# Azure namespace module Azure # Armrest namespace module Armrest # Base class for managing virtual machine images class VirtualMachineImageService < ArmrestService # The location used in requests when gathering VM image information. attr_accessor :location # The publisher used in requests when gathering VM image information. attr_accessor :publisher # Create and return a new VirtualMachineImageService instance. # # This subclass accepts the additional :location, :provider, and # :publisher options as well. # def initialize(configuration, options = {}) super(configuration, 'locations/publishers', 'Microsoft.Compute', options) @location = options[:location] @publisher = options[:publisher] end # Return information about a specific offer/sku/version for the given # +publisher+ within +location+. # def get(offer, sku, version, location = @location, publisher = @publisher) check_for_location_and_publisher(location, publisher) url = build_url( location, 'publishers', publisher, 'artifacttypes', 'vmimage', 'offers', offer, 'skus', sku, 'versions', version ) response = rest_get(url) Azure::Armrest::VirtualMachineImage.new(response) end # Return a list of all VM image offers from the given +location+. # # Example: # # vmis.list_all('eastus') # def list_all(location = @location) raise ArgumentError, "No location specified" unless location mutex = Mutex.new images = [] max = configuration.max_threads Parallel.each(publishers(location), :in_threads => max) do |publisher| Parallel.each(offers(location, publisher.name), :in_threads => max) do |offer| Parallel.each(skus(offer.name, location, publisher.name), :in_threads => max) do |sku| Parallel.each(versions(sku.name, offer.name, location, publisher.name), :in_threads => max) do |version| mutex.synchronize do images << Azure::Armrest::VirtualMachineImage.new( :location => version.location, :publisher => publisher.name, :offer => offer.name, :sku => sku.name, :version => version.name, :id => "#{publisher.name}:#{offer.name}:#{sku.name}:#{version.name}" ) end end end end end images end # Return a list of VM image offers from the given +publisher+ and +location+. # # Example: # # vmis.offers('eastus', 'Canonical') # def offers(location = @location, publisher = @publisher) check_for_location_and_publisher(location, publisher) url = build_url(location, 'publishers', publisher, 'artifacttypes', 'vmimage', 'offers') JSON.parse(rest_get(url)).map { |hash| Azure::Armrest::Offer.new(hash) } end # Return a list of VM image publishers for the given +location+. # # Example: # # vmis.publishers('eastus') # def publishers(location = @location) raise ArgumentError, "No location specified" unless location url = build_url(location, 'publishers') JSON.parse(rest_get(url)).map { |hash| Azure::Armrest::Publisher.new(hash) } end # Return a list of VM image skus for the given +offer+, +location+, # and +publisher+. # # Example: # # vmis.skus('UbuntuServer', 'eastus', 'Canonical') # def skus(offer, location = @location, publisher = @publisher) check_for_location_and_publisher(location, publisher) url = build_url( location, 'publishers', publisher, 'artifacttypes', 'vmimage', 'offers', offer, 'skus' ) JSON.parse(rest_get(url)).map { |hash| Azure::Armrest::Sku.new(hash) } end # Return a list of VM image versions for the given +sku+, +offer+, # +location+ and +publisher+. # # Example: # # vmis.versions('15.10', 'UbuntuServer', 'eastus', 'Canonical').map(&:name) # # # sample output # => ["15.10.201511111", "15.10.201511161", "15.10.201512030"] # def versions(sku, offer, location = @location, publisher = @publisher) check_for_location_and_publisher(location, publisher) url = build_url( location, 'publishers', publisher, 'artifacttypes', 'vmimage', 'offers', offer, 'skus', sku, 'versions' ) JSON.parse(rest_get(url)).map { |hash| Azure::Armrest::ImageVersion.new(hash) } end # Retrieve information about a specific extension image for +type+ and +version+. # # Example: # # vmis.extension('LinuxDiagnostic', '2.3.9029', 'westus2', 'Microsoft.OSTCExtensions') # def extension(type, version, location = @location, publisher = @publisher) check_for_location_and_publisher(location, publisher) url = build_url( location, 'publishers', publisher, 'artifacttypes', 'vmextension', 'types', type, 'versions', version ) response = rest_get(url) Azure::Armrest::ExtensionType.new(response) end # Return a list of extension types for the given +location+ and +publisher+. # # Example: # # vmis.extension_types('westus', 'Microsoft.OSTCExtensions') # def extension_types(location = @location, publisher = @publisher) check_for_location_and_publisher(location, publisher) url = build_url(location, 'publishers', publisher, 'artifacttypes', 'vmextension', 'types') response = rest_get(url) JSON.parse(response).map { |hash| Azure::Armrest::ExtensionType.new(hash) } end # Return a list of versions for the given +type+ in the provided +location+ # and +publisher+. # # Example: # # vmis.extension_type_versions('LinuxDiagnostic', 'eastus', 'Microsoft.OSTCExtensions') # def extension_type_versions(type, location = @location, publisher = @publisher) check_for_location_and_publisher(location, publisher) url = build_url(location, 'publishers', publisher, 'artifacttypes', 'vmextension', 'types', type, 'versions') response = rest_get(url) JSON.parse(response).map { |hash| Azure::Armrest::ExtensionType.new(hash) } end private # Raise an error if either the +location+ or +publisher+ are nil. Used # by other methods to handle explicit nils. # def check_for_location_and_publisher(location, publisher) raise ArgumentError, "No location specified" unless location raise ArgumentError, "No publisher specified" unless publisher end # Builds a URL based on subscription_id an resource_group and any other # arguments provided, and appends it with the api_version. # def build_url(location, *args) url = File.join(base_url, 'providers', provider, 'locations', location) url = File.join(url, *args) unless args.empty? url << "?api-version=#{@api_version}" end end # VirtualMachineImageService end # Armrest end # Azure