Feature: Send hello messages As a Trema user I want to send hello messages to openflow switches So that I can start transactions with switches Scenario: Hello trema When I try trema run "./objects/examples/openflow_message/hello 10" with following configuration (backgrounded): """ vswitch("hello") { datapath_id "0xabc" } """ And wait until "hello" is up And I terminated all trema services Then the log file "openflowd.hello.log" should include "received: OFPT_HELLO" x 11 Scenario: Hello trema in Ruby When I try trema run "./src/examples/openflow_message/hello.rb 0xabc, 10" with following configuration (backgrounded): """ vswitch("hello-r") { datapath_id "0xabc" } """ And wait until "HelloController" is up And I terminated all trema services Then the log file "openflowd.hello-r.log" should include "received: OFPT_HELLO" x 11