## 1.1.3 * @maxy removed unused variable assignments * fixed readme and code climate integration * fixed additional rubocop offenses ## 1.1.2 * fixed Rake test invocation, thanks @maxy * test integration turned on and pass * rubocop added and some simple offenses fixed ## 1.1.1 * fixed Time.zone.now call to use Time.now.utc ## 1.1.0 * Add ability to override default parameters in Servicenow::Change methods ## 1.0.0 ### breaking changes * Servicenow::Client#snow_base_url is renamed Servicenow::Client#snow_api_base_url for consistency with other variables * Logger is moved from Servicenow::Client to Servicenow; passing logger to Client has no effect * renamed Servicenow::Client#submit_change to Servicenow::Client#create_change ### other changes * moved configuration to the module level * added methods to post work notes to a Change * added methods to start and stop a Change * Servicenow.logger by default logs to STDOUT, INFO level. A future improvement will attempt to mask passwords * basic tests ## 0.0.3 ## 0.0.2