require "spec_helper" describe Scamp do before do @valid_params = {:api_key => "6124d98749365e3db2c9e5b27ca04db6", :subdomain => "oxygen"} @valid_user_cache_data = {123 => {"name" => "foo"}, 456 => {"name" => "bar"}, 'me' => {"name" => "bot", "id" => 123}} # Stub fetch for room data @valid_room_cache_data = { 123 => { "id" => 123, "name" => "foo", "users" => [] }, 456 => { "id" => 456, "name" => "bar", "users" => [] } } end describe "#initialize" do it "should work with valid params" do a(Scamp).should be_a(Scamp) end it "should warn if given an option it doesn't know" do mock_logger a(Scamp, :fred => "estaire").should be_a(Scamp) logger_output.should =~ /WARN.*Scamp initialized with :fred => "estaire" but NO UNDERSTAND!/ end end describe "#verbose" do it "should default to false" do a(Scamp).verbose.should be_false end it "should be overridable at initialization" do a(Scamp, :verbose => true).verbose.should be_true end end describe "#logger" do context "default logger" do before { @bot = a Scamp } it { @bot.logger.should be_a(Logger) } it { @bot.logger.level.should be == Logger::INFO } end context "default logger in verbose mode" do before { @bot = a Scamp, :verbose => true } it { @bot.logger.level.should be == Logger::DEBUG } end context "overriding default" do before do @custom_logger ="/dev/null") @bot = a Scamp, :logger => @custom_logger end it { @bot.logger.should be == @custom_logger } end end describe "#first_match_only" do it "should default to false" do a(Scamp).first_match_only.should be_false end it "should be settable" do a(Scamp, :first_match_only => true).first_match_only.should be_true end end describe "private methods" do describe "#process_message" do before do @bot = a Scamp $attempts = 0 # Yes, I hate it too. Works though. @message = {:body => "my message here"} @bot.behaviour do 2.times { match(/.*/) { $attempts += 1 } } end end after { $attempts = nil } context "with first_match_only not set" do before { @bot.first_match_only.should be_false } it "should process all matchers which attempt the message" do @bot.send(:process_message, @message) $attempts.should be == 2 end end context "with first_match_only set" do before do @bot.first_match_only = true @bot.first_match_only.should be_true end it "should only process the first matcher which attempts the message" do @bot.send(:process_message, @message) $attempts.should be == 1 end end end end describe "matching" do context "with conditions" do context "for room" do it "should limit matches by id" do canary = mock canary.expects(:lives).once canary.expects(:bang).never bot = a Scamp bot.behaviour do match("a string", :conditions => {:room => 123}) {canary.lives} match("a string", :conditions => {:room => 456}) {canary.bang} end bot.send(:process_message, {:room_id => 123, :body => "a string"}) end it "should limit matches by array of IDs" do canary = mock canary.expects(:lives).once canary.expects(:bang).never bot = a Scamp bot.behaviour do match("a string", :conditions => {:room => [123]}) {canary.lives} match("a string", :conditions => {:room => [456]}) {canary.bang} end bot.room_cache = @valid_room_cache_data bot.send(:process_message, {:room_id => 123, :body => "a string"}) end it "should limit matches by array in complex form" do canary = mock canary.expects(:lives).once canary.expects(:bang).never bot = a Scamp bot.behaviour do match("a string", :conditions => {:rooms => ["foo", 777]}) {canary.lives} match("a string", :conditions => {:room => ["bar"]}) {canary.bang} end bot.room_cache = @valid_room_cache_data bot.send(:process_message, {:room_id => 123, :body => "a string"}) end it "should limit matches by name" do canary = mock canary.expects(:lives).once canary.expects(:bang).never bot = a Scamp bot.behaviour do match("a string", :conditions => {:room => "foo"}) {canary.lives} match("a string", :conditions => {:room => "bar"}) {canary.bang} end bot.room_cache = @valid_room_cache_data bot.send(:process_message, {:room_id => 123, :body => "a string"}) end end it "should limit matches by user id" do canary = mock canary.expects(:lives).once canary.expects(:bang).never bot = a Scamp bot.behaviour do match("a string", :conditions => {:user => 123}) {canary.lives} match("a string", :conditions => {:user => 456}) {canary.bang} end bot.send(:process_message, {:user_id => 123, :body => "a string"}) end it "should limit matches by user name" do canary = mock canary.expects(:lives).once canary.expects(:bang).never bot = a Scamp bot.behaviour do match("a string", :conditions => {:user => "foo"}) {canary.lives} match("a string", :conditions => {:user => "bar"}) {canary.bang} end bot.user_cache = @valid_user_cache_data bot.send(:process_message, {:user_id => 123, :body => "a string"}) end it "should limit matches by room and user" do canary = mock canary.expects(:lives).once canary.expects(:bang).never bot = a Scamp bot.behaviour do match("a string", :conditions => {:room => 123, :user => 123}) {canary.lives} match("a string", :conditions => {:room => 456, :user => 456}) {canary.bang} end bot.room_cache = @valid_room_cache_data bot.user_cache = @valid_user_cache_data bot.send(:process_message, {:room_id => 123, :user_id => 123, :body => "a string"}) bot.send(:process_message, {:room_id => 123, :user_id => 456, :body => "a string"}) bot.send(:process_message, {:room_id => 456, :user_id => 123, :body => "a string"}) end it "should ignore itself if so requested" do canary = mock canary.expects(:bang).never bot = a Scamp bot.user_cache = @valid_user_cache_data bot.ignore_self = true bot.ignore_self.should be_true bot.behaviour do match("a string") {canary.bang} end bot.send(:process_message, {:user_id => 123, :body => "a string"}) end end describe "strings" do it "should match an exact string" do canary = mock canary.expects(:lives).once canary.expects(:bang).never bot = a Scamp bot.behaviour do match("a string") {canary.lives} match("another string") {canary.bang} match("a string like no other") {canary.bang} end bot.send(:process_message, {:body => "a string"}) end it "should not match without prefix when required_prefix is true" do canary = mock canary.expects(:bang).never bot = a Scamp, :required_prefix => 'Bot: ' bot.behaviour do match("a string") {canary.bang} end bot.send(:process_message, {:body => "a string"}) end it "should match with exact prefix when required_prefix is true" do canary = mock canary.expects(:lives).once bot = a Scamp, :required_prefix => 'Bot: ' bot.behaviour do match("a string") {canary.lives} end bot.send(:process_message, {:body => "Bot: a string"}) end end describe "regexes" do it "should match a regex" do canary = mock canary.expects(:ping).twice bot = a Scamp bot.behaviour do match /foo/ do end end bot.send(:process_message, {:body => "something foo other thing"}) bot.send(:process_message, {:body => "foomaster"}) end it "should make named captures vailable as methods" do canary = mock canary.expects(:one).with("first") canary.expects(:two).with("the rest of it") bot = a Scamp bot.behaviour do match /^please match (?<yousaidthis>\w+) and (?<andthis>.+)$/ do canary.two(andthis) end end bot.send(:process_message, {:body => "please match first and the rest of it"}) end it "should make matches available in an array" do canary = mock canary.expects(:one).with("first") canary.expects(:two).with("the rest of it") bot = a Scamp bot.behaviour do match /^please match (\w+) and (.+)$/ do[0]) canary.two(matches[1]) end end bot.send(:process_message, {:body => "please match first and the rest of it"}) end it "should not match without prefix when required_prefix is present" do canary = mock canary.expects(:bang).never bot = a Scamp, :required_prefix => /^Bot[\:,\s]+/i bot.behaviour do match(/a string/) {canary.bang} end bot.send(:process_message, {:body => "a string"}) bot.send(:process_message, {:body => "some kind of a string"}) bot.send(:process_message, {:body => "a string!!!"}) end it "should match with regex prefix when required_prefix is present" do canary = mock canary.expects(:lives).times(4) bot = a Scamp, :required_prefix => /^Bot\W{1,2}/i bot.behaviour do match(/a string/) {canary.lives} end bot.send(:process_message, {:body => "Bot, a string"}) bot.send(:process_message, {:body => "Bot a string"}) bot.send(:process_message, {:body => "bot: a string"}) bot.send(:process_message, {:body => "Bot: a string oh my!"}) end end end describe "match block" do it "should make the room details available to the action block" do canary = mock canary.expects(:id).with(123) canary.expects(:name).with(@valid_room_cache_data[123]["name"]) bot = a Scamp bot.behaviour do match("a string") { } end bot.room_cache = @valid_room_cache_data bot.send(:process_message, {:room_id => 123, :body => "a string"}) end it "should make the speaking user details available to the action block" do canary = mock canary.expects(:id).with(123) canary.expects(:name).with(@valid_user_cache_data[123]["name"]) bot = a Scamp bot.behaviour do match("a string") { } end bot.user_cache = @valid_user_cache_data bot.send(:process_message, {:user_id => 123, :body => "a string"}) end it "should make the message said available to the action block" do canary = mock canary.expects(:message).with("Hello world") bot = a Scamp bot.behaviour do match("Hello world") { canary.message(message) } end bot.send(:process_message, {:body => "Hello world"}) end it "should provide a command list" do canary = mock canary.expects(:commands).with([["Hello world", {}], ["Hello other world", {:room=>123}], [/match me/, {:user=>123}]]) bot = a Scamp bot.behaviour do match("Hello world") { canary.commands(command_list) } match("Hello other world", :conditions => {:room => 123}) {} match(/match me/, :conditions => {:user => 123}) {} end bot.send(:process_message, {:body => "Hello world"}) end it "should be able to play a sound to the room the action was triggered in" do bot = a Scamp bot.behaviour do match("Hello world") { play "yeah" } end EM.run_block { room_id = 123 stub_request(:post, "https://#{@valid_params[:subdomain]}{room_id}/speak.json"). with( :body => "{\"message\":{\"body\":\"yeah\",\"type\":\"SoundMessage\"}}", :headers => {'Authorization'=>[@valid_params[:api_key], 'X'], 'Content-Type'=>'application/json'} ) bot.send(:process_message, {:room_id => room_id, :body => "Hello world"}) } end it "should be able to play a sound to an arbitrary room" do play_room = 456 bot = a Scamp bot.behaviour do match("Hello world") { play "yeah", play_room } end EM.run_block { room_id = 123 stub_request(:post, "https://#{@valid_params[:subdomain]}{play_room}/speak.json"). with( :body => "{\"message\":{\"body\":\"yeah\",\"type\":\"SoundMessage\"}}", :headers => {'Authorization'=>[@valid_params[:api_key], 'X'], 'Content-Type'=>'application/json'} ) bot.send(:process_message, {:room_id => room_id, :body => "Hello world"}) } end it "should be able to say a message to the room the action was triggered in" do bot = a Scamp bot.behaviour do match("Hello world") { say "yeah" } end EM.run_block { room_id = 123 stub_request(:post, "https://#{@valid_params[:subdomain]}{room_id}/speak.json"). with( :body => "{\"message\":{\"body\":\"yeah\",\"type\":\"Textmessage\"}}", :headers => {'Authorization'=>[@valid_params[:api_key], 'X'], 'Content-Type'=>'application/json'} ) bot.send(:process_message, {:room_id => room_id, :body => "Hello world"}) } end it "should be able to say a message to an arbitrary room" do play_room = 456 bot = a Scamp bot.behaviour do match("Hello world") { say "yeah", play_room } end EM.run_block { room_id = 123 stub_request(:post, "https://#{@valid_params[:subdomain]}{play_room}/speak.json"). with( :body => "{\"message\":{\"body\":\"yeah\",\"type\":\"Textmessage\"}}", :headers => {'Authorization'=>[@valid_params[:api_key], 'X'], 'Content-Type'=>'application/json'} ) bot.send(:process_message, {:room_id => room_id, :body => "Hello world"}) } end end describe "API" do context "user operations" do it "should fetch user data" do bot = a Scamp EM.run_block { stub_request(:get, "https://#{@valid_params[:subdomain]}"). with(:headers => {'Authorization'=>[@valid_params[:api_key], 'X'], 'Content-Type'=>'application/json'}). to_return(:status => 200, :body => Yajl::Encoder.encode(:user => @valid_user_cache_data[123]), :headers => {}) bot.username_for(123) } end it "should handle HTTP errors fetching user data" do mock_logger bot = a Scamp url = "https://#{@valid_params[:subdomain]}" EM.run_block { stub_request(:get, url). with(:headers => {'Authorization'=>[@valid_params[:api_key], 'X'], 'Content-Type'=>'application/json'}). to_return(:status => 502, :body => "", :headers => {'Content-Type'=>'text/html'}) lambda {bot.username_for(123)}.should_not raise_error } logger_output.should =~ /ERROR.*Couldn't fetch user data for user 123 with url #{url}, http response from API was 502/ end it "should handle network errors fetching user data" do mock_logger bot = a Scamp url = "https://#{@valid_params[:subdomain]}" EM.run_block { stub_request(:get, url). with(:headers => {'Authorization'=>[@valid_params[:api_key], 'X'], 'Content-Type'=>'application/json'}).to_timeout lambda {bot.username_for(123)}.should_not raise_error } logger_output.should =~ /ERROR.*Couldn't connect to #{url} to fetch user data for user 123/ end end context "room operations" do before do @room_list_url = "https://#{@valid_params[:subdomain]}" @room_url = "https://#{@valid_params[:subdomain]}" @stream_url = "" end it "should fetch a room list" do mock_logger bot = a Scamp EM.run_block { stub_request(:get, @room_list_url). with(:headers => {'Authorization'=>[@valid_params[:api_key], 'X']}). to_return(:status => 200, :body => Yajl::Encoder.encode(:rooms => @valid_room_cache_data.values), :headers => {}) bot.send(:populate_room_list) } logger_output.should =~ /DEBUG.*Fetched room list/ end it "should handle HTTP errors fetching the room list" do mock_logger bot = a Scamp EM.run_block { # stub_request(:get, url). # with(:headers => {'Authorization'=>[@valid_params[:api_key], 'X'], 'Content-Type'=>'application/json'}). # to_return(:status => 502, :body => "", :headers => {'Content-Type'=>'text/html'}) stub_request(:get, @room_list_url). with(:headers => {'Authorization'=>[@valid_params[:api_key], 'X']}). to_return(:status => 502, :body => "", :headers => {'Content-Type'=>'text/html'}) lambda {bot.send(:populate_room_list)}.should_not raise_error } logger_output.should =~ /ERROR.*Couldn't fetch room list with url #{@room_list_url}, http response from API was 502/ end it "should handle network errors fetching the room list" do mock_logger bot = a Scamp EM.run_block { stub_request(:get, @room_list_url). with(:headers => {'Authorization'=>[@valid_params[:api_key], 'X']}).to_timeout lambda {bot.send(:populate_room_list)}.should_not raise_error } logger_output.should =~ /ERROR.*Couldn't connect to url #{@room_list_url} to fetch room list/ end it "should fetch individual room data" do mock_logger bot = a Scamp EM.run_block { stub_request(:get, @room_url). with(:headers => {'Authorization'=>[@valid_params[:api_key], 'X']}). to_return(:status => 200, :body => Yajl::Encoder.encode(:room => @valid_room_cache_data[123]), :headers => {}) bot.room_name_for(123) } logger_output.should =~ /DEBUG.*Fetched room data for 123/ end it "should handle HTTP errors fetching individual room data" do mock_logger bot = a Scamp EM.run_block { stub_request(:get, @room_url). with(:headers => {'Authorization'=>[@valid_params[:api_key], 'X']}). to_return(:status => 502, :body => "", :headers => {'Content-Type'=>'text/html'}) lambda {bot.room_name_for(123)}.should_not raise_error } logger_output.should =~ /ERROR.*Couldn't fetch room data for room 123 with url #{@room_url}, http response from API was 502/ end it "should handle network errors fetching individual room data" do mock_logger bot = a Scamp EM.run_block { stub_request(:get, @room_url). with(:headers => {'Authorization'=>[@valid_params[:api_key], 'X']}).to_timeout lambda {bot.room_name_for(123)}.should_not raise_error } logger_output.should =~ /ERROR.*Couldn't connect to #{@room_url} to fetch room data for room 123/ end it "should stream a room" it "should handle HTTP errors streaming a room" it "should handle network errors streaming a room" end context "message operations" do before do @message_post_url = "https://#{@valid_params[:subdomain]}" end it "should send a message" do mock_logger bot = a Scamp EM.run_block { stub_request(:post, @message_post_url). with(:headers => {'Authorization'=>[@valid_params[:api_key], 'X'], 'Content-Type' => 'application/json'}). to_return(:status => 201, :body => Yajl::Encoder.encode(:room => @valid_room_cache_data[123]), :headers => {}) bot.send(:send_message, 123, "Hi", "Textmessage") } logger_output.should =~ /DEBUG.*Posted message "Hi" to room 123/ end it "should paste a message" do mock_logger bot = a Scamp EM.run_block { stub_request(:post, @message_post_url). with(:headers => {'Authorization'=>[@valid_params[:api_key], 'X'], 'Content-Type' => 'application/json'}). to_return(:status => 201, :body => Yajl::Encoder.encode(:room => @valid_room_cache_data[123]), :headers => {}) bot.send(:send_message, 123, "Hi", "PasteMessage") } logger_output.should =~ /DEBUG.*Posted message "Hi" to room 123/ end it "should handle HTTP errors fetching individual room data" do mock_logger bot = a Scamp EM.run_block { stub_request(:post, @message_post_url). with(:headers => {'Authorization'=>[@valid_params[:api_key], 'X'], 'Content-Type' => 'application/json'}). to_return(:status => 502, :body => "", :headers => {'Content-Type'=>'text/html'}) lambda {bot.send(:send_message, 123, "Hi", "Textmessage")}.should_not raise_error } logger_output.should =~ /ERROR.*Couldn't post message "Hi" to room 123 using url #{@message_post_url}, http response from the API was 502/ end it "should handle network errors fetching individual room data" do mock_logger bot = a Scamp EM.run_block { stub_request(:post, @message_post_url). with(:headers => {'Authorization'=>[@valid_params[:api_key], 'X'], 'Content-Type' => 'application/json'}).to_timeout lambda {bot.send(:send_message, 123, "Hi", "Textmessage")}.should_not raise_error } logger_output.should =~ /ERROR.*Couldn't connect to #{@message_post_url} to post message "Hi" to room 123/ end end end def a klass, params={} params ||= {} params = @valid_params.merge(params) if klass == Scamp end # Urg def mock_logger @logger_string = @fake_logger = Scamp.any_instance.expects(:logger).returns(@fake_logger) end # Bleurgh def logger_output str = @logger_string.dup str.rewind end end