require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper') describe Tartarus::Logger do it 'should serialize the request attribute' do LoggedException.serialized_attributes.include?('request').should be_true end describe "#log" do before(:each) do LoggedException.stub!(:normalize_request_data).and_return({}) @controller = mock('controller', :controller_path => 'home', :normalize_request_data_for_tartarus => 'params', :action_name => 'index', :request => fake_controller_request) @exception ='An error has occured!') @exception.stub!(:backtrace).and_return(['one', 'two', 'three']) end it "should create a group_id for grouping of exceptions that are the same" do @logged_exception = LoggedException.log(@controller, @exception) @logged_exception.group_id.should == 'ea61658eacfe0930ae2b318297ab51a3c0b5668c' end it "should convert the backtrace from an array to a string seperated by newlines" do @logged_exception = LoggedException.log(@controller, @exception) @logged_exception.backtrace.should be_an_instance_of(String) @logged_exception.backtrace.should == "one\ntwo\nthree" end it "should normalize the controller request data" do @controller.should_receive(:normalize_request_data_for_tartarus) @logged_exception = LoggedException.log(@controller, @exception) end it "should return an instance of the registered logger class" do @logged_exception = LoggedException.log(@controller, @exception) @logged_exception.should be_an_instance_of(LoggedException) end end it 'should return the group count' do e = LoggedException.create( :group_id => "hash" ) LoggedException.should_receive( :count ).with( :conditions => ["group_id = ?", 'hash'] ).and_return( 42 ) e.group_count.should == 42 end describe '#handle_notifications' do before(:each) do @e = LoggedException.create Tartarus.configuration['notification_threshold'] = 10 Tartarus.configuration['notification_address'] = '' end it 'should return and not deliver notification if there is no address present' do Tartarus::Notifier.should_receive( :deliver_notification ).never Tartarus.configuration['notification_address'] = nil @e.handle_notifications end it 'should send email if there is an address present and the count matches the threshold' do Tartarus::Notifier.should_receive( :deliver_notification ).with( '', @e ) @e.stub( :group_count ).and_return( 20 ) @e.handle_notifications end it 'should send email if there is an address present and it is the first exception in a group' do Tartarus::Notifier.should_receive( :deliver_notification ).with( '', @e ) @e.stub( :group_count ).and_return( 1 ) @e.handle_notifications end it 'should not send email if there is an address present and the count does not match the threshold' do Tartarus::Notifier.should_receive( :deliver_notification ).never @e.stub( :group_count ).and_return( 22 ) @e.handle_notifications end end end