require 'spec_helper' feature "Create Customers", %q{ To bill monthly my customers As a user I want to record their billing information } do let(:user) { Factory(:user) } before do sign_in user end scenario "customer creation" do visit customers_path click_link "New Customer" page.should have_no_css("#credit-card-information") within('form') do fill_in "customer[email]" , :with => "" fill_in "customer[description]" , :with => "random description" click_button("Create Customer") end # Customer should have been created successfully page.should have_css (".alert.alert-success") page.should have_content("" ) end it "assigning credit card information to customer", :vcr do ActiveMerchant::Billing::Base.mode = :test Jackpot::Payment.gateway = :login => "demo" , :password => 'password') @customer = FactoryGirl.create("customer", :email => "") visit customers_path within("#customer-#{}") { click_link "Edit" } page.should have_css ("#credit-card-information" ) # fill credit card's information within("#credit-card-form") do fill_in "credit_card[number]" , :with => "5105105105105100" fill_in "credit_card[month]" , :with => "5" fill_in "credit_card[year]" , :with => next_year fill_in "credit_card[first_name]" , :with => 'John' fill_in "credit_card[last_name]" , :with => 'Doe' fill_in "credit_card[verification_value]" , :with => 123 # submit data click_button 'Confirm' end page.should have_css (".alert.alert-success" ) within("#customer") do # Not quite what would be expected but this is due Bogus Gateway usage page.should have_content ("XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-5100") page.should have_content ( next_year ) page.should have_content ( "5" ) page.should have_no_content ( "123") end end end