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# Renuo Upload

Gem for Ruby 2.0+ applications that use the excellent Renuo Upload

## Installation

Add this line to your application's Gemfile and run bundle:

gem 'renuo-upload'

## Usage

### Configuration

The configuration is optional. If you want to use it, add an initializer:

RenuoUpload.configure do |config|
  config.api_key = 'custom-api-key'             # Default: ENV['RENUO_UPLOAD_API_KEY']
  config.signing_url = 'custom-signing-url'     # Default: ENV['RENUO_UPLOAD_SIGNING_URL']

### Example

require 'renuo-upload'

file = File.new('tmp/examplefile.pdf')
file_url = RenuoUpload.upload!(file)

## Development

### Contributing


### Release

git flow release start [.....]
# adjust version.rb
# check (and adjust) CHANGELOG.md
bundle install
git commit -av
git flow release finish [.....]
git push origin develop:develop
git push origin master:master
git checkout master
bundle exec rake release
git checkout develop

## Copyright

Renuo GmbH (https://www.renuo.ch) - [MIT LICENSE](LICENSE) - 2016