if !System.get_env("EXERCISM_TEST_EXAMPLES") do Code.load_file("account.exs", __DIR__) end ExUnit.start ExUnit.configure exclude: :pending, trace: true # The BankAccount module should support four calls: # # open_bank() # Called at the start of each test. Returns an account handle. # # close_bank(account) # Called at the end of each test. # # balance(account) # Get the balance of the bank account. # # update(account, amount) # Increment the balance of the bank account by the given amount. # The amount may be negative for a withdrawal. # # The initial value of the bank account should be 0. defmodule BankAccountTest do use ExUnit.Case setup do account = BankAccount.open_bank { :ok, account: account } end # @tag :pending test "initial balance is 0", %{account: account} do assert BankAccount.balance(account) == 0 end @tag :pending test "incrementing and checking balance", %{account: account} do assert BankAccount.balance(account) == 0 BankAccount.update(account, 10) assert BankAccount.balance(account) == 10 end @tag :pending test "amount is added to balance", %{account: account} do assert BankAccount.balance(account) == 0 BankAccount.update(account, 10) BankAccount.update(account, 10) assert BankAccount.balance(account) == 20 end @tag :pending test "closing account rejects further inquiries", %{account: account} do assert BankAccount.balance(account) == 0 BankAccount.close_bank(account) assert BankAccount.balance(account) == {:error, :account_closed} assert BankAccount.update(account, 10) == {:error, :account_closed} end @tag :pending test "incrementing balance from another process then checking it from test process", %{account: account} do assert BankAccount.balance(account) == 0 this = self() spawn(fn -> BankAccount.update(account, 20) send(this, :continue) end) receive do :continue -> :ok after 1000 -> flunk("Timeout") end assert BankAccount.balance(account) == 20 end end