# # = Random Number Generation # The library provides a large collection of random number generators which # can be accessed through a uniform interface. Environment variables allow you # to select different generators and seeds at runtime, so that you can easily # switch between generators without needing to recompile your program. # Each instance of a generator keeps track of its own state, allowing the # generators to be used in multi-threaded programs. Additional functions are # available for transforming uniform random numbers into samples from # continuous or discrete probability distributions such as the Gaussian, # log-normal or Poisson distributions. # # # # Contents: # 1. {General comments on random numbers}[link:rdoc/rng_rdoc.html#1] # 1. {The Random Number Generator Interface: GSL::Rng class}[link:rdoc/rng_rdoc.html#2] # 1. {Random number generator initialization}[link:rdoc/rng_rdoc.html#3] # 1. {Sampling from a random number generator}[link:rdoc/rng_rdoc.html#4] # 1. {Auxiliary random number generator functions}[link:rdoc/rng_rdoc.html#5] # 1. {Random number environment variables}[link:rdoc/rng_rdoc.html#6] # # == {}[link:index.html"name="1] General comments on random numbers # In 1988, Park and Miller wrote a paper entitled "Random number generators: # good ones are hard to find." [Commun. ACM, 31, 1192-1201]. Fortunately, some # excellent random number generators are available, though poor ones are still # in common use. You may be happy with the system-supplied random number # generator on your computer, but you should be aware that as computers get # faster, requirements on random number generators increase. Nowadays, a # simulation that calls a random number generator millions of times can often # finish before you can make it down the hall to the coffee machine and back. # # A very nice review of random number generators was written by Pierre L'Ecuyer, # as Chapter 4 of the book: Handbook on Simulation, Jerry Banks, ed. # (Wiley, 1997). The chapter is available in postscript from L'Ecuyer's # ftp site (see references). Knuth's volume on Seminumerical Algorithms # (originally published in 1968) devotes 170 pages to random number generators, # and has recently been updated in its 3rd edition (1997). It is brilliant, # a classic. If you don't own it, you should stop reading right now, run to the # nearest bookstore, and buy it. # # A good random number generator will satisfy both theoretical and statistical # properties. Theoretical properties are often hard to obtain (they require real # math!), but one prefers a random number generator with a long period, # low serial correlation, and a tendency not to "fall mainly on the planes." # Statistical tests are performed with numerical simulations. Generally, # a random number generator is used to estimate some quantity for which the # theory of probability provides an exact answer. Comparison to this exact # answer provides a measure of "randomness". # # == {}[link:index.html"name="2] The Random Number Generator Interface # It is important to remember that a random number generator is not a "real" # function like sine or cosine. Unlike real functions, successive calls to a # random number generator yield different return values. Of course that is just # what you want for a random number generator, but to achieve this effect, # the generator must keep track of some kind of "state" variable. Sometimes this # state is just an integer (sometimes just the value of the previously generated # random number), but often it is more complicated than that and may involve a # whole array of numbers, possibly with some indices thrown in. To use the # random number generators, you do not need to know the details of what # comprises the state, and besides that varies from algorithm to algorithm. # # The random number generator library uses GSL::Rng class for the interface. # == {}[link:index.html"name="3] Random number generator initialization # # --- # * GSL::Rng.alloc(rng_type[, seed]) # # This method returns a GSL::Rng object of a random number generator of type # rng_type with a seed seed. These two arguments can be omitted, # and the generator 'gsl_rng_mt19937' and a seed 0 are used as defaults. # The GSL library provides a number of random number generator types, # and one can choose with a constant GSL::RNG_xxx or a String, as # # * GSL::Rng::MT19937 or "gsl_rng_mt19937" or "mt19937" # * GSL::Rng::RANLXS0 or "gsl_rng_ranlsx0" or "ranlxs0" # * GSL::Rng::ZUF or "gsl_rng_zuf" or "zuf" # * ... # # See the {GSL reference manual}[http://www.gnu.org/software/gsl/manual/html_node/Random-number-generator-algorithms.html#Random-number-generator-algorithms"target="_top] for the complete list. # The following demonstrates how to use this class, # # require 'gsl' # # r = Rng.alloc(Rng::TAUS, 1) # r2 = Rng.alloc("ran0", 2) # p r.name <- "taus" # p r.get <- get an integer # p r2.uniform <- get a float of [0, 1) # # A generator of the type gsl_rng_taus is created with seed 1, # and gsl_rng_ran0 with seed 2. The # method get returns a random integer. # The method uniform returns # a floating number uniformly distributed in the range [0, 1). # # If the package {rngextra}[http://www.network-theory.co.uk/download/rngextra/"target="_top] is installed, additional # two generators are available, # * GSL::Rng::RNGEXTRA_RNG1, "rngextra_rng1" # * GSL::Rng::RNGEXTRA_RNG2, "rngextra_rng2" # # They are created as # # r1 = Rng.alloc(Rng::RNGEXTRA_RNG1) # p r1.name <- "rng1" # # r2 = Rng.alloc("rngextra_rng2") # p r2.name <- "rng2" # # --- # * GSL::Rng.default_seed # # Returns the default seed # --- # * GSL::Rng.set_default_seed(seed) # * GSL::Rng.default_seed=(seed) # # Override the default seed by seed. # # --- # * GSL::Rng.types_setup() # # Returns an array of all the available generators' names. # # --- # * GSK::Rng.memcpy(dest, src) # # Copies the random number generator src) into the pre-existing generator # dest, making dest into an exact copy of src. # The two generators must be of the same type. # # --- # * GSL::Rng#set(s) # # This method initializes the random number generator with a given seed s. # # == {}[link:index.html"name="4] Sampling from a random number generator # # --- # * GSL::Rng#get # # This returns a random integer from the reciever generator. # # --- # * GSL::Rng#uniform # # This method returns a double precision floating point number uniformly # distributed in the range [0,1). # # --- # * GSL::Rng#uniform_pos # # This returns a positive double precision floating point number uniformly # distributed in the range (0,1), excluding both 0.0 and 1.0. # # --- # * GSL::Rng#uniform_int(n) # # This method returns a random integer from 0 to n-1 inclusive. # # == {}[link:index.html"name="5] Auxiliary random number generator functions # # --- # * GSL::Rng#name # # This method returns a Sting object of the name of the generator. # # --- # * GSL::Rng#max # * GSL::Rng#min # # These method return the largest/smallest value that the method # get can return. # # --- # * GSL::Rng#clone # * GSL::Rng#duplicate # # Return a newly created generator which is an exact copy of the generator self. # # == {}[link:index.html"name="6] Random number environment variables # The library allows you to choose a default generator and seed from the # environment variables GSL_RNG_TYPE and GSL_RNG_SEED # and the method GSL::Rng::env_setup. # # --- # * GSL::Rng.env_setup() # # Reads the environment variables GSL_RNG_TYPE and # GSL_RNG_SEED and uses their values to set the corresponding # library variables. # # If you don't specify a generator for GSL_RNG_TYPE # then "mt19937" is used as the default. # The initial value of the default seed is zero. # # # {prev}[link:rdoc/integration_rdoc.html] # {next}[link:rdoc/qrng_rdoc.html] # # {Reference index}[link:rdoc/ref_rdoc.html] # {top}[link:index.html] #