# ruby_lib Rakefile require 'rubygems' require 'rake' require 'date' require 'posix/spawn' require 'rubocop/rake_task' # Defines gem name. def repo_name 'appium_lib' end # ruby_lib published as appium_lib def gh_name 'ruby_lib' end # the name as used on github.com def version_file "lib/#{repo_name}/version.rb" end def version_rgx /\s*VERSION\s*=\s*'([^']+)'/m end def version @version = @version || File.read(version_file).match(version_rgx)[1] end def bump value data = File.read version_file v_line = data.match version_rgx d_line = data.match /\s*DATE\s*=\s*'([^']+)'/m old_v = v_line[0] old_d = d_line[0] old_num = v_line[1] new_num = old_num.split('.') new_num[-1] = new_num[-1].to_i + 1 if value == :y new_num[-1] = 0 # x.y.Z -> x.y.0 new_num[-2] = new_num[-2].to_i + 1 # x.Y -> x.Y+1 elsif value == :x new_num[-1] = 0 # x.y.Z -> x.y.0 new_num[-2] = 0 # x.Y.z -> x.0.z new_num[-3] = new_num[-3].to_i + 1 end new_num = new_num.join '.' new_v = old_v.sub old_num, new_num puts "#{old_num} -> #{new_num}" old_date = d_line[1] new_date = Date.today.to_s new_d = old_d.sub old_date, new_date puts "#{old_date} -> #{new_date}" unless old_date == new_date data.sub! old_v, new_v data.sub! old_d, new_d File.write version_file, data end desc 'Bump the z version number and update the date.' task :bump do bump :z end desc 'Bump the y version number, set z to zero, update the date.' task :bumpy do bump :y end desc 'Bump the x version number, set y & z to zero, update the date.' task :bumpx do bump :x end desc 'Install gems required for release task' task :dev do sh 'gem install --no-rdoc --no-ri yard' sh 'gem install --no-rdoc --no-ri redcarpet' end def tag_exists tag_name cmd = %Q(git branch -a --contains "#{tag_name}") POSIX::Spawn::Child.new(cmd).out.include? '* master' end # Inspired by Gollum's Rakefile desc 'Generate release note and create a release branch' task :release => :gem do unless `git branch`.include? '* master' puts 'Master branch required to release.' exit! end # ensure gems are installed `bundle update` # Commit then pull before pushing. tag_name = "v#{version}" raise 'Tag already exists!' if tag_exists tag_name branch_name = "release_#{version.gsub('.', '_')}" sh "git checkout -b #{branch_name}" sh "git commit --allow-empty -am 'Release #{version}'" # update notes now that there's a new tag Rake::Task['notes'].execute Rake::Task['docs'].execute sh "git commit --allow-empty -am 'Update release notes'" puts "Please git push #{branch_name} and send PR, merge it." end desc 'Build and release a new gem to rubygems.org' task :publish do unless `git branch`.include? '* master' puts 'Master branch required to release.' exit! end sh 'git pull' tag_name = "v#{version}" sh "git tag #{tag_name}" sh "git push origin #{tag_name}" gem_build sh "gem push #{repo_name}-#{version}.gem" end def gem_build `chmod 0600 ~/.gem/credentials` sh "gem build #{repo_name}.gemspec" end desc 'Build a new gem' task :gem do gem_build end desc 'Build a new gem (same as gem task)' task :build => :gem do end desc 'Uninstall gem' task :uninstall do cmd = "gem uninstall -aIx #{repo_name}" # rescue on gem not installed error. begin sh "#{cmd}" rescue # ignored end end desc 'Install gem' task :install => [:gem, :uninstall] do sh "gem install --no-rdoc --no-ri --local #{repo_name}-#{version}.gem" end desc 'Update android and iOS docs' task :docs do sh 'ruby docs_gen/make_docs.rb' end desc 'Update release notes' task :notes do tag_sort = ->(tag1, tag2) do tag1_numbers = tag1.match(/\.?v(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)$/)[1].split('.').map!(&:to_i) tag2_numbers = tag2.match(/\.?v(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)$/)[1].split('.').map!(&:to_i) tag1_numbers <=> tag2_numbers end tags = `git tag`.split "\n" tags.sort! &tag_sort pairs = [] tags.each_index { |a| pairs.push tags[a] + '...' + tags[a+1] unless tags[a+1].nil? } notes = '' dates = `git log --tags --simplify-by-decoration --pretty="format:%d %ad" --date=short`.split "\n" pairs.sort! &tag_sort pairs.reverse! # pairs are in reverse order. tag_date = [] pairs.each do |pair| tag = pair.split('...').last dates.each do |line| # regular tag, or tag on master. if line.include?(tag + ')') || line.include?(tag + ',') tag_date.push tag + ' ' + line.match(/\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}/)[0] break end end end pairs.each_index do |a| data =`git log --pretty=oneline #{pairs[a]}`.force_encoding('UTF-8') new_data = '' data.split("\n").each do |line| hex = line.match(/[a-zA-Z0-9]+/)[0] # use first 7 chars to match GitHub comment = line.gsub(hex, '').strip next if skip_release_note?(comment) issue_num = comment.slice(/\(#[0-9]+\)/) # If the issue_num is pull request, GitHub redirects to the pull request. comment_note = if issue_num issue_num.gsub!(/[(#)]/, '') "[#{comment}](https://github.com/appium/#{gh_name}/issues/#{issue_num})" else comment end new_data += "- [#{hex[0...7]}](https://github.com/appium/#{gh_name}/commit/#{hex}) #{comment_note}\n" end data = new_data + "\n" # last pair is the released version. notes += "#### #{tag_date[a]}\n\n" + data + "\n" end File.open('release_notes.md', 'w') { |f| f.write notes.to_s.strip } end # Return true if the comment is equal to 'Update release notes' # Return true if the comment starts with /^(docs|style|chore):/ def skip_release_note?(comment) return true if comment == 'Update release notes' comment =~ /^(doc|docs|style|chore|test):/ ? true : false end # Used to purge byte order marks that mess up YARD def remove_non_ascii Dir.glob('./**/*.rb') do |path| path = File.expand_path path next if File.directory? path data = File.read path data = data.encode('US-ASCII', invalid: :replace, undef: :replace, replace: '') data = data.encode('UTF-8') File.open(path, 'w') { |f| f.write data } end end desc 'Remove non-ascii bytes' task :byte do remove_non_ascii end desc 'Execute RuboCop static code analysis' RuboCop::RakeTask.new(:rubocop) do |t| t.patterns = %w(lib ios_tests android_tests) t.options = %w(-D) t.fail_on_error = true end