Feature: Nested Steps Background: Given a scenario with a step that looks like this: """gherkin Given two turtles """ And a step definition that looks like this: """ruby Given /a turtle/ do puts "turtle!" end """ Scenario: Use #steps to call several steps at once Given a step definition that looks like this: """ruby Given /two turtles/ do steps %{ Given a turtle And a turtle } end """ When I run the feature with the progress formatter Then the output should contain: """ turtle! turtle! """ Scenario: Use #step to call a single step Given a step definition that looks like this: """ruby Given /two turtles/ do step "a turtle" step "a turtle" end """ When I run the feature with the progress formatter Then the output should contain: """ turtle! turtle! """ Scenario: Use #steps to call a table Given a step definition that looks like this: """ruby Given /turtles:/ do |table| table.hashes.each do |row| puts row[:name] end end """ And a step definition that looks like this: """ruby Given /two turtles/ do steps %{ Given turtles: | name | | Sturm | | Liouville | } end """ When I run the feature with the progress formatter Then the output should contain: """ Sturm Liouville """ Scenario: Use #steps to call a multi-line string Given a step definition that looks like this: """ruby Given /two turtles/ do steps %Q{ Given turtles: \"\"\" Sturm Liouville \"\"\" } end """ And a step definition that looks like this: """ruby Given /turtles:/ do |string| puts string end """ When I run the feature with the progress formatter Then the output should contain: """ Sturm Liouville """ @spawn Scenario: Backtrace doesn't skip nested steps Given a step definition that looks like this: """ruby Given /two turtles/ do step "I have a couple turtles" end When(/I have a couple turtles/) { raise 'error' } """ When I run the feature with the progress formatter Then it should fail with: """ error (RuntimeError) ./features/step_definitions/steps2.rb:5:in `/I have a couple turtles/' ./features/step_definitions/steps2.rb:2:in `/two turtles/' features/test_feature_1.feature:3:in `Given two turtles' Failing Scenarios: cucumber features/test_feature_1.feature:2 # Scenario: Test Scenario 1 1 scenario (1 failed) 1 step (1 failed) """