module Pantograph class DocsGenerator def, output_path = nil) output_path ||= File.join(PantographCore::PantographFolder.path || '.', '') output = ["pantograph documentation"] output << "================" output << "# Installation" output << "" output << "Make sure you have the latest version of the Xcode command line tools installed:" output << "" output << "```" output << "xcode-select --install" output << "```" output << "" output << "Install _pantograph_ using" output << "```" output << "gem install pantograph" output << "```" output << "or alternatively using `brew cask install pantograph`" output << "" output << "# Available Actions" all_keys = ff.runner.lanes.keys.reject(&:nil?) all_keys.unshift(nil) # because we want root elements on top. always! They have key nil all_keys.each do |platform| lanes = ff.runner.lanes[platform] if lanes.nil? || lanes.empty? || lanes.all? { |_, lane| lane.is_private } next end output << "## #{formatted_platform(platform)}" if platform lanes.each do |lane_name, lane| next if lane.is_private output << render(platform, lane_name, lane.description.join("\n\n")) end output << "" output << "----" output << "" end output << "This is auto-generated and will be re-generated every time [pantograph]( is run." output << "More information about pantograph can be found on [](" output << "The documentation of pantograph can be found on [](" output << "" begin File.write(output_path, output.join("\n")) UI.success("Successfully generated documentation at path '#{File.expand_path(output_path)}'") if PantographCore::Globals.verbose? rescue => ex UI.error(ex) UI.error("Couldn't save pantograph documentation at path '#{File.expand_path(output_path)}', make sure you have write access to the containing directory.") end end ##################################################### # @!group Helper ##################################################### def self.formatted_platform(pl) pl = pl.to_s case pl when 'mac' 'MacOS' when 'linux' 'Linux' when 'windows' 'Windows' else pl end end # @param platform [String] # @param lane [Pantograph::Lane] # @param description [String] def self.render(platform, lane, description) full_name = [platform, lane].reject(&:nil?).join(' ') output = [] output << "### #{full_name}" output << "```" output << "pantograph #{full_name}" output << "```" output << description output end end end