# Paquito

`Paquito` provies utility classes to define optimized and evolutive serializers.

## Installation

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'paquito'

And then execute:

    $ bundle install

Or install it yourself as:

    $ gem install paquito

## Usage

### `chain`

`Paquito::CoderChain` allows to combine two or more serializers into one.


compressed_yaml_coder = Paquito.chain(YAML, Zlib)
payload = compressed_yaml_coder.dump({ foo: 42 }) # YAML compressed with gzip
compressed_yaml_coder.load(payload) # => { foo: 42 }

### `ConditionalCompressor`

`Paquito::ConditionalCompressor` compress payloads if they are over a defined size.

coder = Paquito::ConditionalCompressor.new(Zlib, 256)
coder.dump("foo") # => "\x00foo"
coder.dump("foo" * 500) # => "\x01<compressed-data....>"

### `SingleBytePrefixVersion`

`Paquito::SingleBytePrefixVersion` prepends a version prefix to the payloads, which then allow to seemlessly transition from
different serialization methods.

The first argument is the current version used for newly generated payloads.


coder = Paquito::SingleBytePrefixVersion.new(1,
  0 => YAML,
  1 => JSON,
  2 => MessagePack,
coder.dump([1]) # => "\x01[1]"
coder.load("\x00---\n:foo: 42") # => { foo: 42 }

### `CommentPrefixVersion`

Similar to the single byte prefix, but meant to be human readable and to allow for migrating unversionned payloads.

Payload without a version prefix are assumed to be version `0`.

The first argument is the current version used for newly generated payloads.


coder = Paquito::CommentPrefixVersion.new(1,
  0 => YAML,
  1 => JSON,

coder.load("---\n:foo: 42") # => { foo: 42 }
coder.dump([1]) # => "#☠1☢\n[1]"

### `allow_nil`

In some situation where you'd rather not serialize `nil`, you can use the `Paquito.allow_nil` shorthand:

coder = Paquito.allow_nil(Marshal)
coder.dump(nil) # => nil
coder.load(nil) # => nil

### `TranslateErrors`

If you do need to handle serialization or deserialization errors, for instance to fallback to acting like a cache miss,
`Paquito::TranslateErrors` translate all underlying exceptions into `Paquito::Error` descendants.


coder = Paquito::TranslateErrors.new(Paquito::CoderChain.new(YAML, Zlib))
coder.load("\x00") # => Paquito::UnpackError (buffer error)

### `CodecFactory`

`Paquito::CodecFactory` is a utility facade to create advanced `MessagePack` factories with support for common Ruby
and Rails types.

coder = Paquito::CodecFactory.build([Symbol, Set])
coder.load(coder.dump(%i(foo bar).to_set)) # => #<Set: {:foo, :bar}>

### `TypedStruct`

`Paquito::TypedStruct` is a opt-in Sorbet runtime plugin that allows `T::Struct` classes to be serializable. You need to explicitly include the module in the `T::Struct` classes that you will be serializing.


class MyStruct < T::Struct
  include Paquito::TypedStruct

  prop :foo, String
  prop :bar, Integer

my_struct = MyStruct.new(foo: "foo", bar: 1)

my_struct.as_pack # => [26450, "foo", 1]
MyStruct.from_pack([26450, "foo", 1]) # => <MyStruct bar=1, foo="foo">

## Rails utilities

`paquito` doesn't not depend on `rails` nor any of its components, however it does provide some optional utilities for it.

### `CacheEntryCoder`

`Paquito::CacheEntryCoder` turns an `ActiveSupport::Cache::Entry` instance into a simple `Array` instance. This allows to
implement custom coders for `ActiveSupport::Cache`.


ActiveSupport::Cache::FileStore.new("tmp/cache", coder: Paquito.chain(Paquito::CacheEntryCoder, JSON))

### `SerializedColumn`

`Paquito::SerializedColumn` allows to decorate any encoder to behave like Rails's builtin `YAMLColumn`


class Shop < ActiveRecord::Base
  serialize :settings, Paquito::SerializedColumn.new(
      0 => YAML,
      1 => Paquito::CodecFactory.build([Symbol]),
    attribute_name: :settings,

Shop.new.settings # => {}

## Development

After checking out the repo, run `bin/setup` to install dependencies. Then, run `rake test` to run the tests. You can also run `bin/console` for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run `bundle exec rake install`. To release a new version, update the version number in `version.rb`, and then run `bundle exec rake release`, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and the created tag, and push the `.gem` file to [rubygems.org](https://rubygems.org).

## Contributing

Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/Shopify/paquito.

## License

The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).