module IB module Models # This is IB Order execution report. # Instantiate with a Hash of attributes, to be auto-set via initialize in Model. class Execution < Model.for(:execution) include ModelProperties belongs_to :order prop [:local_id, :order_id], # int: order id. TWS orders have a fixed order id of 0. :client_id, # int: client id. TWS orders have a fixed client id of 0. :perm_id, # int: TWS id used to identify orders over TWS sessions :exec_id, # String: Unique order execution id over TWS sessions. :time, # # TODO: convert into Time object? # String: The order execution time. :exchange, # String: Exchange that executed the order. :order_ref, # int: Same order_ref as in corresponding Order :price, # double: The order execution price. :average_price, # double: Average price. Used in regular trades, combo # trades and legs of the combo. [:quantity, :shares], # int: The number of shares filled. :cumulative_quantity, # int: Cumulative quantity. Used in regular # trades, combo trades and legs of the combo :liquidation => :bool, # This position is liquidated last should the need arise. [:account_name, :account_number] => :s, # The customer account number. [:side, :action] => PROPS[:side] # Was the transaction a buy or a sale: BOT|SLD # Extra validations validates_numericality_of :quantity, :cumulative_quantity, :price, :average_price validates_numericality_of :local_id, :client_id, :perm_id, :only_integer => true def default_attributes {:local_id => 0, :client_id => 0, :quantity => 0, :price => 0, :perm_id => 0, :liquidation => false, }.merge super end # Comparison def == other perm_id == other.perm_id && local_id == other.local_id && # ((p __LINE__)||true) && client_id == other.client_id && exec_id == other.exec_id && time == other.time && exchange == && order_ref == other.order_ref && side == other.side # TODO: || compare all attributes! end def to_human "<Execution: #{time} #{side} #{quantity} at #{price} on #{exchange}, " + "cumulative #{cumulative_quantity} at #{average_price}, " + "ids #{local_id}/#{perm_id}/#{exec_id}>" end alias to_s to_human end # Execution end # module Models end # module IB