class Wordle module View class AppView include Glimmer::UI::CustomShell COLOR_TO_BACKGROUND_COLOR_MAP = { green: rgb(106, 170, 100), yellow: rgb(201, 180, 88), gray: rgb(120, 124, 126), } COLOR_TO_TEXT_COLOR_MAP = { green: :white, yellow: :white, gray: :white, } ALPHABET_LAYOUTS = { alphabetical: [ %w[A B C D E F G H I J], %w[K L M N O P Q R S], %w[T U V W X Y Z], ], qwerty: [ %w[Q W E R T Y U I O P], %w[A S D F G H J K L], %w[Z X C V B N M], ], } CONFIG_FILE = File.join(Dir.home, '.glimmer_wordle') before_body do @display = display { on_about { display_about_dialog } on_preferences { display_about_dialog } on_swt_keydown do |key_event| if key_event.keyCode == 8 do_backspace elsif key_event.keyCode == swt(:arrow_left) do_left elsif key_event.keyCode == swt(:arrow_right) do_right elsif key_event.keyCode == swt(:cr) if @five_letter_word.status == :in_progress do_guess else do_restart end elsif valid_character?((key_event.keyCode.chr rescue '')) do_type(key_event.keyCode.chr) end end } @five_letter_word = config = load_config @alphabet_layout = config[:alphabet_layout] || :alphabetical end ## Add widget content inside custom shell body ## Top-most widget must be a shell or another custom shell # body { shell(:no_resize) { grid_layout { margin_width 10 margin_height 10 vertical_spacing 0 } # Replace example content below with custom shell content minimum_size 420, 540 image File.join(APP_ROOT, 'icons', 'windows', "Glimmer Wordle.ico") if image File.join(APP_ROOT, 'icons', 'linux', "Glimmer Wordle.png") unless text "Glimmer Wordle" background Display.system_dark_theme? ? :black : :white app_menu_bar alphabet_container label { layout_data :center, :center, true, false text 'You have 6 tries to guess a 5-letter word' background Display.system_dark_theme? ? :black : :transparent background :transparent if } word_guesser guess_button } } def app_menu_bar menu_bar { menu { text '&Game' menu_item { text '&Restart' on_widget_selected { do_restart } } menu_item { text 'E&xit' on_widget_selected { exit(0) } } } menu { text '&View' menu { text 'Alphabet &Layout' menu_item(:radio) { text '&Alphabetical' selection @alphabet_layout == :alphabetical on_widget_selected { self.alphabet_layout = :alphabetical rebuild_alphabet_container } } menu_item(:radio) { text '&Qwerty' selection @alphabet_layout == :qwerty on_widget_selected { self.alphabet_layout = :qwerty rebuild_alphabet_container } } } } menu { text '&Help' menu_item { text '&Instructions' on_widget_selected { display_instructions_dialog } } menu_item { text '&About' on_widget_selected { display_about_dialog } } } } end def display_instructions_dialog message_box(body_root) { text 'Instructions' message <<~MULTI_LINE_STRING Make 6 guesses for a 5-letter word. If you enter a letter that is part of the word, and at the right location, it becomes green, If you enter a letter that is part of the word, but at the wrong location, it becomes yellow. If you enter a letter that is not part of the word, it becomes red. MULTI_LINE_STRING }.open end def display_about_dialog message_box(body_root) { text 'About' message "Glimmer Wordle #{VERSION}\n\n#{LICENSE}" }.open end def alphabet_container @alphabet_container = composite { layout_data(:center, :center, true, false) grid_layout { margin_width 0 margin_height 0 vertical_spacing 0 } background Display.system_dark_theme? ? :black : :white alphabets } end def alphabets alphabet_row(ALPHABET_LAYOUTS[@alphabet_layout][0]) { layout_data(:center, :center, true, false) { width_hint 318 height_hint 50 } } alphabet_row(ALPHABET_LAYOUTS[@alphabet_layout][1]) { layout_data(:center, :center, true, false) { width_hint 288 height_hint 50 } } alphabet_row(ALPHABET_LAYOUTS[@alphabet_layout][2]) { layout_data(:center, :center, true, false) { width_hint 222 height_hint 50 } } end def alphabet_row(alphabet_characters, &block) canvas { background Display.system_dark_theme? ? :black : :white @alphabet_rectangles ||= [] @alphabet_borders ||= [] @alphabet_letters ||= [] alphabet_characters.each_with_index do |alphabet_character, i| @alphabet_rectangles << rectangle(1 + i*32, @alphabet_row_offset_y, 28, 28) { background Display.system_dark_theme? ? :black : :transparent @alphabet_borders << rectangle { foreground Display.system_dark_theme? ? :white : :gray line_width 2 } @alphabet_letters << text(alphabet_character, :default, [:default, OS.linux? ? 5 : ( ? 1 : 0)]) { font alphabet_font foreground Display.system_dark_theme? ? :white : :black } } end } end def alphabet_layout_alphabets ALPHABET_LAYOUTS[@alphabet_layout].reduce(:+) end def word_guesser @canvasses ||= [] margin_x = 5 margin_y = 5 @canvasses << canvas { layout_data(:center, :center, true, false) { width_hint 230 height_hint 50 } background Display.system_dark_theme? ? :black : :white focus true @rectangles = [] @borders = [] @letters = [] 5.times do |i| @rectangles << rectangle(margin_x + i*45, margin_y, 40, 40) { background Display.system_dark_theme? ? :black : :transparent @borders << rectangle { foreground i == 0 ? :title_background : :gray line_width 2 } @letters << text('', :default, [:default, OS.linux? ? 6 : ( ? 1 : 0)]) { font letter_font foreground Display.system_dark_theme? ? :white : :black } } end } end def guess_button @guess_button = button { layout_data :center, :center, true, false text 'Guess' background Display.system_dark_theme? ? :black : :white foreground Display.system_dark_theme? ? :white : :black on_widget_selected do do_guess end } end def do_backspace @letter = @letters[highlighted_letter_index] if @letter.string != '' index_to_delete = highlighted_letter_index else index_to_delete = [highlighted_letter_index - 1, 0].max end @letter = @letters[index_to_delete] @letter.string = '' @borders.each { |caret| caret.foreground = :gray} # refactor this reusable code into a method that highlights the caret @borders[index_to_delete].foreground = :title_background end def do_guess return if !word_filled_up? word = if invalid_word?(word) message_box { text 'Invalid Word' message "The word you entered is not an allowed guess!\n\nPlease try another word!" }.open return end guess_result = @five_letter_word.guess(word) update_guess_word_background_colors(guess_result) update_alphabet_background_colors if @five_letter_word.status == :in_progress @guess_button.dispose body_root.content { word_guesser guess_button } else @guess_button.dispose body_root.content { @restart_button = button { layout_data :center, :center, true, false text 'Restart' focus true on_widget_selected do do_restart end } } display_share_text_dialog end body_root.layout(true, true) body_root.pack(true) end def highlighted_letter_index @borders.each_with_index.find {|border, i| border.foreground.first == color(:title_background).swt_color }.last end def do_type(character) index = highlighted_letter_index @letter = @letters[index] @letter.string = character.upcase if @letters.any? {|letter| letter.string == ''} @borders.each { |caret| caret.foreground = :gray} # refactor this reusable code into a method that highlights the caret @borders[index == 4 ? 4 : index + 1].foreground = :title_background end end def do_left index = [highlighted_letter_index - 1, 0].max @borders.each { |caret| caret.foreground = :gray} # refactor this reusable code into a method that highlights the caret @borders[index].foreground = :title_background end def do_right index = [highlighted_letter_index + 1, @letters.count - 1].min @borders.each { |caret| caret.foreground = :gray} # refactor this reusable code into a method that highlights the caret @borders[index].foreground = :title_background end def do_restart @share_text_dialog&.close alphabet_layout_alphabets.each_with_index do |alphabet_character, i| @alphabet_borders[i].foreground = :gray @alphabet_rectangles[i].background = :white @alphabet_letters[i].foreground = :black end @restart_button&.dispose @canvasses.dup.each(&:dispose) @canvasses.clear @guess_button&.dispose body_root.content { word_guesser guess_button } body_root.layout(true, true) body_root.pack(true) @five_letter_word.refresh end def update_guess_word_background_colors(guess_result) guess_result.each_with_index do |result_color, i| background_color = COLOR_TO_BACKGROUND_COLOR_MAP[result_color] @borders[i].foreground = background_color @rectangles[i].background = background_color @letters[i].foreground = COLOR_TO_TEXT_COLOR_MAP[result_color] async_exec { @canvasses.last.redraw } end end def update_alphabet_background_colors alphabet_layout_alphabets.each_with_index do |alphabet_character, i| result_color = @five_letter_word.colored_alphabets[alphabet_character.downcase] if result_color background_color = COLOR_TO_BACKGROUND_COLOR_MAP[result_color] @alphabet_borders[i].foreground = background_color @alphabet_rectangles[i].background = background_color @alphabet_letters[i].foreground = COLOR_TO_TEXT_COLOR_MAP[result_color] end end end def word_filled_up? @letters.find {|letter| letter.string == ''}.nil? end def invalid_word?(word) !Model::FiveLetterWord::WORLD_ALLOWED_GUESSES.include?(word.downcase) end def valid_character?(character) ((65..90).to_a + (97..122).to_a).map {|n| n.chr}.include?(character) end def display_share_text_dialog result = "#{@five_letter_word.answer.upcase}\n\n#{emoji_result}" Clipboard.copy(result) @share_text_dialog = dialog(body_root) { grid_layout text 'Share Result' label { layout_data :center, :center, true, false text 'Result is copied to clipboard!' } styled_text { layout_data :fill, :fill, true, true editable false caret nil alignment :center font name: 'Segoe UI Emoji' if text result } } end def alphabet_font the_font = {style: :bold, height: 28} the_font.merge!(name: 'Helvetica', height: 21) if OS.linux? the_font.merge!(name: 'Arial', height: 25) if the_font end def letter_font the_font = {style: :bold, height: 40} the_font.merge!(name: 'Helvetica', height: 30) if OS.linux? the_font.merge!(name: 'Arial', height: 32) if the_font end def dispose_alphabet_container_children @alphabet_rectangles.clear @alphabet_borders.clear @alphabet_letters.clear @alphabet_container.children.each(&:dispose) end def rebuild_alphabet_container dispose_alphabet_container_children @alphabet_container.content { alphabets } @alphabet_container.layout(true, true) @alphabet_container.pack(true) update_alphabet_background_colors end def alphabet_layout=(value) @alphabet_layout = value save_config end def new_config { alphabet_layout: @alphabet_layout } end def save_config File.write(CONFIG_FILE, YAML.dump(new_config)) rescue => e puts e.full_message end def load_config File.exist?(CONFIG_FILE) ? YAML.load( : {} rescue => e puts e.full_message {} end def emoji_result result = '' @five_letter_word.guess_results.each do |row| row.each do |result_color| case result_color when :green result << "🟩" when :yellow result << "🟨" when :gray result << "⬜" end end result << "\n" end result end end end end