# <%= class_name.gsub(/(?<=[^A-Z])([A-Z])/, ' \1') %> [![CircleCI](https://circleci.com/gh/<%= repo %>.svg?style=shield)](https://circleci.com/gh/<%= repo %>) [![codecov](https://codecov.io/gh/<%= repo %>/branch/master/graph/badge.svg)](https://codecov.io/gh/<%= repo %>) ## Installation Add <%= file_name %> to your Gemfile: ```ruby gem '<%= file_name %>' ``` Bundle your dependencies and run the installation generator: ```shell bin/rails generate <%= file_name %>:install ``` ## Usage ## Development ### Testing the extension First bundle your dependencies, then run `bin/rake`. `bin/rake` will default to building the dummy app if it does not exist, then it will run specs. The dummy app can be regenerated by using `bin/rake extension:test_app`. ```shell bin/rake ``` To run [Rubocop](https://github.com/bbatsov/rubocop) static code analysis run ```shell bundle exec rubocop ``` When testing your application's integration with this extension you may use its factories. Simply add this require statement to your spec_helper: ```ruby require '<%= file_name %>/factories' ``` ### Running the sandbox To run this extension in a sandboxed Solidus application, you can run `bin/sandbox`. The path for the sandbox app is `./sandbox` and `bin/rails` will forward any Rails commands to `sandbox/bin/rails`. Here's an example: ``` $ bin/rails server => Booting Puma => Rails application starting in development * Listening on tcp:// Use Ctrl-C to stop ``` ### Updating the changelog Before and after releases the changelog should be updated to reflect the up-to-date status of the project: ```shell bin/rake changelog git add CHANGELOG.md git commit -m "Update the changelog" ``` ### Releasing new versions Please refer to the dedicated [page](https://github.com/solidusio/solidus/wiki/How-to-release-extensions) on Solidus wiki. ## License Copyright (c) <%= Time.now.year %> [name of extension author], released under the New BSD License.