module TimepieceHelper def timepiece(location = 'UTC', type: '24', lead: 'none', abbr_sep: 'none', id: '') # Note: On the inclusion of IDs, you should /not/ display them if none is given - HTML compliance. = location hours ='%H') minutes ='%M') seconds ='%S') if type == '12' hours = hours.to_i if hours > 12 hours = hours - 12 var = 'pm' elsif hours == 0 hours = 12 var = 'am' elsif hours == 12 var = 'pm' elsif hours < 12 var = 'am' end if hours < 10 if lead == '0' || lead == 'zero' hours = '0' + hours.to_s elsif lead == '_' || lead == 'space' hours = ' ' + hours.to_s end end if abbr_sep == '.' var = var.gsub(/([apm])/, '\1.') end end time = "#{hours}"\ ":"\ "#{minutes}"\ ":"\ "#{seconds}" if type == '12' time = time + "#{var}" end content_tag(:span, time.html_safe, class: 'timepiece', 'data-timezone' => location, 'data-tptype' => type, 'data-lead' => lead, 'data-abbr_separator' => abbr_sep, 'id' => (id unless id.blank?)) end def analog(location = 'UTC', id: '', size: '10em') = location hours ='%H') minutes ='%M') seconds ='%S') if hours.to_i >= 6 && hours.to_i < 18 time_of_day_class = 'timepiece-analog-day' else time_of_day_class = 'timepiece-analog-night' end hours_angle = (hours.to_i * 30) + (minutes.to_i / 2) minutes_angle = minutes.to_i * 6 seconds_angle = seconds.to_i * 6 time = "
"\ "
"\ "
" content_tag(:div, time.html_safe, class: 'timepiece-analog ' + time_of_day_class, 'data-timezone' => location, 'id' => (id unless id.blank?), 'style' => 'width:' + size + ';padding-bottom:' + size + ';') end def timer(time_since =, id: '') seconds_diff = ( - time_since).to_i days = seconds_diff / 86400 seconds_diff -= days * 86400 hours = seconds_diff / 3600 seconds_diff -= hours * 3600 minutes = seconds_diff / 60 seconds_diff -= minutes * 60 seconds = seconds_diff time = "#{days.to_s}"\ " days "\ "#{hours.to_s}"\ " hours "\ "#{minutes.to_s}"\ " minutes "\ "#{seconds.to_s}"\ " seconds " # "#{seconds.to_s.rjust(2, '0')}" # Note: rjust; it might be useful. content_tag(:span, time.html_safe, class: 'timepiece-timer', 'data-days' => days, 'data-hours' => hours, 'data-minutes' => minutes, 'data-seconds' => seconds, 'id' => (id unless id.blank?)) end def countdown(time_until =, id: '') seconds_diff = (time_until - days = seconds_diff / 86400 seconds_diff -= days * 86400 hours = seconds_diff / 3600 seconds_diff -= hours * 3600 minutes = seconds_diff / 60 seconds_diff -= minutes * 60 seconds = seconds_diff time = "#{days.to_s}"\ " days "\ "#{hours.to_s}"\ " hours "\ "#{minutes.to_s}"\ " minutes "\ "#{seconds.to_s}"\ " seconds " # "#{seconds.to_s.rjust(2, '0')}" # Note: rjust; it might be useful. content_tag(:span, time.html_safe, class: 'timepiece-countdown', 'data-days' => days, 'data-hours' => hours, 'data-minutes' => minutes, 'data-seconds' => seconds, 'id' => (id unless id.blank?)) end end