require 'helper' describe WeightedAverage do # it "update all weighted averages, has_many through" do # should_have_same_sql( # AircraftClass.construct_update_all_weighted_averages_sql(:seats, :association => :airline_aircraft_seat_classes), # "UPDATE aircraft_classes SET aircraft_classes.seats = (SELECT (SUM((airline_aircraft_seat_classes.seats * airline_aircraft_seat_classes.weighting) / SUM(airline_aircraft_seat_classes.weighting)) AS weighted_average FROM airline_aircraft_seat_classes LEFT OUTER JOIN aircraft ON = airline_aircraft_seat_classes.aircraft_id WHERE ((aircraft.aircraft_class_id = AND airline_aircraft_seat_classes.aircraft_id = AND (airline_aircraft_seat_classes.seats IS NOT NULL)) )" # ) # end # # it "update all weighted averages" do # should_have_same_sql( # Aircraft.construct_update_all_weighted_averages_sql(:seats, :association => :airline_aircraft_seat_classes), # "UPDATE aircraft SET aircraft.seats = (SELECT (SUM((airline_aircraft_seat_classes.seats * airline_aircraft_seat_classes.weighting) / SUM(airline_aircraft_seat_classes.weighting)) AS weighted_average FROM airline_aircraft_seat_classes WHERE ((airline_aircraft_seat_classes.aircraft_id = AND (airline_aircraft_seat_classes.seats IS NOT NULL)) )" # ) # # should_have_same_sql( # Aircraft.construct_update_all_weighted_averages_sql(:seats, :association => :airline_aircraft_seat_classes), # "UPDATE aircraft SET aircraft.seats = (#{AirlineAircraftSeatClass.construct_weighted_average_sql(:seats, {}, :conditions => 'airline_aircraft_seat_classes.aircraft_id =')})" # ) # end # # it "update all weighted averages, custom weighting" do # should_have_same_sql( # Aircraft.construct_update_all_weighted_averages_sql(:distance, :by => :passengers, :association => :segments), # "UPDATE aircraft SET aircraft.distance = (SELECT (SUM((segments.distance * segments.passengers) / SUM(segments.passengers)) AS weighted_average FROM segments WHERE ((segments.aircraft_id = AND (segments.distance IS NOT NULL)) )" # ) # # should_have_same_sql( # Aircraft.construct_update_all_weighted_averages_sql(:distance, :by => :passengers, :association => :segments), # "UPDATE aircraft SET aircraft.distance = (#{Segment.construct_weighted_average_sql(:distance, { :by => :passengers }, :conditions => 'segments.aircraft_id =' )})" # ) # end # # it "update all weighted averages, custom weighting and disaggregator" do # should_have_same_sql( # Aircraft.construct_update_all_weighted_averages_sql(:payload, :by => :passengers, :association => :segments, :disaggregator => :departures_performed), # "UPDATE aircraft SET aircraft.payload = (SELECT (SUM((segments.payload / segments.departures_performed * segments.passengers) / SUM(segments.passengers)) AS weighted_average FROM segments WHERE ((segments.aircraft_id = AND (segments.payload IS NOT NULL)) )" # ) # # should_have_same_sql( # Aircraft.construct_update_all_weighted_averages_sql(:payload, :by => :passengers, :association => :segments, :disaggregator => :departures_performed), # "UPDATE aircraft SET aircraft.payload = (#{Segment.construct_weighted_average_sql(:payload, { :by => :passengers, :disaggregator => :departures_performed }, :conditions => 'segments.aircraft_id =')})" # ) # end # plain it "does default weighting" do should_have_same_sql( "SELECT SUM(airline_aircraft_seat_classes.weighting * airline_aircraft_seat_classes.seats * 1.0) / SUM(airline_aircraft_seat_classes.weighting) FROM airline_aircraft_seat_classes WHERE airline_aircraft_seat_classes.seats IS NOT NULL AND airline_aircraft_seat_classes.weighting > 0", AirlineAircraftSeatClass.weighted_average_relation('seats') ) end it "does custom weighting" do should_have_same_sql( "SELECT SUM(segments.passengers * segments.distance * 1.0) / SUM(segments.passengers) FROM segments WHERE segments.distance IS NOT NULL AND segments.passengers > 0", Segment.weighted_average_relation('distance', :weighted_by => 'passengers') ) end # nothing but nils it "returns nil if the values to be weighted are all nil" do Segment.weighted_average(:mail, :weighted_by => :passengers).must_be_nil Segment.weighted_average(:seats, :weighted_by => :passengers).wont_be_nil end # multiple columns it "adds multiple columns before averaging" do should_have_same_sql( "SELECT SUM(airline_aircraft_seat_classes.weighting * (airline_aircraft_seat_classes.seats + airline_aircraft_seat_classes.pitch + airline_aircraft_seat_classes.width) * 1.0) / SUM(airline_aircraft_seat_classes.weighting) FROM airline_aircraft_seat_classes WHERE airline_aircraft_seat_classes.seats IS NOT NULL AND airline_aircraft_seat_classes.pitch IS NOT NULL AND airline_aircraft_seat_classes.width IS NOT NULL AND airline_aircraft_seat_classes.weighting > 0", AirlineAircraftSeatClass.weighted_average_relation(['seats', 'pitch', 'width']) ) end # conditions # a subquery used in Aircraft.update_all_seats it "does default weighting with conditions" do conditions = "aircraft_id = #{rand(1e11)}" should_have_same_sql( "SELECT SUM(airline_aircraft_seat_classes.weighting * airline_aircraft_seat_classes.seats * 1.0) / SUM(airline_aircraft_seat_classes.weighting) FROM airline_aircraft_seat_classes WHERE (#{conditions}) AND airline_aircraft_seat_classes.seats IS NOT NULL AND airline_aircraft_seat_classes.weighting > 0", AirlineAircraftSeatClass.where(conditions).weighted_average_relation('seats') ) end # note fake condition it "does custom weighting with conditions" do conditions = '456 = 456' should_have_same_sql( "SELECT SUM(segments.passengers * segments.load_factor * 1.0) / SUM(segments.passengers) FROM segments WHERE (456 = 456) AND segments.load_factor IS NOT NULL AND segments.passengers > 0", Segment.where(conditions).weighted_average_relation('load_factor', :weighted_by => 'passengers') ) end # foreign weightings # fake! we would never calc seats this way it "does foreign default weighting" do should_have_same_sql( "SELECT SUM(airline_aircraft_seat_classes.weighting * aircraft.seats * 1.0) / SUM(airline_aircraft_seat_classes.weighting) FROM aircraft INNER JOIN airline_aircraft_seat_classes ON airline_aircraft_seat_classes.aircraft_id = WHERE aircraft.seats IS NOT NULL AND airline_aircraft_seat_classes.weighting > 0", Aircraft.weighted_average_relation('seats', :weighted_by => :airline_aircraft_seat_classes) ) end # Aircraft#m3 fallback value # a subquery used in Aircraft.update_all_m3s it "does foreign custom weighting" do should_have_same_sql( "SELECT SUM(segments.passengers * aircraft.m3 * 1.0) / SUM(segments.passengers) FROM aircraft INNER JOIN segments ON segments.bts_aircraft_type = aircraft.bts_aircraft_type WHERE aircraft.m3 IS NOT NULL AND segments.passengers > 0", Aircraft.weighted_average_relation(:m3, :weighted_by => [:segments, :passengers]) ) end it "does foreign custom weighting with custom join keys" do should_have_same_sql( "SELECT SUM(segments.passengers * aircraft_deux.m3 * 1.0) / SUM(segments.passengers) FROM aircraft_deux INNER JOIN segments ON segments.bts_aircraft_type = aircraft_deux.my_bts_aircraft_type_code WHERE aircraft_deux.m3 IS NOT NULL AND segments.passengers > 0", AircraftDeux.weighted_average_relation(:m3, :weighted_by => [:segments, :passengers]) ) end # scoped it "does default weighting, scoped" do conditions = '456 = 456' should_have_same_sql( "SELECT SUM(airline_aircraft_seat_classes.weighting * airline_aircraft_seat_classes.seats * 1.0) / SUM(airline_aircraft_seat_classes.weighting) FROM airline_aircraft_seat_classes WHERE (#{conditions}) AND airline_aircraft_seat_classes.seats IS NOT NULL AND airline_aircraft_seat_classes.weighting > 0", AirlineAircraftSeatClass.scoped(:conditions => conditions).weighted_average_relation(:seats) ) end it "does custom weighting, scoped" do conditions = '999 = 999' should_have_same_sql( "SELECT SUM(segments.passengers * segments.load_factor * 1.0) / SUM(segments.passengers) FROM segments WHERE (#{conditions}) AND segments.load_factor IS NOT NULL AND segments.passengers > 0", Segment.scoped(:conditions => conditions).weighted_average_relation(:load_factor, :weighted_by => :passengers) ) end # # scoped foreign weightings it "does foreign default weighting, scoped" do conditions = '454 != 999' should_have_same_sql( "SELECT SUM(airline_aircraft_seat_classes.weighting * aircraft.seats * 1.0) / SUM(airline_aircraft_seat_classes.weighting) FROM aircraft INNER JOIN airline_aircraft_seat_classes ON airline_aircraft_seat_classes.aircraft_id = WHERE (#{conditions}) AND aircraft.seats IS NOT NULL AND airline_aircraft_seat_classes.weighting > 0", Aircraft.scoped(:conditions => conditions).weighted_average_relation(:seats, :weighted_by => :airline_aircraft_seat_classes) ) end it "does foreign custom weighting, scoped" do conditions = 'aircraft.m3 > 1' should_have_same_sql( "SELECT SUM(segments.passengers * aircraft.m3 * 1.0) / SUM(segments.passengers) FROM aircraft INNER JOIN segments ON segments.bts_aircraft_type = aircraft.bts_aircraft_type WHERE (#{conditions}) AND aircraft.m3 IS NOT NULL AND segments.passengers > 0", Aircraft.scoped(:conditions => conditions).weighted_average_relation(:m3, :weighted_by => [:segments, :passengers]) ) end # # disaggregation it "does custom weighting with disaggregation" do should_have_same_sql( "SELECT SUM(segments.passengers * segments.load_factor / segments.departures_performed * 1.0) / SUM(segments.passengers) FROM segments WHERE segments.load_factor IS NOT NULL AND segments.passengers > 0 AND segments.departures_performed > 0", Segment.weighted_average_relation(:load_factor, :weighted_by => :passengers, :disaggregate_by => :departures_performed) ) end # # more complicated stuff it "construct weightings across has_many through associations (that can be used for updating all)" do aircraft_class = AircraftClass.arel_table aircraft = Aircraft.arel_table segment = Segment.arel_table should_have_same_sql( "SELECT SUM(segments.passengers * segments.seats * 1.0) / SUM(segments.passengers) FROM segments INNER JOIN aircraft ON aircraft.bts_aircraft_type = segments.bts_aircraft_type INNER JOIN aircraft_classes ON = aircraft.aircraft_class_id WHERE segments.seats IS NOT NULL AND segments.passengers > 0 AND aircraft.aircraft_class_id =", Segment.joins(:aircraft => :aircraft_class).weighted_average_relation(:seats, :weighted_by => :passengers).where(aircraft[:aircraft_class_id].eq(aircraft_class[:id])) ) end # # cohorts (requires the cohort_analysis gem) it "does custom weighting, with a cohort" do should_have_same_sql( "SELECT SUM(segments.passengers * segments.load_factor * 1.0) / SUM(segments.passengers) FROM segments WHERE segments.payload = 5 AND segments.load_factor IS NOT NULL AND segments.passengers > 0", Segment.cohort(:payload => 5).weighted_average_relation(:load_factor, :weighted_by => :passengers) ) end describe "on Arel::Table" do it "works on plain tables" do c = Segment.connection table_name = "plain_arel_table_#{rand(1e11).to_s}" c.execute %{ CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE #{table_name} AS SELECT * FROM #{Segment.quoted_table_name} LIMIT 1 } table = should_have_same_sql( "SELECT SUM(#{table_name}.passengers * #{table_name}.distance * 1.0) / SUM(#{table_name}.passengers) FROM #{table_name} WHERE #{table_name}.distance IS NOT NULL AND #{table_name}.passengers > 0", table.weighted_average_relation('distance', :weighted_by => 'passengers') ) end it "takes complex args" do should_have_same_sql( "SELECT SUM(airline_aircraft_seat_classes.weighting * (airline_aircraft_seat_classes.seats + airline_aircraft_seat_classes.pitch) * 1.0) / SUM(airline_aircraft_seat_classes.weighting) FROM airline_aircraft_seat_classes WHERE airline_aircraft_seat_classes.seats IS NOT NULL AND airline_aircraft_seat_classes.pitch IS NOT NULL AND airline_aircraft_seat_classes.weighting > 0", AirlineAircraftSeatClass.arel_table.weighted_average_relation(['seats', 'pitch']) ) end end private def database_field_quote_char case ActiveRecord::Base.connection.adapter_name when /mysql/i '`' when /postgres/i '"' end end def should_have_same_sql(*args) # make sure everything is an SQL string! { |arg| arg.is_a?(String) ? arg : arg.to_sql } # clean up whitespace! { |arg| arg.to_s.gsub(/\s+/, ' ').gsub(database_field_quote_char, '') } # treat the first arg as the "known good" best = args.shift # make sure the "best" SQL is valid ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute(best) # compare everything to the known good args.each { |arg| arg.must_equal best } end end