# encoding: utf-8 require "logstash/devutils/rspec/spec_helper" require 'logstash/outputs/kafka' require 'longshoreman' require 'jruby-kafka' require 'json' require 'poseidon' CONTAINER_NAME = "kafka-#{rand(999).to_s}" IMAGE_NAME = 'spotify/kafka' IMAGE_TAG = 'latest' KAFKA_PORT = 9092 KAFKA_VERSION = "" KAFKA_SCALA_VERSION = "2.11" RSpec.configure do |config| config.before(:all, :integration => true) do @ls = begin ls = Longshoreman.new ls.container.get(CONTAINER_NAME) ls rescue Docker::Error::NotFoundError Longshoreman.pull_image(IMAGE_NAME, IMAGE_TAG) Longshoreman.new("#{IMAGE_NAME}:#{IMAGE_TAG}", CONTAINER_NAME, { "ENV" => [ "ADVERTISED_HOST=#{Longshoreman.new.get_host_ip}", "ADVERTISED_PORT=#{KAFKA_PORT}"], "PortBindings" => { "#{KAFKA_PORT}/tcp" => [{ "HostPort" => "#{KAFKA_PORT}" }]}}) end @kafka_host = @ls.get_host_ip @kafka_port = @ls.container.rport(9092) @zk_port = @ls.container.rport(2181) end config.after(:suite) do begin ls = Longshoreman::new ls.container.get(CONTAINER_NAME) ls.cleanup rescue Docker::Error::NotFoundError, Excon::Errors::SocketError end end end describe "outputs/kafka", :integration => true do let(:test_topic) { 'test' } let(:base_config) { {'client_id' => 'spectest', 'bootstrap_servers' => "#{@kafka_host}:#{@kafka_port}"} } let(:event) { LogStash::Event.new({'message' => 'hello', '@timestamp' => LogStash::Timestamp.at(0) }) } context 'when outputting messages' do let(:num_events) { 3 } let(:consumer) do Poseidon::PartitionConsumer.new("my_test_consumer", @kafka_host, @kafka_port, test_topic, 0, :earliest_offset) end subject do consumer.fetch end before :each do config = base_config.merge({"topic_id" => test_topic}) kafka = LogStash::Outputs::Kafka.new(config) kafka.register num_events.times do kafka.receive(event) end kafka.close end it 'should have data integrity' do expect(subject.size).to eq(num_events) subject.each do |m| expect(m.value).to eq(event.to_json) end end end context 'when setting message_key' do let(:num_events) { 10 } let(:test_topic) { 'test2' } let!(:consumer0) do Poseidon::PartitionConsumer.new("my_test_consumer", @kafka_host, @kafka_port, test_topic, 0, :earliest_offset) end let!(:consumer1) do Poseidon::PartitionConsumer.new("my_test_consumer", @kafka_host, @kafka_port, test_topic, 1, :earliest_offset) end before :each do command = ["/opt/kafka_#{KAFKA_SCALA_VERSION}-#{KAFKA_VERSION}/bin/kafka-topics.sh", "--create", "--topic", "#{test_topic}", "--partitions", "2", "--zookeeper", "#{@kafka_host}:#{@zk_port}", "--replication-factor", "1"] @ls.container.raw.exec(command) config = base_config.merge({"topic_id" => test_topic, "message_key" => "static_key"}) kafka = LogStash::Outputs::Kafka.new(config) kafka.register num_events.times do kafka.receive(event) end kafka.close end it 'should send all events to one partition' do expect(consumer0.fetch.size == num_events || consumer1.fetch.size == num_events).to be true end end end