$:.unshift(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '../')) require "codeclimate-test-reporter" CodeClimate::TestReporter.start require 'multi_json' require 'pathname' if Pathname.new('environment.rb').exist? require 'environment' end module SlidePay TEST_EMAIL = ENV["email"] TEST_PASSWORD = ENV["password"] TEST_API_KEY = ENV["api_key"] end def a_response_object(json=nil) if json SlidePay::Response.new(json) else SlidePay::Response.new(successful_object_response) end end def set_global_api_key_from_env SlidePay.api_key = SlidePay::TEST_API_KEY end def set_global_api_key SlidePay.api_key = "TEST_API_KEY" end def set_global_token SlidePay.token = "TEST_TOKEN" end def set_global_endpoint SlidePay.endpoint = "TEST_ENDPOINT" end def clear_auth_data SlidePay.api_key = nil SlidePay.token = nil end def clear_endpoint SlidePay.endpoint = nil end def clear_slidepay SlidePay.token = nil SlidePay.api_key = nil SlidePay.endpoint = nil end def object_from_response(json) MultiJson.decode(json) end def successful_deletion_response <<-eos { "success": true, "custom": null, "operation": "DELETE person", "endpoint": "https://dev.getcube.com:65532", "timezone": "", "method": "delete", "obj": "person", "id": 398, "milliseconds": "3376.74", "data": "Success", "data_md5": "02CDC0A219FB85758EC8A9693478EC26" } eos end def failed_deletion_response <<-eos { "success": false, "custom": null, "operation": "DELETE person", "endpoint": "https://dev.getcube.com:65532", "timezone": "", "method": "delete", "obj": "person", "id": 0, "milliseconds": "47.85", "data": { "error_code": "1", "error_file": "l_delete_handler.cs", "error_text": "The requested object was not found." }, "data_md5": null } eos end def successful_object_response <<-eos { "success": true, "custom": null, "operation": "GET person", "endpoint": "https://dev.getcube.com:65532", "timezone": null, "method": "GET", "obj": null, "id": 0, "milliseconds": "31.25", "data": { "id": "1", "name": "Dog the Bounty Hunter" }, "data_md5": "15D13569C731E9D77ABDCB3348A2EBDD" } eos end def failed_object_response <<-eos { "success": false, "custom": null, "operation": "GET person", "endpoint": "https://dev.getcube.com:65532", "timezone": null, "method": "GET", "obj": null, "id": 0, "milliseconds": "31.25", "data": { "error_code": "4", "error_file": "i_http_handler.cs", "error_text": "ERROR_TEXT" }, "data_md5": "15D13569C731E9D77ABDCB3348A2EBDD" } eos end def successful_endpoint_response <<-eos { "success": true, "custom": null, "operation": "GET endpoint", "endpoint": "https://api.getcube.com:65532", "timezone": null, "method": "GET", "obj": null, "id": 0, "milliseconds": "31.25", "data": "https://api.getcube.com:65532/rest.svc/API/", "data_md5": "15D13569C731E9D77ABDCB3348A2EBDD" } eos end def failed_endpoint_response <<-eos { "success": false, "custom": null, "operation": "GET endpoint", "endpoint": null, "timezone": null, "method": "GET", "obj": null, "id": 0, "milliseconds": "0.00", "data": { "error_code": "4", "error_file": "i_http_handler.cs", "error_text": "Unable to process your request at this time. Unable to locate an endpoint for your account." }, "data_md5": null } eos end def successful_array_response <<-eos { "success": true, "custom": null, "operation": "GET customer", "endpoint": "https://dev.getcube.com:65532", "timezone": "", "method": "get", "obj": null, "id": 0, "milliseconds": "15.62", "data": [ { "customer_id": 211, "company_id": 213, "location_id": 285, "user_master_id": 297, "first_name": "Father", "middle_name": "", "last_name": "Yummy Bears", "company_name": "", "address_1": "", "address_2": "", "address_3": "", "city": "", "state": "", "postal_code": "", "country": "", "email": "", "home_phone": "", "cell_phone": "1234567890", "twitter_id": "", "facebook_email": "", "homepage": "", "active": 1, "created": "2013-09-06T04:05:49", "last_update": "2013-09-06T04:05:49" }, { "customer_id": 210, "company_id": 213, "location_id": 285, "user_master_id": 297, "first_name": "Customer", "middle_name": "", "last_name": "Robot Rabbit", "company_name": "", "address_1": "", "address_2": "", "address_3": "", "city": "", "state": "", "postal_code": "", "country": "", "email": "", "home_phone": "", "cell_phone": "2222222222", "twitter_id": "", "facebook_email": "", "homepage": "", "active": 1, "created": "2013-09-05T16:57:33", "last_update": "2013-09-05T16:57:33" } ], "data_md5": "2B4A5BF8C70C97022E4824643E96C695" } eos end def bank_account_array_response <<-eos { "success": true, "custom": null, "operation": "GET bank_account", "endpoint": "https://dev.getcube.com:65532", "timezone": "", "method": "get", "obj": null, "id": 0, "milliseconds": "15.62", "data": [ { "bank_account_id": 211, "company_id": 213, "location_id": 285, "user_master_id": 297, "account_first_name": "Father", "account_last_name": "Yummy Bears", "name": "ACCOUNT 211", "routing_number": "211123456", "account_number": "211211211", "created": "2013-09-06T04:05:49", "last_update": "2013-09-06T04:05:49" }, { "customer_id": 210, "company_id": 213, "location_id": 285, "user_master_id": 297, "account_first_name": "Customer", "account_last_name": "Robot Rabbit", "name": "ACCOUNT 210", "routing_number": "210123456", "account_number": "210210210", "created": "2013-09-05T16:57:33", "last_update": "2013-09-05T16:57:33" } ], "data_md5": "2B4A5BF8C70C97022E4824643E96C695" } eos end def successful_token_detail_response <<-eos { "success": true, "custom": null, "operation": "GET token detail", "endpoint": "https://dev.getcube.com:65532", "timezone": "", "method": "get", "obj": null, "id": 0, "milliseconds": "15.62", "data": { "created": "2013-09-15T01:11:20", "server_name": "cubeuswdev1", "endpoint": "https://dev.getcube.com:65532", "email": "matt@slidepay.com", "password": null, "ip_address": "", "random": null, "timezone": "", "company_id": 99, "company_name": "AWESOME CO.", "location_id": 99, "location_name": "AWESOME LOC.", "user_master_id": 99, "first_name": "Matt", "last_name": "Rothstein", "is_clerk": 1, "is_locmgr": 1, "is_comgr": 1, "is_admin": 0, "is_isv": 0 }, "data_md5": "2B4A5BF8C70C97022E4824643E96C695" } eos end def failed_token_detail_response <<-eos { "success": false, "custom": null, "operation": "get /API/token/detail", "endpoint": "https://dev.getcube.com:65532", "timezone": null, "method": "get", "obj": null, "id": 0, "milliseconds": "15.62", "data": { "error_code": "6", "error_file": "i_http_handler.cs", "error_text": "Token not present. Please login." }, "data_md5": null } eos end def successful_payment_response <<-eos { "success": true, "custom": null, "operation": "POST payment simple", "endpoint": "https://dev.getcube.com:65532", "timezone": "", "method": "post", "obj": null, "id": 0, "milliseconds": "15.62", "data": { "payment_id": "12", "order_master_id": "10", "method": "CreditCard", "amount": "1.22" }, "data_md5": "2B4A5BF8C70C97022E4824643E96C695" } eos end def failed_payment_response <<-eos { "success": false, "custom": null, "operation": "POST payment simple", "endpoint": "https://dev.getcube.com:65532", "timezone": null, "method": "post", "obj": null, "id": 0, "milliseconds": "15.62", "data": { "status_message": "TEST_PAYMENT_FAILED_MESSAGE", "order_master_id": "10", "method": "CreditCard", "amount": "1.22" }, "data_md5": null } eos end def api_key_json <<-eos { "api_key_id": 99, "company_id": 99, "location_id": 99, "user_master_id": 99, "guid": "TEST_API_KEY", "active": 1, "notes": "TEST DESCRIPTION", "created": "2013-09-15T05:58:16", "last_update": "2013-09-15T05:58:16" } eos end def successful_token_response <<-eos { "success": true, "custom": null, "operation": "GET login", "endpoint": "https://dev.getcube.com:65532", "timezone": null, "method": "get", "obj": null, "id": 0, "milliseconds": "0.00", "data": "TOKEN_FROM_THE_BEYOND", "data_md5": "2A28E72629AA92B440F3A74F7CA4F9D5" } eos end def failed_token_response <<-eos { "success": false, "custom": null, "operation": "GET login", "endpoint": "https://dev.getcube.com:65532", "timezone": null, "method": "get", "obj": null, "id": 0, "milliseconds": "0.00", "data": { "error_code": "5", "error_file": "l_login.cs", "error_text": "Authorization failed." }, "data_md5": null } eos end