 And the contents of the full region should be "this is a


content" When I click on the delete row editor button Then the table row count should be 3 And the contents of the full region should be "this is a

content" When I make a selection And click on the delete column editor button Then the table column count should be 3 And the contents of the full region should be "this is a

content" # Scenario: A user can adjust the colspans of a table (in a full region) Given the content of the full region has a table And I make a selection When I click on the increase colspan editor button Then the contents of the full region should be "this is a
content" When I click on the decrease colspan editor button Then the contents of the full region should be "this is a
content" # Scenario: A user can adjust the rowspans of a table (in a full region) Given the content of the full region has a table And I make a selection When I click on the increase rowspan editor button Then the contents of the full region should be "this is a
content" When I click on the decrease rowspan editor button Then the contents of the full region should be "this is a
