en: stove: errors: abstract_method: > `%{method}` is an abstract method. You must override this method in your subclass with the proper implementation and logic. For more information, please see the inline documentation for %{method}. If you are not a developer, this is most likely a bug. Please file a bug report at https://github.com/sethvargo/stove/issues/new and include the command(s) you ran to arrive at this error. git_failed: > An error occurred while running: git %{command} There is likely an informative message from git that explains what happened right above this message. metadata_not_found: > The file at `%{path}' does not exist or does not contain valid metadata. Please make sure you have specified the correct path and that the metdata file exists. server_unavailable: > The server at `%{url}` is unavailable or is not currently accepting client connections. Please ensure the server is accessible via ping (or telnet) on your local network. If this error persists, please contact your network administrator. validations: # Bump validations # ---------------- bump: changed: > The version you are trying to bump already exists! You must specify a new version. incremented: > The cookbook version you are attempting to bump to is less than the existing version. You cannot (re-)release a previous version of the same cookbook. Please specify a higher version. # Changelog validations # --------------------- changelog: editor: > The `$EDITOR' environment variable is not set. In order to use the Changelog plugin, you must set a default editor for Stove to open when generating the CHANGLEOG. You can set the editor like this: export EDITOR=vi exists: > There is no `CHANGELOG.md' found at `%{path}. In order to use the Changelog plugin, you must have a changelog in markdown format at the root of your cookbook. You can also skip the Changelog plugin by specifying the `--no-changelog' option: bake x.y.z --no-changelog format: > The changelog at `%{path}' does not appear to be a valid format. The changelog must be in the following format: [Cookbook Name] =============== v[version] ([release date]) --------------------------- - [Release point] For example: Apache 2 ======== v1.0.0 (2013-04-05) ------------------- - Initial release # Git validations # --------------- git: clean: > The cookbook at `%{path}' has untracked files! In order to use the git plugin, you must have a clean working directory. Please commit or stash your changes before running Stove again. repository: > The cookbook at `%{path}' does not appear to be a valid git repository. In order to use the git plugin, your cookbook must be initialized as a git repository. To create a git repository, run: git init %{path} up_to_date: > The cookbook at `%{path}' is out of sync with the remote repository. Please update your local cache with the remote repository before continuing: git pull And then push your local changes to the remote repository: git push # GitHub validations # ------------------ github: access_token: > The Stove configuration for GitHub does not contain an access token. In order to use the GitHub plugin, you must set an access token in the GitHub section of the `~/.stove' file: { "github": { "access_token": "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN" } } You can generate an access token for GitHub by following the instructions at: https://help.github.com/articles/creating-an-access-token-for-command-line-use. configuration: > The Stove configuration for GitHub does not exist! In order to use the GitHub plugin, you must set your GitHub information in the `~/.stove' file: { "github": { "access_token": "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN" } } git: > In order to use the GitHub plugin, you must also activate the `git' plugin. # JIRA validations # ---------------- jira: configuration: > The Stove configuration for JIRA does not exist! In order to use the JIRA plugin, you must set your JIRA information in the `~/.stove' file: { "jira": { "username": "YOUR_USERNAME", "password": "YOUR_PASSWORD" } } password: > The Stove configuration for JIRA does not contain a password. In order to use JIRA features, you must set a password in the jira section of the `~/.stove' file: { "jira": { "password": "YOUR_PASSWORD" } } username: > The Stove configuration for JIRA does not contain a username. In order to use JIRA features, you must set a username in the jira section of the `~/.stove' file: { "jira": { "username": "YOUR_USERNAME" } } # Community validations # --------------------- community: configuration: > The Stove configuration for the Chef community site does not exist! In order to perform operations against the Chef community site, you must set your username and path to your client key in the community section of the `~/.stove' file: { "community": { "username": "YOUR_USERNAME", "key": "YOUR_KEY_PATH" } } key: > The Stove configuration for the Chef community site does not contain a key. In order to use the Chef community site features, you must set the path to your key the community section of the `~/.stove' file: { "community": { "key": "YOUR_KEY_PATH" } } username: > The Stove configuration for the Chef community site does not contain a username. In order to use the Chef community site features, you must set a username the community section of the `~/.stove' file: { "community": { "username": "YOUR_USERNAME" } } category: > You did not specify a category! The Chef community site requires all cookbooks belong to a category. For existing cookboks, Stove can query the Chef community site API and automatically complete the category for you. However, for new cookbooks, you must specify the `--category' flag at runtime: bake x.y.z --category Utilities For a complete listing of categories, please see the Chef community site.