$:.unshift(File.expand_path('../../lib', __FILE__)) require 'em-hiredis' EM.run { redis = EM::Hiredis.connect # If you pass a block to subscribe it will be called whenever a message # is received on this channel redis.pubsub.subscribe('foo') { |message| puts "Block received #{message}" } # You can also pass any other object which responds to call if you wish callback = Proc.new { |message| "Proc received #{message}" } df = redis.pubsub.subscribe('foo', callback) # All calls return a deferrable df.callback { |reply| p [:subscription_succeeded, reply] } # Passing such an object is useful if you want to unsubscribe redis.pubsub.unsubscribe_proc('foo', callback) # Or if you want to call a method on a certain object class Thing def receive_message(message) puts "Thing received #{message}" end end redis.pubsub.subscribe('bar', Thing.new.method(:receive_message)) # You can also get all the following raw events: # message pmessage subscribe unsubscribe psubscribe punsubscribe redis.pubsub.on(:message) { |channel, message| p [:message_received, channel, message] } redis.pubsub.on(:unsubscribe) { |channel, remaining_subscriptions| p [:unsubscribe_happened, channel, remaining_subscriptions] } EM.add_timer(1) { # You can also unsubscribe completely from a channel redis.pubsub.unsubscribe('foo') # Publishing events redis.publish('bar', 'Hello') } }