require 'nrser/extras' require "qb/version" require "qb/util" require 'qb/util/stdio' require "qb/ansible_module" module QB ROOT = ( + '..').expand_path ROLES_DIR = ROOT + 'roles' MIN_ANSIBLE_VERSION = '2.1.2' class Error < StandardError end def self.debug *args return unless ENV['QB_DEBUG'] && args.length > 0 header = 'DEBUG' if args[0].is_a? String header += " " + args.shift end dumpObj = case args.length when 0 header when 1 {header => args[0]} else {header => args} end # $stderr.puts("DEBUG " + format(msg, values)) $stderr.puts YAML.dump(dumpObj) end def self.get_default_dir role, cwd, options debug "get_default_dir", role: role, meta: role.meta, cwd: cwd, options: options key = 'default_dir' case role.meta[key] when nil, false # there is no get_dir info in meta/qb.yml, can't get the dir raise "unable to infer default directory: no '#{ key }' key in meta/qb.yml" when 'git_root' debug "returning the git root relative to cwd" NRSER.git_root cwd when 'cwd' debug "returing current working directory" cwd when Hash debug "qb meta option is a Hash" if role.meta[key].key? 'exe' exe_path = role.meta[key]['exe'] exe_input_data = Hash[ {|option| [option.cli_option_name, option.value] } ] unless exe_path.start_with?('~') || exe_path.start_with?('/') exe_path = File.join(role.path, exe_path) debug 'exe path is relative, basing off role dir', exe_path: exe_path end debug "found 'exe' key, calling", exe_path: exe_path, exe_input_data: exe_input_data Cmds.chomp! exe_path do JSON.dump exe_input_data end else raise "not sure to process '#{ key }' in metea/qb.yml" end end end # get_default_dir def self.check_ansible_version out = Cmds.out! 'ansible --version' version_str = out[/ansible\ ([\d\.]+)/, 1] if version_str.nil? raise NRSER.dedent <<-END could not parse ansible version from `ansible --version` output: #{ out } END end version = version_str if version < QB::MIN_ANSIBLE_VERSION raise NRSER.squish <<-END qb #{ QB::VERSION } requires ansible #{ QB::MIN_ANSIBLE_VERSION }, found version #{ version_str } at #{ `which ansible` } END end end end # needs QB::ROLES_DIR require 'qb/role' require 'qb/options'