require 'cgi/util'
require 'action_view'
module Incline::Extensions
# Adds additional helper methods to form builders.
module FormBuilder
# Creates a date picker selection field using a bootstrap input group.
# *Valid options:*
# input_group_size::
# Valid optional sizes are 'small' or 'large'.
# readonly::
# Set to true to make the input field read only.
# pre_calendar::
# Set to true to put a calendar icon before the input field.
# post_calendar::
# Set to true to put a calendar icon after the input field. This is the default setting if no other pre/post
# is selected.
# pre_label::
# Set to a text value to put a label before the input field. Replaces +pre_calendar+ if specified.
# post_label::
# Set to a text value to put a label after the input field. Replaces +post_calendar+ if specified.
# f.date_picker :end_date, :pre_label => 'End'
def date_picker(method, options = {})
options = {
class: 'form-control',
read_only: false,
pre_calendar: false,
pre_label: nil,
post_calendar: false,
post_label: false,
attrib_val: { },
style: { },
input_group_size: ''
style = ''
options[:style].each { |k,v| style += "#{k}: #{v};" }
attrib = options[:attrib_val]
attrib[:class] = options[:class]
attrib[:style] = style
attrib[:readonly] = 'readonly' if options[:read_only]
if %w(sm small input-group-sm).include?(options[:input_group_size])
options[:input_group_size] = 'input-group-sm'
elsif %w(lg large input-group-lg).include?(options[:input_group_size])
options[:input_group_size] = 'input-group-lg'
options[:input_group_size] = ''
attrib[:value] = object.send(method).strftime('%m/%d/%Y') if object.send(method)
fld = text_field(method, attrib)
# must have at least one attachment, default to post-calendar.
options[:post_calendar] = true unless options[:pre_calendar] || options[:pre_label] || options[:post_label]
# labels override calendars.
options[:pre_calendar] = false if options[:pre_label]
options[:post_calendar] = false if options[:post_label]
# construct the prefix
if options[:pre_calendar]
pre = ''
elsif options[:pre_label]
pre = "#{CGI::escape_html options[:pre_label]}"
pre = ''
# construct the postfix
if options[:post_calendar]
post = ''
elsif options[:post_label]
post = "#{CGI::escape_html options[:post_label]}"
post = ''
# and then the return value.
# Creates a multiple input field control for the provided form.
# The +methods+ parameter can be either an array of method names, or a hash with method names as the
# keys and labels as the values.
# For instance:
# [ :alpha, :bravo, :charlie ]
# { :alpha => 'The first item', :bravo => 'The second item', :charlie => 'The third item' }
# *Valid options:*
# class::
# The CSS class to apply. Defaults to 'form-control'.
# read_only::
# Should the control be read-only? Defaults to false.
# style::
# A hash containing CSS styling attributes to apply to the input fields.
# Width is generated automatically or specified individually using the "field_n" option.
# input_group_size::
# You can specific *small* or *large* to change the control's overall size.
# attrib::
# Any additional attributes you want to apply to the input fields.
# field_n::
# Sets specific attributes for field "n". These values will override the "attrib" and "style" options.
# f.multi_input [ :city, :state, :zip ],
# :field_1 => { :maxlength => 30, :style => { :width => '65%' } },
# :field_2 => { :maxlength => 2 },
# :field_3 => { :maxlength => 10, :style => { :width => '25%' } }
def multi_input(methods, options = {})
raise'methods must be either a Hash or an Array') unless methods.is_a?(::Hash) || methods.is_a?(::Array)
options = options.dup
# add some defaults.
options = {
class: 'form-control',
read_only: false,
attrib: { },
style: { },
input_group_size: ''
# build the style attribute.
options[:attrib][:style] ||= ''
options[:style].each do |k,v|
if k.to_s == 'width'
options[:input_group_width] = "width: #{v};"
options[:attrib][:style] += "#{k}: #{v};"
# Standardize the "methods" list to be an array of arrays.
if methods.is_a?(::Hash)
methods = methods.to_a
elsif methods.is_a?(::Array)
methods ={|v| v.is_a?(::Array) ? v : [ v, v.to_s.humanize ] }
# Extract field attributes.
fields = { }
methods.each_with_index do |(meth,label), index|
index += 1
fields[meth] = options[:attrib].merge(options.delete(:"field_#{index}") || {})
fields[meth][:readonly] = 'readonly' if options[:read_only]
fields[meth][:class] ||= options[:class]
if fields[meth][:style].is_a?(::Hash)
fields[meth][:style] = fields[meth][:style]{|v|':') + ';'}.join(' ')
fields[meth][:placeholder] ||= label
if %w(sm small input-group-sm).include?(options[:input_group_size])
options[:input_group_size] = 'input-group-sm'
elsif %w(lg large input-group-lg).include?(options[:input_group_size])
options[:input_group_size] = 'input-group-lg'
options[:input_group_size] = ''
# We want each field to have a width specified.
remaining_width = 100.0
remaining_fields = fields.count
width_match = /(?:^|;)\s*width:\s*([^;]+);/
# pass 1, compute remaining width.
fields.each do |meth, attr|
if attr[:style] =~ width_match
width = $1
if width[-1] == '%'
width = width[0...-1].strip.to_f
if width > remaining_width
Incline::Log::warn "Field width adds up to more than 100% in multi_input affecting field \"#{meth}\"."
width = remaining_width
attr[:style] = attr[:style].gsub(width_match_1, '').gsub(width_match_2, '') + "width: #{width}%;"
remaining_width -= width
remaining_width = 0 if remaining_width < 0
remaining_fields -= 1
# we do not support pixel, em, etc, so dump the unsupported width.
Incline::Log::warn "Unsupported width style in multi_input affecting field \"#{meth}\": #{width}"
attr[:style] = attr[:style].gsub(width_match_1, '').gsub(width_match_2, '')
# pass 2, fill in missing widths.
fields.each do |meth, attr|
unless attr[:style] =~ width_match
width =
if remaining_fields > 1
(remaining_width / remaining_fields).to_i
Incline::Log::warn "Computed field width of 0% in multi_input affecting field \"#{meth}\"." if width == 0
attr[:style] += "width: #{width}%;"
remaining_width -= width
remaining_fields -= 1
remaining_width = 0 if remaining_width < 0
fld = []
fields.each do |meth, attr|
attr[:value] = object.send(meth)
fld << text_field(meth, attr)
# Creates a currency entry field.
# *Valid options:*
# currency_symbol::
# A string used to prefix the input field. Defaults to '$'.
# All other options will be passed through to the {FormHelper#text_field}[] method.
# The value will be formatted with comma delimiters and two decimal places.
# f.currency :pay_rate
def currency_field(method, options = {})
# get the symbol for the field.
sym = options.delete(:currency_symbol) || '$'
# get the value
if (val = object.send(method))
options[:value] = number_with_precision val, precision: 2, delimiter: ','
# build the field
fld = text_field(method, options)
# return the value.
#{CGI::escape_html sym}#{fld}
# Creates a label followed by an optional small text description.
# For instance, (World)
# Valid options:
# text::
# The text for the label. If not set, the method name is humanized and that value will be used.
# small_text::
# The small text to follow the label. If not set, then no small text will be included.
# This is useful for flagging fields as optional.
# For additional options, see {FormHelper#label}[].
def label_w_small(method, options = {})
text = options.delete(:text) || method.to_s.humanize
small_text = options.delete(:small_text)
label(method, text, options) +
(small_text ? " (#{CGI::escape_html small_text})" : '').html_safe
# Creates a standard form group with a label and text field.
# The +options+ is a hash containing label, field, and group options.
# Prefix label options with +label_+ and field options with +field_+.
# All other options will apply to the group itself.
# Group options:
# class::
# The CSS class for the form group. Defaults to 'form-group'.
# style::
# Any styles to apply to the form group.
# For label options, see #label_w_small.
# For field options, see {FormHelper#text_field}[].
def text_form_group(method, options = {})
gopt, lopt, fopt = split_form_group_options(options)
lbl = label_w_small(method, lopt)
fld = gopt[:wrap].call(text_field(method, fopt))
form_group lbl, fld, gopt
# Creates a standard form group with a label and password field.
# The +options+ is a hash containing label, field, and group options.
# Prefix label options with +label_+ and field options with +field_+.
# All other options will apply to the group itself.
# Group options:
# class::
# The CSS class for the form group. Defaults to 'form-group'.
# style::
# Any styles to apply to the form group.
# For label options, see #label_w_small.
# For field options, see {FormHelper#password_field}[].
def password_form_group(method, options = {})
gopt, lopt, fopt = split_form_group_options(options)
lbl = label_w_small(method, lopt)
fld = gopt[:wrap].call(password_field(method, fopt))
form_group lbl, fld, gopt
# Creates a form group including a label and a text area.
# The +options+ is a hash containing label, field, and group options.
# Prefix label options with +label_+ and field options with +field_+.
# All other options will apply to the group itself.
# Group options:
# class::
# The CSS class for the form group. Defaults to 'form-group'.
# style::
# Any styles to apply to the form group.
# For label options, see #label_w_small.
# For field options, see {FormHelper#text_area}[].
def textarea_form_group(method, options = {})
gopt, lopt, fopt = split_form_group_options(options)
lbl = label_w_small method, lopt
fld = gopt[:wrap].call(text_area(method, fopt))
form_group lbl, fld, gopt
# Creates a standard form group with a label and currency field.
# The +options+ is a hash containing label, field, and group options.
# Prefix label options with +label_+ and field options with +field_+.
# All other options will apply to the group itself.
# Group options:
# class::
# The CSS class for the form group. Defaults to 'form-group'.
# style::
# Any styles to apply to the form group.
# For label options, see #label_w_small.
# For field options, see #currency_field.
def currency_form_group(method, options = {})
gopt, lopt, fopt = split_form_group_options(options)
lbl = label_w_small(method, lopt)
fld = gopt[:wrap].call(currency_field(method, fopt))
form_group lbl, fld, gopt
# Creates a standard form group with a label and a static text field.
# The +options+ is a hash containing label, field, and group options.
# Prefix label options with +label_+ and field options with +field_+.
# All other options will apply to the group itself.
# Group options:
# class::
# The CSS class for the form group. Defaults to 'form-group'.
# style::
# Any styles to apply to the form group.
# For label options, see #label_w_small.
# Field options:
# value::
# Allows you to specify a value for the static field, otherwise the value from +method+ will be used.
def static_form_group(method, options = {})
gopt, lopt, fopt = split_form_group_options(options)
lbl = label_w_small(method, lopt)
fld = gopt[:wrap].call("")
form_group lbl, fld, gopt
# Creates a standard form group with a datepicker field.
# The +options+ is a hash containing label, field, and group options.
# Prefix label options with +label_+ and field options with +field_+.
# All other options will apply to the group itself.
# Group options:
# class::
# The CSS class for the form group. Defaults to 'form-group'.
# style::
# Any styles to apply to the form group.
# For label options, see #label_w_small.
# For field options, see #date_picker.
def datepicker_form_group(method, options = {})
gopt, lopt, fopt = split_form_group_options(options)
lbl = label_w_small(method, lopt)
fld = gopt[:wrap].call(date_picker(method, fopt))
form_group lbl, fld, gopt
# Creates a standard form group with a multiple input control.
# The +options+ is a hash containing label, field, and group options.
# Prefix label options with +label_+ and field options with +field_+.
# All other options will apply to the group itself.
# Group options:
# class::
# The CSS class for the form group. Defaults to 'form-group'.
# style::
# Any styles to apply to the form group.
# For label options, see #label_w_small.
# For field options, see #multi_input_field.
def multi_input_form_group(methods, options = {})
gopt, lopt, fopt = split_form_group_options(options)
lopt[:text] ||= gopt[:label]
if lopt[:text].blank?
lopt[:text] = {|k,_| k.to_s.humanize }.join(', ')
lbl = label_w_small({|k,_| k}.first, lopt)
fld = gopt[:wrap].call(multi_input(methods, fopt))
form_group lbl, fld, gopt
# Creates a standard form group with a checkbox field.
# The +options+ is a hash containing label, field, and group options.
# Prefix label options with +label_+ and field options with +field_+.
# All other options will apply to the group itself.
# Group options:
# class::
# The CSS class for the form group.
# h_align::
# Create a checkbox aligned to a certain column (1-12) if set.
# If not set, then a regular form group is generated.
# For label options, see #label_w_small.
# For field options, see {FormHelper#check_box}[].
def check_box_form_group(method, options = {})
gopt, lopt, fopt = split_form_group_options({ class: 'checkbox', field_class: ''}.merge(options))
if gopt[:h_align]
gopt[:class] = gopt[:class].blank? ?
"col-sm-#{12-gopt[:h_align]} col-sm-offset-#{gopt[:h_align]}" :
"#{gopt[:class]} col-sm-#{12-gopt[:h_align]} col-sm-offset-#{gopt[:h_align]}"
lbl = label method do
check_box(method, fopt) +
CGI::escape_html(lopt[:text] || method.to_s.humanize) +
(lopt[:small_text] ? " (#{CGI::escape_html lopt[:small_text]})" : '').html_safe
# Creates a standard form group with a collection select field.
# The +collection+ should be an enumerable object (responds to 'each').
# The +value_method+ would be the method to call on the objects in the collection to get the value.
# This default to 'to_s' and is appropriate for any array of strings.
# The +text_method+ would be the method to call on the objects in the collection to get the display text.
# This defaults to 'to_s' as well, and should be appropriate for most objects.
# The +options+ is a hash containing label, field, and group options.
# Prefix label options with +label_+ and field options with +field_+.
# All other options will apply to the group itself.
# Group options:
# class::
# The CSS class for the form group. Defaults to 'form-group'.
# style::
# Any styles to apply to the form group.
# For label options, see #label_w_small.
# For field options, see {FormOptionsHelper#collection_select}[].
def select_form_group(method, collection, value_method = :to_s, text_method = :to_s, options = {})
gopt, lopt, fopt = split_form_group_options({ field_include_blank: true }.merge(options))
lbl = label_w_small(method, lopt)
opt = {}
[:include_blank, :prompt, :include_hidden].each do |attr|
if fopt[attr] != nil
opt[attr] = fopt[attr]
fopt.except! attr
fld = gopt[:wrap].call(collection_select(method, collection, value_method, text_method, opt, fopt))
form_group lbl, fld, gopt
# Adds a recaptcha challenge to the form configured to set the specified attribute to the recaptcha response.
# Valid options:
# theme::
# Can be :dark or :light, defaults to :light.
# type::
# Can be :image or :audio, defaults to :image.
# size::
# Can be :compact or :normal, defaults to :normal.
# tab_index::
# Can be any valid integer if you want a specific tab order, defaults to 0.
def recaptcha(method, options = {}), method, @template, options).render
def form_group(lbl, fld, opt)
ret = '
def split_form_group_options(options)
options = {class: 'form-group', field_class: 'form-control'}.merge(options || {})
group = {}
label = {}
field = {}
options.keys.each do |k|
sk = k.to_s
if sk.index('label_') == 0
label[sk[6..-1].to_sym] = options[k]
elsif sk.index('field_') == 0
field[sk[6..-1].to_sym] = options[k]
group[k.to_sym] = options[k]
group[:wrap] = do |fld|
if group[:h_align]
if group[:h_align].is_a?(::TrueClass)
l = 3
l = group[:h_align].to_i
l = 1 if l < 1
l = 6 if l > 6
f = 12 - l
group[:h_align] = l
label[:class] = label[:class].blank? ? "col-sm-#{l} control-label" : "#{label[:class]} col-sm-#{l} control-label"
group[:wrap] = do |fld|
[group, label, field]
ActionView::Helpers::FormBuilder.include Incline::Extensions::FormBuilder