# encoding: utf-8 # frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe 'time select input' do include FormtasticSpecHelper before do @output_buffer = ActionView::OutputBuffer.new '' mock_everything end describe "general" do before do ::I18n.backend.reload! @output_buffer = ActionView::OutputBuffer.new '' end describe "with :ignore_date => true" do before do concat(semantic_form_for(@new_post) do |builder| concat(builder.input(:publish_at, :as => :time_select, :ignore_date => true)) end) end it 'should not have hidden inputs for day, month and year' do expect(output_buffer.to_str).not_to have_tag('input#post_publish_at_1i') expect(output_buffer.to_str).not_to have_tag('input#post_publish_at_2i') expect(output_buffer.to_str).not_to have_tag('input#post_publish_at_3i') end it 'should have an input for hour and minute' do expect(output_buffer.to_str).to have_tag('select#post_publish_at_4i') expect(output_buffer.to_str).to have_tag('select#post_publish_at_5i') end end describe "with :ignore_date => false" do before do allow(@new_post).to receive(:publish_at).and_return(Time.parse('2010-11-07')) concat(semantic_form_for(@new_post) do |builder| concat(builder.input(:publish_at, :as => :time_select, :ignore_date => false)) end) end it 'should have a hidden input for day, month and year' do expect(output_buffer.to_str).to have_tag('input#post_publish_at_1i') expect(output_buffer.to_str).to have_tag('input#post_publish_at_2i') expect(output_buffer.to_str).to have_tag('input#post_publish_at_3i') expect(output_buffer.to_str).to have_tag('input#post_publish_at_1i[@value="2010"]') expect(output_buffer.to_str).to have_tag('input#post_publish_at_2i[@value="11"]') expect(output_buffer.to_str).to have_tag('input#post_publish_at_3i[@value="7"]') end it 'should have an select for hour and minute' do expect(output_buffer.to_str).to have_tag('select#post_publish_at_4i') expect(output_buffer.to_str).to have_tag('select#post_publish_at_5i') end it 'should associate the legend label with the hour select' do expect(output_buffer.to_str).to have_tag('form li.time_select fieldset legend.label label[@for="post_publish_at_4i"]') end end describe "without seconds" do before do concat(semantic_form_for(@new_post) do |builder| concat(builder.input(:publish_at, :as => :time_select)) end) end it_should_have_input_wrapper_with_class("time_select") it_should_have_input_wrapper_with_class(:input) it_should_have_input_wrapper_with_id("post_publish_at_input") it_should_have_a_nested_fieldset it_should_have_a_nested_fieldset_with_class('fragments') it_should_have_a_nested_ordered_list_with_class('fragments-group') it_should_apply_error_logic_for_input_type(:time_select) it 'should have a legend and label with the label text inside the fieldset' do expect(output_buffer.to_str).to have_tag('form li.time_select fieldset legend.label label', :text => /Publish at/) end it 'should associate the legend label with the first select' do expect(output_buffer.to_str).to have_tag('form li.time_select fieldset legend.label label[@for="post_publish_at_4i"]') end it 'should have an ordered list of two items inside the fieldset' do expect(output_buffer.to_str).to have_tag('form li.time_select fieldset ol.fragments-group') expect(output_buffer.to_str).to have_tag('form li.time_select fieldset ol li.fragment', :count => 2) end it 'should have five labels for hour and minute' do expect(output_buffer.to_str).to have_tag('form li.time_select fieldset ol li label', :count => 2) expect(output_buffer.to_str).to have_tag('form li.time_select fieldset ol li label', :text => /hour/i) expect(output_buffer.to_str).to have_tag('form li.time_select fieldset ol li label', :text => /minute/i) end it 'should have two selects for hour and minute' do expect(output_buffer.to_str).to have_tag('form li.time_select fieldset ol li', :count => 2) end end describe "with seconds" do before do concat(semantic_form_for(@new_post) do |builder| concat(builder.input(:publish_at, :as => :time_select, :include_seconds => true)) end) end it 'should have five labels for hour and minute' do expect(output_buffer.to_str).to have_tag('form li.time_select fieldset ol li label', :count => 3) expect(output_buffer.to_str).to have_tag('form li.time_select fieldset ol li label', :text => /hour/i) expect(output_buffer.to_str).to have_tag('form li.time_select fieldset ol li label', :text => /minute/i) expect(output_buffer.to_str).to have_tag('form li.time_select fieldset ol li label', :text => /second/i) end it 'should have three selects for hour, minute and seconds' do expect(output_buffer.to_str).to have_tag('form li.time_select fieldset ol li', :count => 3) end it 'should generate a sanitized label and matching ids for attribute' do 4.upto(6) do |i| expect(output_buffer.to_str).to have_tag("form li fieldset ol li label[@for='post_publish_at_#{i}i']") expect(output_buffer.to_str).to have_tag("form li fieldset ol li #post_publish_at_#{i}i") end end end end describe ':labels option' do fields = [:hour, :minute, :second] fields.each do |field| it "should replace the #{field} label with the specified text if :labels[:#{field}] is set" do @output_buffer = ActionView::OutputBuffer.new '' concat(semantic_form_for(@new_post) do |builder| concat(builder.input(:created_at, :as => :time_select, :include_seconds => true, :labels => { field => "another #{field} label" })) end) expect(output_buffer.to_str).to have_tag('form li.time_select fieldset ol li label', :count => fields.length) fields.each do |f| expect(output_buffer.to_str).to have_tag('form li.time_select fieldset ol li label', :text => f == field ? /another #{f} label/i : /#{f}/i) end end it "should not display the label for the #{field} field when :labels[:#{field}] is blank" do @output_buffer = ActionView::OutputBuffer.new '' concat(semantic_form_for(@new_post) do |builder| concat(builder.input(:created_at, :as => :time_select, :include_seconds => true, :labels => { field => "" })) end) expect(output_buffer.to_str).to have_tag('form li.time_select fieldset ol li label', :count => fields.length-1) fields.each do |f| expect(output_buffer.to_str).to have_tag('form li.time_select fieldset ol li label', :text => /#{f}/i) unless field == f end end it "should not render the label when :labels[:#{field}] is false" do @output_buffer = ActionView::OutputBuffer.new '' concat(semantic_form_for(@new_post) do |builder| concat(builder.input(:created_at, :as => :time_select, :include_seconds => true, :labels => { field => false })) end) expect(output_buffer.to_str).to have_tag('form li.time_select fieldset ol li label', :count => fields.length-1) fields.each do |f| expect(output_buffer.to_str).to have_tag('form li.time_select fieldset ol li label', :text => /#{f}/i) unless field == f end end it "should not render unsafe HTML when :labels[:#{field}] is false" do @output_buffer = ActionView::OutputBuffer.new '' concat(semantic_form_for(@new_post) do |builder| concat(builder.input(:created_at, :as => :time_select, :include_seconds => true, :labels => { field => false })) end) expect(output_buffer.to_str).not_to include(">") end end it "should not render labels when :labels is falsy" do @output_buffer = ActionView::OutputBuffer.new '' concat(semantic_form_for(@new_post) do |builder| concat(builder.input(:created_at, :as => :time_select, :include_seconds => true, :labels => false)) end) expect(output_buffer.to_str).to have_tag('form li.time_select fieldset ol li label', :count => 0) end end describe ":selected option for setting a value" do it "should set the selected value for the form" do concat( semantic_form_for(@new_post) do |f| concat(f.input(:created_at, :as => :datetime_select, :selected => DateTime.new(2018, 10, 4, 12, 00))) end ) expect(output_buffer.to_str).to have_tag "option[value='12'][selected='selected']" expect(output_buffer.to_str).to have_tag "option[value='00'][selected='selected']" end end describe ':namespace option' do before do concat(semantic_form_for(@new_post, :namespace => 'form2') do |builder| concat(builder.input(:publish_at, :as => :time_select)) end) end it 'should have a tag matching the namespace' do expect(output_buffer.to_str).to have_tag('#form2_post_publish_at_input') expect(output_buffer.to_str).to have_tag('#form2_post_publish_at_4i') expect(output_buffer.to_str).to have_tag('#form2_post_publish_at_5i') end end describe "when required" do it "should add the required attribute to the input's html options" do with_config :use_required_attribute, true do concat(semantic_form_for(@new_post) do |builder| concat(builder.input(:title, :as => :time_select, :required => true)) end) expect(output_buffer.to_str).to have_tag("select[@required]", :count => 2) end end end describe "when index is provided" do before do concat(semantic_form_for(@new_post) do |builder| concat(builder.fields_for(:author, :index => 3) do |author| concat(author.input(:created_at, :as => :time_select)) end) end) end it 'should index the id of the wrapper' do expect(output_buffer.to_str).to have_tag("li#post_author_attributes_3_created_at_input") end it 'should index the id of the select tag' do expect(output_buffer.to_str).to have_tag("input#post_author_attributes_3_created_at_1i") expect(output_buffer.to_str).to have_tag("input#post_author_attributes_3_created_at_2i") expect(output_buffer.to_str).to have_tag("input#post_author_attributes_3_created_at_3i") expect(output_buffer.to_str).to have_tag("select#post_author_attributes_3_created_at_4i") expect(output_buffer.to_str).to have_tag("select#post_author_attributes_3_created_at_5i") end it 'should index the name of the select tag' do expect(output_buffer.to_str).to have_tag("input[@name='post[author_attributes][3][created_at(1i)]']") expect(output_buffer.to_str).to have_tag("input[@name='post[author_attributes][3][created_at(2i)]']") expect(output_buffer.to_str).to have_tag("input[@name='post[author_attributes][3][created_at(3i)]']") expect(output_buffer.to_str).to have_tag("select[@name='post[author_attributes][3][created_at(4i)]']") expect(output_buffer.to_str).to have_tag("select[@name='post[author_attributes][3][created_at(5i)]']") end end end