# encoding: utf-8 require 'spec_helper' describe 'Api' do before do json_representation = '{"foo": "bar"}' @oauth_initiate_url = 'https://lesbonneschoses.prismic.io/auth' @api = Prismic::API.new(json_representation, nil, Prismic::DefaultHTTPClient, false){|api| api.bookmarks = {} api.tags = {} api.types = {} api.refs = { 'key1' => Prismic::Ref.new('id1', 'ref1', 'label1'), 'key2' => Prismic::Ref.new('id2', 'ref2', 'label2'), 'key3' => Prismic::Ref.new('id3', 'ref3', 'label3', true), 'key4' => Prismic::Ref.new('id4', 'ref4', 'label4'), } api.forms = { 'form1' => Prismic::Form.new(@api, 'form1', {}, nil, nil, nil, nil), 'form2' => Prismic::Form.new(@api, 'form2', { 'q' => Prismic::Field.new('string', '[[any(document.type, [\"product\"])]]', true), 'param1' => Prismic::Field.new('string', 'value1', false), }, nil, nil, nil, nil), 'form3' => Prismic::Form.new(@api, 'form3', {}, nil, nil, nil, nil), 'form4' => Prismic::Form.new(@api, 'form4', {}, nil, nil, nil, nil), } api.oauth = Prismic::API::OAuth.new(@oauth_initiate_url, "https://lesbonneschoses.prismic.io/auth/token", Prismic::DefaultHTTPClient) } end describe 'id' do it "returns the right id" do @api.ref('key1').id.should == 'id1' end end describe 'ref' do it "returns the right Ref" do @api.ref('key2').label.should == 'label2' end end describe 'refs' do it "returns the correct number of elements" do @api.refs.size.should == 4 end end describe 'ref_id_by_label' do it "returns the id of the ref" do @api.ref('key4').ref == 'ref4' end end describe 'master_ref' do it "returns the right Ref" do @api.master_ref.label.should == 'label3' end end describe 'master' do it "returns the right Ref" do @api.master.label.should == 'label3' end end describe 'forms' do it "return the right Form" do @api.forms['form2'].name.should == 'form2' end end describe 'create_search_form' do it "create a new search form for the right form" do @form = @api.form('form2') @form.form.name.should == 'form2' end it "store default value as simple value when the field is not repeatable" do @form = @api.form('form2') @form.data['param1'].should == 'value1' end it "store default value as array when the field is repeatable" do @form = @api.form('form2') @form.data['q'].should == ['[[any(document.type, [\"product\"])]]'] end end describe 'deprecated create_search_form' do it "create a new search form for the right form" do @api.should_receive(:warn).with("[DEPRECATION] `create_search_form` is deprecated. Please use `form` instead.") @form = @api.create_search_form('form2') @form.form.name.should == 'form2' end it "store default value as simple value when the field is not repeatable" do @form = @api.create_search_form('form2') @form.data['param1'].should == 'value1' end it "store default value as array when the field is repeatable" do @form = @api.create_search_form('form2') @form.data['q'].should == ['[[any(document.type, [\"product\"])]]'] end end describe 'forms' do it "returns the correct number of elements" do @api.forms.size.should == 4 end end describe 'master' do it "returns a master Ref" do @api.master.master?.should be_true end end describe 'parse_api_response' do before do @data = File.read("#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/responses_mocks/api.json") @json = JSON.load(@data) @parsed = Prismic::API.parse_api_response(@json, nil, Prismic::DefaultHTTPClient, false) end it "does not allow to be created without master Ref" do expect { Prismic::API.parse_api_response({"refs" => []}, nil, Prismic::DefaultHTTPClient, false) }.to raise_error(Prismic::API::BadPrismicResponseError, "No master Ref found") end it "does not allow to be created without any Ref" do expect { Prismic::API.parse_api_response({}, nil, Prismic::DefaultHTTPClient, false) }.to raise_error(Prismic::API::BadPrismicResponseError, "No refs given") end it "creates 2 refs" do @parsed.refs.size.should == 2 end it "creates the right ref's ref" do @parsed.refs['bar'].ref.should == 'foo' end it "creates the right ref's label" do @parsed.refs['bar'].label.should == 'bar' end it "creates the right ref's 'master' value" do @parsed.refs['bar'].master?.should == false end it "creates 3 bookmarks" do @parsed.bookmarks.size.should == 3 end it "creates the right bookmarks" do @parsed.bookmarks['about'].should == 'Ue0EDd_mqb8Dhk3j' end it "creates 6 types" do @parsed.types.size.should == 6 end it "creates the right types" do @parsed.types['blog-post'].should == 'Blog post' end it "creates 4 tags" do @parsed.tags.size.should == 4 end it "creates the right tags" do @parsed.tags.should include 'Cupcake' end it "creates 10 forms" do @parsed.forms.size.should == 10 end it "creates the right form's name" do @parsed.forms['pies'].name.should == 'Little Pies' end it "creates the right form's method" do @parsed.forms['pies'].form_method.should == 'GET' end it "creates the right form's rel" do @parsed.forms['pies'].rel.should == 'collection' end it "creates the right form's enctype" do @parsed.forms['pies'].enctype.should == 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' end it "creates the right form's action" do @parsed.forms['pies'].action.should == 'http://lesbonneschoses.prismic.io/api/documents/search' end it "creates forms with the right fields" do @parsed.forms['pies'].fields.size.should == 2 end it "creates forms with the right type info" do @parsed.forms['pies'].fields['ref'].field_type.should == 'String' end it "creates forms with the right default info" do @parsed.forms['pies'].fields['q'].default.should == '[[at(document.tags, ["Pie"])][any(document.type, ["product"])]]' end it "create fields (other than 'q') as non repeatable" do @parsed.forms['pies'].fields['ref'].repeatable.should be_false end it "create 'q' fields as repeatable" do @parsed.forms['pies'].fields['q'].repeatable.should be_true end end describe 'as_json' do before do @json = @api.as_json end it "returns the json representation of the api" do JSON.load(@json)['foo'].should == 'bar' end it "returns the json representation of the api containing one single element" do JSON.load(@json).size.should == 1 end end describe "oauth_initiate_url" do before do @client_id = "client_id" @redirect_uri = "http://website/callback" @scope = "none" end def oauth_initiate_url Prismic.oauth_initiate_url("https://lesbonneschoses.prismic.io/api", { client_id: @client_id, redirect_uri: @redirect_uri, scope: @scope, }) end def redirect_uri_encoded CGI.escape(@redirect_uri) end it "build a valid url" do oauth_initiate_url.should == "#@oauth_initiate_url?client_id=#@client_id&redirect_uri=#{redirect_uri_encoded}&scope=#@scope" end end end describe 'LinkResolver' do before do @doc_link = Prismic::Fragments::DocumentLink.new('id', 'blog-post', ['tag1', 'tag2'], 'my-slug', false) @document = Prismic::Document.new('id', 'blog-post', nil, ['tag1', 'tag2'], ['my-slug', 'my-other-slug'], nil, nil) @link_resolver = Prismic::LinkResolver.new(nil) do |doc| '/'+doc.link_type+'/'+doc.id+'/'+doc.slug end end it "builds the right URL from a DocumentLink" do @link_resolver.link_to(@doc_link).should == '/blog-post/id/my-slug' end it "builds the right URL from a Document" do @link_resolver.link_to(@document).should == '/blog-post/id/my-slug' end end describe 'Document' do before do fragments = { 'field1' => Prismic::Fragments::DocumentLink.new(nil, nil, nil, nil, nil), 'field2' => Prismic::Fragments::WebLink.new('weburl') } @document = Prismic::Document.new(nil, nil, nil, nil, ['my-slug'], nil, fragments) @link_resolver = Prismic::LinkResolver.new('master'){|doc_link| "http://host/#{doc_link.id}" } end describe 'first_title' do it "returns the right title" do @document.fragments['field3'] = Prismic::Fragments::StructuredText.new([ Prismic::Fragments::StructuredText::Block::Text.new("This is not a title", []), Prismic::Fragments::StructuredText::Block::Heading.new("This is a title, but not the highest", [], 3), Prismic::Fragments::StructuredText::Block::Heading.new("This is the highest title of the fragment, but not the document", [], 2), Prismic::Fragments::StructuredText::Block::Text.new("This is not a title", []) ]) @document.fragments['field4'] = Prismic::Fragments::StructuredText.new([ Prismic::Fragments::StructuredText::Block::Text.new("This is not a title", []), Prismic::Fragments::StructuredText::Block::Heading.new("This is a title, but not the highest", [], 3), Prismic::Fragments::StructuredText::Block::Heading.new("This is the highest title of the document", [], 1), Prismic::Fragments::StructuredText::Block::Text.new("This is not a title", []) ]) @document.fragments['field5'] = Prismic::Fragments::StructuredText.new([ Prismic::Fragments::StructuredText::Block::Text.new("This is not a title", []), Prismic::Fragments::StructuredText::Block::Heading.new("This is a title, but not the highest", [], 3), Prismic::Fragments::StructuredText::Block::Heading.new("This is the highest title of the fragment, but not the document", [], 2), Prismic::Fragments::StructuredText::Block::Text.new("This is not a title", []) ]) @document.first_title.should == "This is the highest title of the document" end it "returns false if no title" do @document.first_title.should == false end end describe 'slug' do it "returns the first slug if found" do @document.slug.should == 'my-slug' end it "returns '-' if no slug found" do @document.slugs = [] @document.slug.should == '-' end end describe 'as_html' do it "returns a
HTML element" do Nokogiri::XML(@document.as_html(@link_resolver)).child.name.should == 'section' end it "returns a HTML element with a 'data-field' attribute" do Nokogiri::XML(@document.as_html(@link_resolver)).child.has_attribute?('data-field').should be_true end it "returns a HTML element with a 'data-field' attribute containing the name of the field" do Nokogiri::XML(@document.as_html(@link_resolver)).child.attribute('data-field').value.should == 'field1' end end end describe 'SearchForm' do before do @field = Prismic::Field.new('String', 'foo', true) @api = nil end def create_form(fields) form = Prismic::Form.new(nil, 'form1', fields, nil, nil, nil, nil) form.create_search_form end describe 'fields methods' do it "should be created for each valid field names" do @form = create_form('a_param' => @field) @form.should respond_to(:a_param) end it "should be created for each valid field names with number" do @form = create_form('a_param2' => @field) @form.should respond_to(:a_param2) end it "should be created for each camelCase field names" do @form = create_form('anExampleParam0A0B' => @field) @form.should respond_to(:an_example_param0_a0_b) end it "should not be created for field names begining with a number" do @form = create_form('2param' => @field) @form.should_not respond_to(:'2param') end it "should not be created for field names begining with an underscore" do @form = create_form('_param' => @field) @form.should_not respond_to(:'_param') end it "should not be created for field names containing invalid characters" do @form = create_form('a-param' => @field) @form.should_not respond_to(:'a-param') end it "should not be created if a method with same name already exists" do Prismic::SearchForm.module_exec { def param_example_for_tests() "ok" end } @form = create_form('param_example_for_tests' => @field) @form.param_example_for_tests.should == "ok" end end describe 'set() for queries' do it "append value for repeatable fields" do @field = Prismic::Field.new('String', 'foo', true) @form = create_form('q' => @field) @form.set('q', 'bar') @form.data.should == { 'q' => ['foo', 'bar'] } # test the 1st call @form.set('q', 'baz') @form.data.should == { 'q' => ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'] } # test an other end it "replace value for non repeatable fields" do @field = Prismic::Field.new('String', 'foo', false) @form = create_form('q' => @field) @form.set('q', 'bar') @form.data.should == { 'q' => 'bar' } # test the 1st call @form.set('q', 'baz') @form.data.should == { 'q' => 'baz' } # test an other end it "create value array for repeatable fields without value" do @field = Prismic::Field.new('String', nil, true) @form = create_form('q' => @field) @form.set('q', 'bar') @form.data.should == { 'q' => ['bar'] } end it "create value for non repeatable fields without value" do @field = Prismic::Field.new('String', nil, false) @form = create_form('q' => @field) @form.set('q', 'bar') @form.data.should == { 'q' => 'bar' } end it "returns the form itself" do @form = create_form('q' => @field) @form.query('foo').should equal @form end it "merge user defined params into default ones" do field = ->(value){ Prismic::Field.new('String', value) } default_params = {'param1' => field.('a'), 'param2' => field.('b')} @form = create_form(default_params) @form.set('param1', 'a2') @form.data.should == {'param1' => 'a2', 'param2' => 'b'} end end describe 'submit' do it "raises an exception if no ref is set" do @form = create_form('q' => @field) expect { @form.submit }.to raise_error Prismic::SearchForm::NoRefSetException end end describe 'submit_raw' do before do @api = Prismic.api("https://lesbonneschoses.prismic.io/api") @master_ref = @api.master_ref end it "returns a proper JSON string if all ok" do data = <<-DATA.gsub(/\n */, '').strip { "page":1, "results_per_page":1, "results_size":1, "total_results_size":40, "total_pages":40, "next_page":"https://lesbonneschoses.prismic.io/api/documents/search?ref=UlfoxUnM08QWYXdl&page=2&pageSize=1", "prev_page":null, "results":[{ "id":"UlfoxUnM0wkXYXbV", "type":"job-offer", "href":"https://lesbonneschoses.prismic.io/api/documents/search?ref=UlfoxUnM08QWYXdl&q=%5B%5B%3Ad+%3D+at%28document.id%2C+%22UlfoxUnM0wkXYXbV%22%29+%5D%5D", "tags":[], "slugs":["art-director"], "linked_documents":[{ "id":"UlfoxUnM0wkXYXbb", "tags":[], "type":"store", "slug":"paris-saint-lazare" }], "data":{ "job-offer":{ "name":{ "type":"StructuredText", "value":[{"type":"heading1","text":"Art Director","spans":[]}] }, "location":[{ "type":"Link.document", "value":{ "document":{ "id":"UlfoxUnM0wkXYXbb", "type":"store", "tags":[], "slug":"paris-saint-lazare" }, "isBroken":false } }], "contract_type":{"type":"Select","value":"Permanent"}, "service":{"type":"Select","value":"Office"}, "profile":{ "type":"StructuredText", "value":[{ "type":"paragraph", "text":"Brand visual identity must be vital to you, and you must have a thorough experience with working for/with great visual brands. We will ask you to present your previous work, and explain your choices, so be prepared. Previous work with luxury brands is a plus.", "spans":[] }] }, "job_description":{ "type":"StructuredText", "value":[{ "type":"paragraph", "text":"As our only Art director, you will be the one in charge of every design aspect of Les Bonnes Choses, from the design of our pastry boxes, of our shop fronts, of our website, ... You will lead a team of more specialized people, and you will be expected to be able to travel from time to time.", "spans":[] },{ "type":"paragraph", "text":"You will be the vessel that will bring emotions to our clientbase, before they tasted our pastries. We are aware the responsibility is huge, and we hope that you are too.", "spans":[] }] } } } }], "version":"61d96e9", "license":"All Rights Reserved" } DATA rx = Regexp.escape(data).sub(/"version":"[^"]+"/, '"version":"[^"]+"') @api.form("everything").page_size('1').submit_raw(@master_ref).should =~ /#{rx}/ end end end