import React from 'react' import { render, screen } from '../utilities/test-utils' import Timeline from './_timeline' import TimelineItem from './_item' import TimelineLabel from './subcomponents/Label' import TimelineStep from './subcomponents/Step' import TimelineDetail from './subcomponents/Detail' import TitleDetail from '../pb_title_detail/_title_detail' const testId = 'timeline' const className = 'custom-class-name' const TimelineDefault = (props) => ( <> ) const TimelineWithChildren = (props) => ( <> ) test('should pass data prop', () => { render() const kit = screen.getByTestId(testId) expect(kit).toBeInTheDocument() }) test('should pass data prop using children', () => { render() const kit = screen.getByTestId(testId) expect(kit).toBeInTheDocument() }) test('should pass className prop', () => { render() const kit = screen.getByTestId(testId) expect(kit).toHaveClass(className) }) test('should pass className prop with children', () => { render() const kit = screen.getByTestId(testId) expect(kit).toHaveClass(className) }) test('should pass aria prop', () => { render() const kit = screen.getByTestId(testId) expect(kit).toHaveAttribute('aria-label', testId) }) test('should pass id prop', () => { render() const kit = screen.getByTestId(testId) expect(kit).toHaveProperty('id', testId) }) test('should have horizontal orientation by default', () => { render() const kit = screen.getByTestId(testId) expect(kit).toHaveClass('pb_timeline_kit_horizontal') }) test('should pass vertical orientation', () => { const props = { orientation: 'vertical' } render() const kit = screen.getByTestId(testId) expect(kit).toHaveClass('pb_timeline_kit_vertical') }) test('should pass showDate prop', () => { const props = { showDate: true } render() const kit = screen.getByTestId(testId) expect(kit).toHaveClass('pb_timeline_kit_horizontal__with_date') }) test('should pass showDate prop with Children', () => { const props = { showDate: true } render() const kit = screen.getByTestId(testId) expect(kit).toHaveClass('pb_timeline_kit_horizontal__with_date') })