require 'rsolr' require 'solrizer/extractor' require 'solrizer/fedora/repository' module Solrizer::Fedora class Indexer # # Class variables # @@unique_id = 0 def self.unique_id @@unique_id end # # Member variables # attr_accessor :solr, :extractor, :index_full_text # # This method performs initialization tasks # def initialize( opts={} ) @@index_list = false unless defined?(@@index_list) @extractor = if opts[:index_full_text] == true || opts[:index_full_text] == "true" @index_full_text = true else @index_full_text = false end connect end # # This method connects to the Solr instance. It looks to see if Blacklight is loaded first for the # Blacklight.solr_config. If not loaded, it then looks for the RAILS_ROOT/config/solr.yaml file and loads # it to get the solr url. The configuration strucuture can take both the # { "development" => {"default" => { "url" => "http://localhost"}, "fulltext" => { "url" => "http://localhost"} }} # or { "development"=>{"url"=>"http://localhost" }} # Can also take Blacklight.solr_config["url"] and Blacklight.solr_config[:url] # def connect if ActiveFedora.fedora_config.empty? ActiveFedora.init end if defined?(Blacklight) solr_config = Blacklight.solr_config else if defined?(RAILS_ROOT) config_path = File.join(RAILS_ROOT, "config") yaml = YAML.load(, "solr.yml"))) puts RAILS_ENV + "*****" solr_config = yaml[RAILS_ENV] puts solr_config.inspect else config_path = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "..", "..", "..", "config") puts config_path.inspect + "&&&&&&&" yaml = YAML.load(, "solr.yml"))) if ENV["environment"].nil? environment = "development" else environment = ENV["environment"] end #if solr_config = yaml[environment] puts solr_config.inspect end #if defined?(RAILS_ROOT) end #if defined?(Blacklight) if index_full_text == true && solr_config['fulltext'].has_key?('url') url = solr_config['fulltext']['url'] elsif solr_config.has_key?("default") && url = solr_config['default']['url'] elsif solr_config.has_key?('url') url = solr_config['url'] elsif solr_config.has_key?(:url) url = solr_config[:url] else raise end @solr = RSolr.connect :url => url # @connection =, :autocommit => :on ) rescue logger.debug "Unable to establish SOLR Connection with #{solr_config.inspect}" raise URI::InvalidURIError end # # This method extracts the facet categories from the given Fedora object's external tag datastream # def extract_xml_to_solr( obj, ds_name, ) xml_ds = Repository.get_datastream( obj, ds_name ) extractor.xml_to_solr( xml_ds.content, solr_doc ) end # # # def extract_rels_ext( obj, ds_name, ) rels_ext_ds = Repository.get_datastream( obj, ds_name ) extractor.extract_rels_ext( rels_ext_ds.content, solr_doc ) end # # This method generates the month and day facets from the date_t in solr_doc # def generate_dates(solr_doc) # This will check for valid dates, but it seems most of the dates are currently invalid.... #date_check = /^(19|20)\d\d([- \/.])(0[1-9]|1[012])\2(0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])/ #if there is not date_t, add on with easy-to-find value if solr_doc[:date_t].nil? ::Solrizer::Extractor.insert_solr_field_value(solr_doc, :date_t, "9999-99-99") end #if # Grab the date value from date_t regardless of wheter it is inside of an array # then convert it to a Date object date_value = solr_doc[:date_t] if date_value.kind_of? Array date_value = date_value.first end date_obj = Date._parse(date_value) if date_obj[:mon].nil? ::Solrizer::Extractor.insert_solr_field_value(solr_doc, :month_facet, "99") elsif 0 < date_obj[:mon] && date_obj[:mon] < 13 ::Solrizer::Extractor.insert_solr_field_value(solr_doc, :month_facet, date_obj[:mon].to_s.rjust(2, '0')) else ::Solrizer::Extractor.insert_solr_field_value(solr_doc, :month_facet, "99") end if date_obj[:mday].nil? ::Solrizer::Extractor.insert_solr_field_value(solr_doc, :day_facet, "99") elsif 0 < date_obj[:mday] && date_obj[:mday] < 32 ::Solrizer::Extractor.insert_solr_field_value(solr_doc, :day_facet, date_obj[:mday].to_s.rjust(2, '0')) else ::Solrizer::Extractor.insert_solr_field_value(solr_doc, :day_facet, "99") end return solr_doc # end end # # This method creates a Solr-formatted XML document # def create_document( obj ) solr_doc = model_klazz_array = ActiveFedora::ContentModel.known_models_for( obj ) model_klazz_array.delete(ActiveFedora::Base) # If the object was passed in as an ActiveFedora::Base, call to_solr in order to get the base field entries from ActiveFedora::Base # Otherwise, the object was passed in as a model instance other than ActiveFedora::Base,so call its to_solr method & allow it to insert the fields from ActiveFedora::Base if obj.class == ActiveFedora::Base solr_doc = obj.to_solr(solr_doc) logger.debug " added base fields from #{obj.class.to_s}" else solr_doc = obj.to_solr(solr_doc) model_klazz_array.delete(obj.class) logger.debug " added base fields from #{obj.class.to_s} and model fields from #{obj.class.to_s}" end # Load the object as an instance of each of its other models and get the corresponding solr fields # Include :model_only=>true in the options in order to avoid adding the metadata from ActiveFedora::Base every time. model_klazz_array.each do |klazz| instance = klazz.load_instance( solr_doc = instance.to_solr(solr_doc, :model_only=>true) logger.debug " added solr fields from #{klazz.to_s}" end ::Solrizer::Extractor.insert_solr_field_value(solr_doc, :id_t, "#{}" ) ::Solrizer::Extractor.insert_solr_field_value(solr_doc, :id, "#{}" ) unless solr_doc[:id] # increment the unique id to ensure that all documents in the search index are unique @@unique_id += 1 return solr_doc end # # This method adds a document to the Solr search index # def index( obj ) # print "Indexing '#{}'..." begin solr_doc = create_document( obj ) begin solr.add( solr_doc ) solr.commit # rescue # debugger end # puts solr.url #puts solr_doc # puts "done" # rescue Exception => e # p "unable to index #{}. Failed with #{e.inspect}" end end # # This method queries the Solr search index and returns a response # def query( query_str ) response = conn.query( query_str ) end private :connect, :create_document def class_exists?(class_name) klass = Module.const_get(class_name) return klass.is_a?(Class) rescue NameError return false end end end