![Cupertino](https://raw.github.com/nomad/nomad.github.io/assets/cupertino-banner.png) Automate administrative tasks that you would normally have to do through the Apple Dev Center websites. Life's too short to manage device identifiers by hand! > Cupertino is named after [Cupertino, CA](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cupertino,_California): home to Apple, Inc.'s world headquarters. > It's part of a series of world-class command-line utilities for iOS development, which includes [Shenzhen](https://github.com/mattt/shenzhen) (Building & Distribution), [Houston](https://github.com/mattt/houston) (Push Notifications), [Venice](https://github.com/mattt/venice) (In-App Purchase Receipt Verification), [Dubai](https://github.com/mattt/dubai) (Passbook pass generation), and [Nashville](https://github.com/nomad/nashville) (iTunes Store API). ## Requirements Cupertino requires the [Xcode Command Line Tools](https://developer.apple.com/xcode/), which can be installed with the following command: ``` $ xcode-select --install ``` ## Installation ``` $ gem install cupertino ``` ## Usage ### Authentication ``` $ ios login ``` _Credentials are saved in the Keychain. You will not be prompted for your username or password by commands while you are logged in. (Mac only)_ ### Devices ``` $ ios devices:list +------------------------------+---------------------------------------+ | Listing 2 devices. You can register 98 additional devices. | +---------------------------+------------------------------------------+ | Device Name | Device Identifier | +---------------------------+------------------------------------------+ | Johnny Appleseed iPad | 0123456789012345678901234567890123abcdef | | Johnny Appleseed iPhone | abcdef0123456789012345678901234567890123 | +---------------------------+------------------------------------------+ $ ios devices:add "iPad 1"=abc123 $ ios devices:add "iPad 2"=def456 "iPad 3"=ghi789 ... ``` ### Provisioning Profiles ``` $ ios profiles:list +----------------------------------+--------------+---------+ | Profile | App ID | Status | +----------------------------------+--------------+---------+ | iOS Team Provisioning Profile: * | ABCDEFG123.* | Valid | +----------------------------------+--------------+---------+ ``` --- ``` $ ios profiles:manage:devices ``` _Opens an editor with a list of devices, each of which can be commented / uncommented to turn them off / on for that provisioning profile._ ``` # Comment / Uncomment Devices to Turn Off / On for Provisioning Profile Johnny Appleseed iPad 0123456789012345678901234567890123abcdef # Johnny Appleseed iPhone abcdef0123456789012345678901234567890123 ``` ``` $ ios profiles:devices:add MyApp_Development_Profile "Johnny Appleseed iPad"=0123456789012345678901234567890123abcdef "Johnny Appleseed iPhone"=abcdef0123456789012345678901234567890123 ``` _Adds (without an editor) a list of devices to a provisioning profile_ ``` $ ios profiles:devices:remove MyApp_Development_Profile "Johnny Old iPad"=0123456789012345678901234567890123abcdef "Johnny Old iPhone"=abcdef0123456789012345678901234567890123 ``` _Removes (without an editor) a list of devices from a provisioning profile_ --- ``` $ ios profiles:devices:list MyApp_Development_Profile +--------------------------+------------------------------------------+--------+ | Listing devices for provisioning profile MyApp_Development_Profile | +--------------------------+------------------------------------------+--------+ | Device Name | Device Identifier | Active | +--------------------------+------------------------------------------+--------+ | Person's iPhone 5 | 888888883e48a3e0458aab2691d565a8a63f7888 | Y | +--------------------------+------------------------------------------+--------+ ``` ### App IDs ``` $ ios app_ids:list +-----------------------------+------------------------+-------------------+-------------------+ | Bundle Seed ID | Description | Development | Distribution | +-----------------------------+------------------------+-------------------+-------------------+ | 123ABCDEFG.com.mattt.bundle | App Bundle Description | Passes | Passes | | | | Data Protection | Data Protection | | | | iCloud | iCloud | | | | In-App Purchase | In-App Purchase | | | | Game Center | Game Center | | | | Push Notification | Push Notification | +-----------------------------+------------------------+-------------------+-------------------+ ``` ``` $ ios app_ids:add "App Bundle Description"=123ABCDEFG.com.mattt.bundle ``` ### Certificates ``` $ ios certificates:list +------------------+----------------------------------+-----------------+--------+ | Name | Provisioning Profiles | Expiration Date | Status | +------------------+----------------------------------+-----------------+--------+ | Johnny Appleseed | iOS Team Provisioning Profile: * | Dec 23, 2012 | Issued | +------------------+----------------------------------+-----------------+--------+ ``` ``` $ ios certificates:download $ ios certificates:download --type distribution $ ios certificates:download NAME ``` ## CSV Output The following commands will format their output as [comma-separated values](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comma-separated_values) when the `--format csv` argument is passed: - `app_ids:list` - `devices:list` - `profiles:list` - `profiles:manage:devices:list` ## Commands - `login` - `logout` - `devices:add` - `devices:list` - `profiles:list` - `profiles:manage:devices` - `profiles:manage:devices:add` - `profiles:manage:devices:remove` - `profiles:download` - `profiles:download:all` - `profiles:devices:list` - `certificates:list` - `certificates:download` - `app_ids:list` ## Proxies Cupertino will access the provisioning portal through a proxy if the `HTTP_PROXY` environment variable is set, with optional credentials `HTTP_PROXY_USER` and `HTTP_PROXY_PASSWORD`. ## Contact Mattt Thompson - http://github.com/mattt - http://twitter.com/mattt - m@mattt.me ## License Cupertino is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.