Blockly.Ruby = new Blockly.Generator('Ruby') Blockly.Ruby.addReservedWords ' BEGIN class ensure nil self when END def false not super while alias defined? for or then yield and do if redo true __LINE__ begin else in rescue undef __FILE__ break elsif module retry unless __ENCODING__ case end next return until '.split(/\s+/) Blockly.Ruby.ORDER_ATOMIC = 0 # 0 "" ... Blockly.Ruby.ORDER_COLLECTION = 1 # tuples, lists, dictionaries Blockly.Ruby.ORDER_STRING_CONVERSION = 1 # `expression...` Blockly.Ruby.ORDER_MEMBER = 2 # :: Blockly.Ruby.ORDER_INDEX = 3 # [] Blockly.Ruby.ORDER_FUNCTION_CALL = 4 # () Blockly.Ruby.ORDER_UNARY_SIGN = 5 # +(単項) ! ~ Blockly.Ruby.ORDER_EXPONENTIATION = 6 # ** Blockly.Ruby.ORDER_UNARY_MINUS_SIGN = 7 # -(単項) Blockly.Ruby.ORDER_MULTIPLICATIVE = 8 # * / % Blockly.Ruby.ORDER_ADDITIVE = 9 # + - Blockly.Ruby.ORDER_BITWISE_SHIFT = 10 # << >> Blockly.Ruby.ORDER_BITWISE_AND = 11 # & Blockly.Ruby.ORDER_BITWISE_XOR = 12 # ^ Blockly.Ruby.ORDER_BITWISE_OR = 12 # | Blockly.Ruby.ORDER_RELATIONAL = 13 # > >= < <= Blockly.Ruby.ORDER_EQUALS = 14 # <=> == === != =~ !~ Blockly.Ruby.ORDER_LOGICAL_AND = 15 # && Blockly.Ruby.ORDER_LOGICAL_OR = 16 # || Blockly.Ruby.ORDER_RANGE = 17 # .. ... Blockly.Ruby.ORDER_CONDITIONAL = 18 # ?:(条件演算子) Blockly.Ruby.ORDER_ASSIGNMENT = 19 # =(+=, -= ... ) Blockly.Ruby.ORDER_NOT = 20 # not Blockly.Ruby.ORDER_AND_OR = 21 # and or Blockly.Ruby.ORDER_NONE = 99 # (...) Blockly.Ruby.INFINITE_LOOP_TRAP = null Blockly.Ruby.init = -> @definitions_ = Object.create(null) if Blockly.Variables if !@variableDB_ @variableDB_ = new Blockly.Names(Blockly.Ruby.RESERVED_WORDS_) else @variableDB_.reset() @definitions_['require_smalruby'] = 'require "smalruby"' @definitions_['receiver_stack'] = ['main'] @definitions_['character_stack'] = [] Blockly.Ruby.characterStack = -> @definitions_['character_stack'] Blockly.Ruby.character = -> _.last(@characterStack()) Blockly.Ruby.receiverStack = -> @definitions_['receiver_stack'] Blockly.Ruby.receiver = -> _.last(@receiverStack()) Blockly.Ruby.receiverName = (options = {}) -> opts = object: Blockly.Ruby.character() dropSelf: true _.extend(opts, options) r = @receiver() if r == opts.object if opts.dropSelf '' else 'self.' else "#{opts.object.get('name')}." Blockly.Ruby.cs = Blockly.Ruby.characterStack Blockly.Ruby.cs_ = Blockly.Ruby.characterStack Blockly.Ruby.c = Blockly.Ruby.character Blockly.Ruby.c_ = Blockly.Ruby.character = Blockly.Ruby.receiverStack Blockly.Ruby.rs_ = Blockly.Ruby.receiverStack Blockly.Ruby.r = Blockly.Ruby.r Blockly.Ruby.r_ = Blockly.Ruby.r Blockly.Ruby.rn = Blockly.Ruby.receiverName Blockly.Ruby.rn_ = Blockly.Ruby.receiverName Blockly.Ruby.characterMethodCall_ = (method, args, options = {}) -> res = @characterMethodCallInput_(method, args, options) if res[0] "#{res[0]}\n" else '' Blockly.Ruby.characterMethodCallInput_ = (method, args, options = {}) -> code = if @c_() if args && args.length > 0 "#{@rn_(options)}#{method}(#{args})" else "#{@rn_(options)}#{method}" else null [code, @ORDER_FUNCTION_CALL] Blockly.Ruby.characterSetVariable_ = (name, val, operator = '=') -> if @c_() "#{@rn_({ dropSelf: false})}#{name} #{operator} #{val}\n" else '' Blockly.Ruby.characterEvent_ = (block, bodyName, name, arg = null) -> if c = @c_() @rs_().push(c) try body = Blockly.Ruby.statementToCode(block, bodyName) || '\n' finally @rs_().pop() if arg arg = ", #{arg}" else arg = '' """ #{@rn_()}on(:#{name}#{arg}) do #{body}end """ else '' Blockly.Ruby.finish = (code) -> requires = [] definitions = [] for name of Blockly.Ruby.definitions_ do (name) -> def = Blockly.Ruby.definitions_[name] if _.isString(def) if def.match(/^require\s*('\S+'|"\S+")/) requires.push(def) else definitions.push(def) if definitions.length == 0 && code.length == 0 return '' allDefs = requires.join('\n') + '\n\n' if definitions.length > 0 allDefs += definitions.join('\n') .replace(/\n\n+/g, '\n\n').replace(/\n*$/, '\n') allDefs + code Blockly.Ruby.scrubNakedValue = (line) -> line + '\n' Blockly.Ruby.quote_ = (string) -> # TODO: 実装すること # stringに"を含んでいたら、aから順番にstringに含まれるか試して、含ま # れていない文字を使って%Qa...aとしようかな。でも生成したソースコード # の可読性が下がりますね。 '\"' + string + '\"' Blockly.Ruby.scrub_ = (block, code) -> if code == null return '' commentCode = '' if !block.outputConnection || !block.outputConnection.targetConnection comment = block.getCommentText() if comment commentCode += @prefixLines(comment, '# ') + '\n' for input in block.inputList do (input) => if input.type == Blockly.INPUT_VALUE childBlock = input.connection.targetBlock() if childBlock comment = @allNestedComments(childBlock) if comment commentCode += @prefixLines(comment, '# ') nextBlock = block.nextConnection && block.nextConnection.targetBlock() nextCode = this.blockToCode(nextBlock) commentCode + code + nextCode