######## ####### ######## ####### ######## ######## ## / / / / License \ \ \ \ ## Copyleft culture, Copyright (C) is prohibited here ## This work is licensed under a CC BY-SA 4.0 ## Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 License ## Refer to the http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/ ######## ####### ######## ####### ######## ######## ## / / / / Code Climate \ \ \ \ ## Language = ruby ## Indent = space; 4 chars; ######## ####### ######## ####### ######## ######## module ArchestryLookup module Lookup class << self def lookup_functional_Elements2AppEvent(args, state, viewId, viewType) queryName = __method__.to_s; queryName.slice! 'lookup_functional_'; queryName.to_sym args[:dialectLookupQuery] = {queryName: queryName, cClass: 'ServingRelationship', fClass: 'ApplicationFunction', fFqn: "#{state[:myAppName]}Element*", tClass: 'ApplicationEvent', tFqn: "#{state[:myAppName]}ArchiAppevent*"} dialectLookup(args, state, viewId, viewType) dialectRepack(args, state, viewId, viewType, queryName) end end end end