# name(1) - description {: data-date="November 2016" data-extra="Some extra data"} ## SYNOPSIS `name` \[`OPTIONS`\] *arguments*... ## DESCRIPTION This is a normal paragraph. * A * compact * list * with multiple * items and * nested * as well {:.compact} > blockquotes are fine > > 1. numbered lists > > 2. work too > 1. and they > 2. can be > 1. nested > > 3. again ~~~ Some fancy code going on here ~~~ `-o` `--option` : Description lists : are useful as well And compact definition lists: `o` : Option `k` : Key `v` : Value {:.compact} | tables | can | be | centered | {:.center} |-----------------+------------+-----------------+----------------| | Default aligned |Left aligned| Center aligned | Right aligned | |-----------------|:-----------|:---------------:|---------------:| | First body part |Second cell | Third cell | fourth cell | | Second *line* |foo | **strong** | baz | | Third line |`quux` | baz | bar | |-----------------+------------+-----------------+----------------| | Second body | | | | | 2nd line | | | | |=================+============+=================+================| | Footer row one | | | | | Footer row two | | | | |-----------------+------------+-----------------+----------------| Inline formatting like *emphasis*, **strong** and `code span` work as ususal. [Links](are_well.html) work, too! As do\\ line breaks. Abbreviations like MD can be used but the abbreviation title is ignored. *[MD]: Markdown Math elements work $$\lambda = 5$$ inline and in block form: $$\lambda_5 = \alpha + 4$$