#-- # Copyright (C) 2006 Andrea Censi # # This file is part of Maruku. # # Maruku is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Maruku is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Maruku; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA #++ require 'rexml/document' begin require 'rexml/formatters/pretty' require 'rexml/formatters/default' $rexml_new_version = true rescue LoadError $rexml_new_version = false end class String # A string is rendered into HTML by creating # a REXML::Text node. REXML takes care of all the encoding. def to_html REXML::Text.new(self) end end # This module groups all functions related to HTML export. module MaRuKu; module Out; module HTML include REXML # Render as an HTML fragment (no head, just the content of BODY). (returns a string) def to_html(context={}) Thread.current['maruku_context'] = context indent = context[:indent] || -1 ie_hack = context[:ie_hack] || true div = Element.new 'dummy' children_to_html.each do |e| div << e end # render footnotes if @doc.footnotes_order.size > 0 div << render_footnotes end doc = Document.new(nil,{:respect_whitespace =>:all}) doc << div # REXML Bug? if indent!=-1 whitespace is not respected for 'pre' elements # containing code. xml ="" if $rexml_new_version formatter = if indent > -1 REXML::Formatters::Pretty.new( indent, ie_hack ) else REXML::Formatters::Default.new( ie_hack ) end formatter.write( div, xml) else div.write(xml,indent,transitive=true,ie_hack) end xml.gsub!(/\A\s*/,'') xml.gsub!(/\s*<\/dummy>\Z/,'') xml.gsub!(/\A/,'') xml end # Render to a complete HTML document (returns a string) def to_html_document(context={}) indent = context[:indent] || -1 ie_hack = context[:ie_hack] ||true doc = to_html_document_tree xml = "" # REXML Bug? if indent!=-1 whitespace is not respected for 'pre' elements # containing code. doc.write(xml,indent,transitive=true,ie_hack); Xhtml11_mathml2_svg11 + xml end unless defined? Xhtml10strict Xhtml10strict = " \n" Xhtml11strict_mathml2 = ' ]> ' Xhtml11_mathml2_svg11 = ' ' end def xml_newline() Text.new("\n") end =begin maruku_doc Attribute: title Scope: document Sets the title of the document. If a title is not specified, the first header will be used. These should be equivalent: Title: my document Content and my document =========== Content In both cases, the title is set to "my document". =end =begin maruku_doc Attribute: doc_prefix Scope: document String to disambiguate footnote links. =end =begin maruku_doc Attribute: subject Scope: document Synonim for `title`. =end # Render to an HTML fragment (returns a REXML document tree) def to_html_tree(context={}) Thread.current['maruku_context'] = context div = Element.new 'div' div.attributes['class'] = 'maruku_wrapper_div' children_to_html.each do |e| div << e end # render footnotes if @doc.footnotes_order.size > 0 div << render_footnotes end doc = Document.new(nil,{:respect_whitespace =>:all}) doc << div end =begin maruku_doc Attribute: css Scope: document Output: HTML Summary: Activates CSS stylesheets for HTML. `css` should be a space-separated list of urls. Example: CSS: style.css math.css =end unless defined? METAS METAS = %w{description keywords author revised} end # Render to a complete HTML document (returns a REXML document tree) def to_html_document_tree(context={}) Thread.current['maruku_context'] = context doc = Document.new(nil,{:respect_whitespace =>:all}) # doc << XMLDecl.new root = Element.new('html', doc) root.add_namespace('http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml') root.add_namespace('svg', "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" ) lang = self.attributes[:lang] || 'en' root.attributes['xml:lang'] = lang root << xml_newline head = Element.new 'head', root # me = Element.new 'meta', head me.attributes['http-equiv'] = 'Content-type' # me.attributes['content'] = 'text/html;charset=utf-8' me.attributes['content'] = 'application/xhtml+xml;charset=utf-8' METAS.each do |m| if value = self.attributes[m.to_sym] meta = Element.new 'meta', head meta.attributes['name'] = m meta.attributes['content'] = value.to_s end end self.attributes.each do |k,v| if k.to_s =~ /\Ameta-(.*)\Z/ meta = Element.new 'meta', head meta.attributes['name'] = $1 meta.attributes['content'] = v.to_s end end # Create title element doc_title = self.attributes[:title] || self.attributes[:subject] || "" title = Element.new 'title', head title << Text.new(doc_title) add_css_to(head) root << xml_newline body = Element.new 'body' children_to_html.each do |e| body << e end # render footnotes if @doc.footnotes_order.size > 0 body << render_footnotes end # When we are rendering a whole document, we add a signature # at the bottom. if get_setting(:maruku_signature) body << maruku_html_signature end root << body doc end def add_css_to(head) if css_list = self.attributes[:css] css_list.split.each do |css| # link = Element.new 'link' link.attributes['type'] = 'text/css' link.attributes['rel'] = 'stylesheet' link.attributes['href'] = css head << link head << xml_newline end end end # returns "st","nd","rd" or "th" as appropriate def day_suffix(day) s = { 1 => 'st', 2 => 'nd', 3 => 'rd', 21 => 'st', 22 => 'nd', 23 => 'rd', 31 => 'st' } return s[day] || 'th'; end # formats a nice date def nice_date t = Time.now t.strftime(" at %H:%M on ")+ t.strftime("%A, %B %d")+ day_suffix(t.day)+ t.strftime(", %Y") end def maruku_html_signature div = Element.new 'div' div.attributes['class'] = 'maruku_signature' Element.new 'hr', div span = Element.new 'span', div span.attributes['style'] = 'font-size: small; font-style: italic' span << Text.new('Created by ') a = Element.new('a', span) a.attributes['href'] = 'http://maruku.rubyforge.org' a.attributes['title'] = 'Maruku: a Markdown-superset interpreter for Ruby' a << Text.new('Maruku') span << Text.new(nice_date+".") div end def render_footnotes() div = Element.new 'div' div.attributes['class'] = 'footnotes' div << Element.new('hr') ol = Element.new 'ol' @doc.footnotes_order.each_with_index do |fid, i| num = i+1 f = self.footnotes[fid] if f li = f.wrap_as_element('li') li.attributes['id'] = "#{get_setting(:doc_prefix)}fn:#{num}" a = Element.new 'a' a.attributes['href'] = "\##{get_setting(:doc_prefix)}fnref:#{num}" a.attributes['rev'] = 'footnote' a<< Text.new('↩', true, nil, true) li.insert_after(li.children.last, a) ol << li else maruku_error "Could not find footnote id '#{fid}' among ["+ self.footnotes.keys.map{|s|"'"+s+"'"}.join(', ')+"]." end end div << ol div end def to_html_hrule; create_html_element 'hr' end def to_html_linebreak; Element.new 'br' end # renders children as html and wraps into an element of given name # # Sets 'id' if meta is set def wrap_as_element(name, attributes_to_copy=[]) m = create_html_element(name, attributes_to_copy) #puts "MMM>>> #{m} - #{attributes_to_copy}" children_to_html.each do |e| m << e; end # m << Comment.new( "{"+self.al.to_md+"}") if not self.al.empty? # m << Comment.new( @attributes.inspect) if not @attributes.empty? m end =begin maruku_doc Attribute: id Scope: element Output: LaTeX, HTML It is copied as a standard HTML attribute. Moreover, it used as a label name for hyperlinks in both HTML and in PDF. =end =begin maruku_doc Attribute: class Scope: element Output: HTML It is copied as a standard HTML attribute. =end =begin maruku_doc Attribute: style Scope: element Output: HTML It is copied as a standard HTML attribute. =end unless defined? HTML4Attributes HTML4Attributes = {} end coreattrs = [:id, :class, :style, :title] i18n = [:lang, 'xml:lang'.to_sym] events = [ :onclick, :ondblclick, :onmousedown, :onmouseup, :onmouseover, :onmousemove, :onmouseout, :onkeypress, :onkeydown, :onkeyup] attrs = coreattrs + i18n + events cellhalign = [:align, :char, :charoff] cellvalign = [:valign] [ ['body', attrs + [:onload, :onunload]], ['address', attrs], ['div', attrs], ['a', attrs+[:charset, :type, :name, :rel, :rev, :accesskey, :shape, :coords, :tabindex, :onfocus,:onblur]], ['img', attrs + [:longdesc, :name, :height, :width, :alt] ], ['p', attrs], [['h1','h2','h3','h4','h5','h6'], attrs], [['pre'], attrs], [['q', 'blockquote'], attrs+[:cite]], [['ins','del'], attrs+[:cite,:datetime]], [['ol','ul','li'], attrs], ['table',attrs+[:summary, :width, :frame, :rules, :border, :cellspacing, :cellpadding]], ['caption',attrs], [['colgroup','col'],attrs+[:span, :width]+cellhalign+cellvalign], [['thead','tbody','tfoot'], attrs+cellhalign+cellvalign], [['td','td','th'], attrs+[:abbr, :axis, :headers, :scope, :rowspan, :colspan, :cellvalign, :cellhalign]], # altri [['em','code','strong','hr','span','dl','dd','dt'], attrs] ].each do |el, a| [*el].each do |e| HTML4Attributes[e] = a end end def create_html_element(name, attributes_to_copy=[]) m = Element.new name #puts "ATTR>>> #{@attributes}" if atts = HTML4Attributes[name] then atts.each do |att| if v = @attributes[att] then m.attributes[att.to_s] = v.to_s end end else # puts "not atts for #{name.inspect}" end m end def to_html_ul if @attributes[:toc] # render toc html_toc = @doc.toc.to_html return html_toc else add_ws wrap_as_element('ul') end end def to_html_paragraph #add_ws wrap_as_element('p') dt = Element.new 'p' dt.attributes['class'] = 'drop-target' dt.attributes['line_no'] = Thread.current['maruku.line_no'] dt.attributes['delegate'] = 'plan' # should most likely go into the js column handler dt.text = ' '; p = wrap_as_element('p') p.attributes['class'] = 'content' p.attributes['line_no'] = Thread.current['maruku.line_no'] p.attributes['delegate'] = 'plan' # should most likely go into the js column handler #[Text.new("\n"), p, dt, Text.new("\n")] [Text.new("\n"), p, Text.new("\n")] end def to_html_ol; add_ws wrap_as_element('ol') end def to_html_li; add_ws wrap_as_element('li') end def to_html_li_span; add_ws wrap_as_element('li') end def to_html_quote; add_ws wrap_as_element('blockquote') end def to_html_strong; wrap_as_element('strong') end def to_html_emphasis; wrap_as_element('em') end =begin maruku_doc Attribute: use_numbered_headers Scope: document Summary: Activates the numbering of headers. If `true`, section headers will be numbered. In LaTeX export, the numbering of headers is managed by Maruku, to have the same results in both HTML and LaTeX. =end # nil if not applicable, else string def section_number return nil if not get_setting(:use_numbered_headers) n = @attributes[:section_number] if n && (not n.empty?) n.join('.')+". " else nil end end # nil if not applicable, else SPAN element def render_section_number # if we are bound to a section, add section number if num = section_number span = Element.new 'span' span.attributes['class'] = 'maruku_section_number' span << Text.new(section_number) span else nil end end def to_html_header_orig element_name = "h#{self.level}" h = wrap_as_element element_name if span = render_section_number h.insert_before(h.children.first, span) end add_ws h end def to_html_header element_name = "h#{self.level}" h = wrap_as_element element_name if span = render_section_number h.insert_before(h.children.first, span) end #puts "h>>> #{h}" add_ws h end def source2html(source) # source = source.gsub(/&/,'&') source = Text.normalize(source) source = source.gsub(/\'/,''') # IE bug source = source.gsub(/'/,''') # IE bug Text.new(source, true, nil, true ) end =begin maruku_doc Attribute: html_use_syntax Scope: global, document, element Output: HTML Summary: Enables the use of the `syntax` package. Related: lang, code_lang Default: If true, the `syntax` package is used. It supports the `ruby` and `xml` languages. Remember to set the `lang` attribute of the code block. Examples: require 'maruku' {:lang=ruby html_use_syntax=true} and
{:lang=html html_use_syntax=true} produces: require 'maruku' {:lang=ruby html_use_syntax=true} and
{:lang=html html_use_syntax=true} =end $syntax_loaded = false def to_html_code; source = self.raw_code lang = self.attributes[:lang] || @doc.attributes[:code_lang] lang = 'xml' if lang=='html' use_syntax = get_setting :html_use_syntax element = if use_syntax && lang begin if not $syntax_loaded require 'rubygems' require 'syntax' require 'syntax/convertors/html' $syntax_loaded = true end convertor = Syntax::Convertors::HTML.for_syntax lang # eliminate trailing newlines otherwise Syntax crashes source = source.gsub(/\n*\Z/,'') html = convertor.convert( source ) html = html.gsub(/\'/,''') # IE bug html = html.gsub(/'/,''') # IE bug # html = html.gsub(/&/,'&') code = Document.new(html, {:respect_whitespace =>:all}).root code.name = 'code' code.attributes['class'] = lang code.attributes['lang'] = lang pre = Element.new 'pre' pre << code pre rescue LoadError => e maruku_error "Could not load package 'syntax'.\n"+ "Please install it, for example using 'gem install syntax'." to_html_code_using_pre(source) rescue Object => e maruku_error"Error while using the syntax library for code:\n#{source.inspect}"+ "Lang is #{lang} object is: \n"+ self.inspect + "\nException: #{e.class}: #{e.message}\n\t#{e.backtrace.join("\n\t")}" tell_user("Using normal PRE because the syntax library did not work.") to_html_code_using_pre(source) end else to_html_code_using_pre(source) end color = get_setting(:code_background_color) if color != Globals[:code_background_color] element.attributes['style'] = "background-color: #{color};" end add_ws element end =begin maruku_doc Attribute: code_background_color Scope: global, document, element Summary: Background color for code blocks. The format is either a named color (`green`, `red`) or a CSS color of the form `#ff00ff`. * for **HTML output**, the value is put straight in the `background-color` CSS property of the block. * for **LaTeX output**, if it is a named color, it must be a color accepted by the LaTeX `color` packages. If it is of the form `#ff00ff`, Maruku defines a color using the `\color[rgb]{r,g,b}` macro. For example, for `#0000ff`, the macro is called as: `\color[rgb]{0,0,1}`. =end def to_html_code_using_pre(source) pre = create_html_element 'pre' code = Element.new 'code', pre s = source # s = s.gsub(/&/,'&') s = Text.normalize(s) s = s.gsub(/\'/,''') # IE bug s = s.gsub(/'/,''') # IE bug if get_setting(:code_show_spaces) # 187 = raquo # 160 = nbsp # 172 = not s.gsub!(/\t/,'»'+' '*3) s.gsub!(/ /,'¬') end text = Text.new(s, respect_ws=true, parent=nil, raw=true ) if lang = self.attributes[:lang] code.attributes['lang'] = lang code.attributes['class'] = lang end code << text pre end def to_html_inline_code; pre = create_html_element 'code' source = self.raw_code pre << source2html(source) color = get_setting(:code_background_color) if color != Globals[:code_background_color] pre.attributes['style'] = "background-color: #{color};"+(pre.attributes['style']||"") end pre end def add_class_to(el, cl) el.attributes['class'] = if already = el.attributes['class'] already + " " + cl else cl end end def add_class_to_link(a) return # not ready yet # url = a.attributes['href'] # return if not url # # if url =~ /^#/ # add_class_to(a, 'maruku-link-samedoc') # elsif url =~ /^http:/ # add_class_to(a, 'maruku-link-external') # else # add_class_to(a, 'maruku-link-local') # end # # puts a.attributes['class'] end def to_html_immediate_link a = create_html_element 'a' url = self.url text = url.gsub(/^mailto:/,'') # don't show mailto a << Text.new(text) a.attributes['href'] = url add_class_to_link(a) a end def to_html_link a = wrap_as_element 'a' id = self.ref_id if ref = @doc.refs[id] url = ref[:url] title = ref[:title] a.attributes['href'] = url if url a.attributes['title'] = title if title else maruku_error "Could not find ref_id = #{id.inspect} for #{self.inspect}\n"+ "Available refs are #{@doc.refs.keys.inspect}" tell_user "Not creating a link for ref_id = #{id.inspect}." return wrap_as_element('span') end # add_class_to_link(a) return a end def to_html_im_link if url = self.url title = self.title a = wrap_as_element 'a' a.attributes['href'] = url a.attributes['xhref'] = url # BUG ALERT: Strange behaviour of jquery's replaceWith related to href a.attributes['title'] = title if title return a else maruku_error"Could not find url in #{self.inspect}" tell_user "Not creating a link for ref_id = #{id.inspect}." return wrap_as_element('span') end end def add_ws(e) [Text.new("\n"), e, Text.new("\n")] end ##### Email address def obfuscate(s) res = '' s.each_byte do |char| res += "&#%03d;" % char end res end def to_html_email_address email = self.email a = create_html_element 'a' #a.attributes['href'] = Text.new("mailto:"+obfuscate(email),false,nil,true) #a.attributes.add Attribute.new('href',Text.new( #"mailto:"+obfuscate(email),false,nil,true)) # Sorry, for the moment it doesn't work a.attributes['href'] = "mailto:#{email}" a << Text.new(obfuscate(email),false,nil,true) a end ##### Images def to_html_image a = create_html_element 'img' id = self.ref_id if ref = @doc.refs[id] url = ref[:url] title = ref[:title] a.attributes['src'] = url.to_s a.attributes['alt'] = children_to_s else maruku_error"Could not find id = #{id.inspect} for\n #{self.inspect}" tell_user "Could not create image with ref_id = #{id.inspect};"+ " Using SPAN element as replacement." return wrap_as_element('span') end raise "IMAGE: #{url}" return a end def to_html_im_image if not url = self.url maruku_error "Image with no url: #{self.inspect}" tell_user "Could not create image with ref_id = #{id.inspect};"+ " Using SPAN element as replacement." return wrap_as_element('span') end if url_resolver = (Thread.current['maruku_context'] || {})[:img_url_resolver] url = url_resolver.call(url) end title = self.title a = create_html_element 'img' a.attributes['src'] = url.to_s a.attributes['alt'] = children_to_s return a end =begin maruku_doc Attribute: filter_html Scope: document If true, raw HTML is discarded from the output. =end def to_html_raw_html return [] if get_setting(:filter_html) raw_html = self.raw_html if rexml_doc = @parsed_html root = rexml_doc.root if root.nil? s = "Bug in REXML: root() of Document is nil: \n#{rexml_doc.inspect}\n"+ "Raw HTML:\n#{raw_html.inspect}" maruku_error s tell_user 'The REXML version you have has a bug, omitting HTML' div = Element.new 'div' #div << Text.new(s) return div end # copies the @children array (FIXME is it deep?) elements = root.to_a return elements else # invalid # Creates red box with offending HTML tell_user "Wrapping bad html in a PRE with class 'markdown-html-error'\n"+ add_tabs(raw_html,1,'|') pre = Element.new('pre') pre.attributes['style'] = 'border: solid 3px red; background-color: pink' pre.attributes['class'] = 'markdown-html-error' pre << Text.new("REXML could not parse this XML/HTML: \n#{raw_html}", true) return pre end end def to_html_abbr abbr = Element.new 'abbr' abbr << Text.new(children[0]) abbr.attributes['title'] = self.title if self.title abbr end def to_html_footnote_reference id = self.footnote_id # save the order of used footnotes order = @doc.footnotes_order if order.include? id # footnote has already been used return [] end if not @doc.footnotes[id] return [] end # take next number order << id #num = order.size; num = order.index(id) + 1 sup = Element.new 'sup' sup.attributes['id'] = "#{get_setting(:doc_prefix)}fnref:#{num}" a = Element.new 'a' a << Text.new(num.to_s) a.attributes['href'] = "\##{get_setting(:doc_prefix)}fn:#{num}" a.attributes['rel'] = 'footnote' sup << a sup end ## Definition lists ### def to_html_definition_list() add_ws wrap_as_element('dl') end def to_html_definition() children_to_html end def to_html_definition_term() add_ws wrap_as_element('dt') end def to_html_definition_data() add_ws wrap_as_element('dd') end # FIXME: Ugly code def to_html_table align = self.align num_columns = align.size head = @children.slice(0, num_columns) rows = [] i = num_columns while i<@children.size rows << @children.slice(i, num_columns) i += num_columns end table = create_html_element 'table' thead = Element.new 'thead' tr = Element.new 'tr' array_to_html(head).each do |x| tr< 1 res.pop s = res[-1][-1] e.each do |el| s << el end e = res[-1] end # Wrap into 'section' to more easily find back into MD from html e << (s = Element.new('section')) s.attributes['line_no'] = c.line_no s.attributes['level'] = c.level toc = Thread.current['maruku.toc'] ||= [] li = c.level - 1 toc[li] = toc[li] ? (toc[li] + 1) : 1 s.attributes['toc'] = toc.map {|l| l ? l : 1 }.join('.') res << (e = []) end end if h.kind_of?Array e.concat(h) #h.each do |hh| e << hh end else e << h end # puts "LOOP ENDN res: #{res.inspect} -- e: #{e.inspect}" end # puts "after: #{res.inspect} e: #{e.inspect}" if res.length > 1 res.pop s = res[-1][-1] e.each do |el| s << el end e = res[-1] end #puts e.inspect e end def to_html_ref_definition; [] end def to_latex_ref_definition; [] end end # HTML end # out end # MaRuKu