module Origen # This module is responsible for enhancing how Ruby requires and loads files to support loading of # classes and modules from an application's app dir without having to require them. # # It also implements the .load_block method that loads files from app/blocks. module Loader # @api private # # Unload all constants (classes and modules) that have been auto-loaded since this was last called def self.unload # puts "******** LOADED CONSTS@ #{@loaded_consts}" path = [] (@consts_hierarchy || {}).each do |name, children| _unload(path, name, children) end @consts_hierarchy = {} @loaded_consts = {} ( + []).each do |app| app.instance_variable_set(:@blocks_files, nil) end nil end # @api private def self._unload(path, name, children) path << name children.each do |name, children| _unload(path, name, children) end const = path.join('::') if @loaded_consts[const] path[0...-1].join('::').constantize.send :remove_const, path.last # puts "******** Unloading: #{const}" end path.pop end # @api private def self.record_const(name) @consts_hierarchy ||= {} @loaded_consts ||= {} @loaded_consts[name] = true pointer = nil name.split('::').each do |name| if pointer pointer[name] ||= {} pointer = pointer[name] else @consts_hierarchy[name] ||= {} pointer = @consts_hierarchy[name] end end end # @api private def self.load_attributes(file, model) if model.respond_to?(:is_an_origen_model?) attributes = model.attributes.dup else attributes = {} end vars = model.instance_variables if load_block_file(file, model) # Update the value of any pre-existing attribute that could have just changed attributes.each do |a, v| attributes[a] = model.instance_variable_get("@#{a}") end # And add any new ones that were encountered for the first time (model.instance_variables - vars).each do |var| val = model.instance_variable_get(var) attribute = var.to_s.sub('@', '') attributes[attribute.to_sym] = val unless model.respond_to?(attribute) model.define_singleton_method(attribute) do instance_variable_get(var) end end if val == true || val == false attribute += '?' unless model.respond_to?(attribute) model.define_singleton_method(attribute) do instance_variable_get(var) end end end end if model.respond_to?(:is_an_origen_model?) attributes.freeze model.instance_variable_set(:@attributes, attributes) end true end end # @api private def self.load_block_file(file, model) file = file.to_s if File.exist?(file), 'r') do |f| model.instance_eval(, file) end end true end # @api private def self.with_parameters_transaction(type) if type == :parameters Origen::Parameters.transaction do yield end else yield end end # If a block definition exists for the given model, then this will load it and apply it to # the model. # if options[:inherit] is passed, it will first try to load the files for the class name contained # in that option, even if its from a plugin app. Additionally, any bugs/features will be inherited # as well unless disable_bug_inheritance or disable_feature_inheritance options are passed # Returns true if a model is found and loaded, otherwise nil. def self.load_block(model, options = {}) model = model.model # Ensure we have a handle on the model and not its controller loaded = nil if options[:inherit] # pass down any bugs/features from the inherited block class unless options[:disable_bug_inheritance] model.class.instance_variable_set(:@bugs, options[:inherit].constantize.bugs.merge(model.class.bugs)) end unless options[:disable_feature_inheritance] model.class.instance_variable_set(:@features, options[:inherit].constantize.features.merge(model.class.features)) end end if local_app = options[:app] || if options[:path] local_full_paths = Array(options[:path]) else local_full_paths = model.class.to_s.split('::') local_full_paths.shift # Throw away the app namespace local_full_paths = [local_full_paths.join('/')] end app_paths_map = { local_app => local_full_paths } if options[:inherit] # update app_paths_map with the relevant inherited files inherit_full_paths = options[:inherit].split('::') inherit_app = inherit_full_paths = [inherit_full_paths.join('/')] # merge to get inherit ordered in the beginning app_paths_map = { inherit_app => inherit_full_paths }.merge(app_paths_map) end # load the inherit files, then the current app's block files app_paths_map.each do |app, full_paths| full_paths.each do |full_path| paths = full_path.to_s.split('/') key = '' only = Array(options[:only]) if options[:only] except = Array(options[:except]) if options[:except] path ='/') # If the path refers to a nested sub-block then don't load the full hierarchy since they # don't support inheritance or derivatives, modify the paths array so that only the sub-block # level will be loaded and nothing else. paths = [path] if app.blocks_files[path] && app.blocks_files[path][:_sub_block] # These will be loaded first, followed by the rest in an undefined order. # Attributes and parameters are first so that they may be referenced in the other files. # Sub-blocks was added early due to a corner case issue that could be encountered if the pins or # regs imported an Origen exported file that defined a module with the same name as a sub-block # class, in that case the sub-block class would not be auto-loaded. load_first = [:attributes, :parameters, :sub_blocks] load_first.each do |type| unless (only && !only.include?(type)) || (except && except.include?(type)) with_parameters_transaction(type) do paths.each_with_index do |path, i| key = i == 0 ? path.underscore : "#{key}/#{path.underscore}" if app.blocks_files[key] && app.blocks_files[key][type] app.blocks_files[key][type].each do |f| if type == :attributes success = load_attributes(f, model) else success = load_block_file(f, model) end loaded ||= success end end end end end end # Now load the rest paths.each_with_index do |path, i| key = i == 0 ? path.underscore : "#{key}/#{path.underscore}" if app.blocks_files[key] app.blocks_files[key].each do |type, files| unless type == :_sub_block || load_first.include?(type) || (only && !only.include?(type)) || (except && except.include?(type)) files.each { |f| success = load_block_file(f, model); loaded ||= success } end end end end end end end loaded end # This is inspired by Rails' ActiveSupport::Dependencies module. module ModuleConstMissing def self.append_features(base) base.class_eval do # Emulate #exclude via an ivar return if defined?(@_const_missing) && @_const_missing @_const_missing = instance_method(:const_missing) remove_method(:const_missing) end super end def self.exclude_from(base) base.class_eval do define_method :const_missing, @_const_missing @_const_missing = nil end end # @api private # Substitutes a single occurrence of 'derivatives' in the given dirs array, starting # from the end of it and replacing it with the given new value. # Returns true if a substitution is made, else false. def _sub_derivatives_from_end(new_val, dirs) subbed = false size = dirs.size - 1 dirs.reverse_each.with_index do |val, i| if val == 'derivatives' dirs[size - i] = new_val subbed = true break end end dirs if subbed end # Allows classes and modules to be defined in app/blocks and app/lib without needing to # require them and in the case of app/blocks to use a custom directory structure. # # The first time a reference is made to a class or module name it will trigger this hook, # and we then work out what the file name should be and require it. def const_missing(name) if Origen.in_app_workspace? if self == Object name = name.to_s else name = "#{self}::#{name}" end return nil if @_checking_name == name names = name.split('::') namespace = names.shift if app = Origen::Application.from_namespace(namespace) # First we are going to check for a match in the app/blocks directory, this needs to be handled # specially since it follows a non-std structure, e.g. use of derivatives/ and sub_blocks/ folders # for organization without having them as part of the class name-spacing altname = nil dirs = [app.root, 'app', 'blocks'] names.each_with_index do |name, i| dirs << 'derivatives' unless i == 0 dirs << name.underscore end # Is this a reference to a model? if File.exist?(f = File.join(*dirs, 'model.rb')) model = _load_const(f, name) # Also load the model's controller if it exists if File.exist?(f = File.join(*dirs, 'controller.rb')) controller = _load_const(f, name + 'Controller') end return model end # Is this a reference to a controller? if dirs.last.to_s =~ /_controller$/ controller_reference = true dirs << dirs.pop.sub(/_controller$/, '') if File.exist?(f = File.join(*dirs, 'controller.rb')) return _load_const(f, name) end end # Is this a reference to a sub-block model or controller that is nested within a block? dirs_ = dirs.dup while dirs_ = _sub_derivatives_from_end('sub_blocks', dirs_) if controller_reference if File.exist?(f = File.join(*dirs_, 'controller.rb')) return _load_const(f, name) end elsif File.exist?(f = File.join(*dirs_, 'model.rb')) model = _load_const(f, name) # Also load the model's controller if it exists if File.exist?(f = File.join(*dirs_, 'controller.rb')) controller = _load_const(f, name + 'Controller') end return model end end # Is this a reference to a module that has been added to a model or controller? # In this case dirs contains something like: # [..., "my_model", "derivatives", "my_module"] # [..., "my_model_controller", "derivatives", "my_module"] # So let's try by transforming these into: # [..., "my_model", "model"] + "my_module.rb" # [..., "my_model", "controller"] + "my_module.rb" filename = dirs.pop + '.rb' dirs.pop # Lose 'derivatives' if dirs.last.to_s =~ /_controller$/ dirs << dirs.pop.sub(/_controller$/, '') dirs << 'controller' else dirs << 'model' end if File.exist?(f = File.join(*dirs, filename)) return _load_const(f, name) end # Now that we have established that it is not a reference to a block (which has a non-std code # organization structure), we can now check for a match in the app/lib directory following std # Ruby code organization conventions until names.empty? path = File.join(* + '.rb' f = File.join(app.root, 'app', 'lib', namespace.underscore, path) if File.exist?(f) model = _load_const(f, name, altname) # Try and reference the controller to load it too, though don't raise an error if it # doesn't exist @@pre_loading_controller = true eval "#{altname || name}Controller" return model # If a folder exists that is named after this constant, then assume it is an otherwise # undeclared namespace module and declare it now elsif File.exist?(f.sub('.rb', '')) return const_set path.sub('.rb', '').camelcase, end # Don't waste time looking up the namespace hierarchy for the controller, if it exists it # should be within the exact same namespace as the model return nil if defined?(@@pre_loading_controller) && @@pre_loading_controller # Remove the highest level namespace and then search again in the parent namespace if discarded_namespace = names.delete_at(-2) altname ||= name altname = altname.sub("#{discarded_namespace}::", '') else names.pop end end _raise_uninitialized_constant_error(name) else _raise_uninitialized_constant_error(name) end else _raise_uninitialized_constant_error(name) end ensure @@pre_loading_controller = false end # @api_private def _load_const(file, name, altname = nil) load file if defined?(@@pre_loading_controller) return if @@pre_loading_controller end @_checking_name = altname || name const = eval(altname || name) @_checking_name = nil if const Origen::Loader.record_const(altname || name) return const end msg ||= "uninitialized constant #{name} (expected it to be defined in: #{file})" _raise_uninitialized_constant_error(name, msg) end # @api private def _raise_uninitialized_constant_error(name, msg = nil) msg ||= "uninitialized constant #{name}" name_error =, name) name_error.set_backtrace(caller.reject { |l| l =~ /^#{__FILE__}/ }) fail name_error end end def self.enable_origen_load_extensions! Module.class_eval { include ModuleConstMissing } end def self.disable_origen_load_extensions! ModuleConstMissing.exclude_from(Module) end end end Origen::Loader.enable_origen_load_extensions!