# Copyright (C) 2006 by Francis Cianfrocca. All Rights Reserved.
# Gmail: garbagecat10
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
require 'strscan'
module Net
class LDAP
# Class Net::LDAP::Filter is used to constrain
# LDAP searches. An object of this class is
# passed to Net::LDAP#search in the parameter :filter.
# Net::LDAP::Filter supports the complete set of search filters
# available in LDAP, including conjunction, disjunction and negation
# (AND, OR, and NOT). This class supplants the (infamous) RFC-2254
# standard notation for specifying LDAP search filters.
# Here's how to code the familiar "objectclass is present" filter:
# f = Net::LDAP::Filter.pres( "objectclass" )
# The object returned by this code can be passed directly to
# the :filter parameter of Net::LDAP#search.
# See the individual class and instance methods below for more examples.
class Filter
def initialize op, a, b
@op = op
@left = a
@right = b
# #eq creates a filter object indicating that the value of
# a paticular attribute must be either present or must
# match a particular string.
# To specify that an attribute is "present" means that only
# directory entries which contain a value for the particular
# attribute will be selected by the filter. This is useful
# in case of optional attributes such as mail.
# Presence is indicated by giving the value "*" in the second
# parameter to #eq. This example selects only entries that have
# one or more values for sAMAccountName:
# f = Net::LDAP::Filter.eq( "sAMAccountName", "*" )
# To match a particular range of values, pass a string as the
# second parameter to #eq. The string may contain one or more
# "*" characters as wildcards: these match zero or more occurrences
# of any character. Full regular-expressions are not supported
# due to limitations in the underlying LDAP protocol.
# This example selects any entry with a mail value containing
# the substring "anderson":
# f = Net::LDAP::Filter.eq( "mail", "*anderson*" )
# Removed gt and lt. They ain't in the standard!
def Filter::eq attribute, value; Filter.new :eq, attribute, value; end
def Filter::ne attribute, value; Filter.new :ne, attribute, value; end
#def Filter::gt attribute, value; Filter.new :gt, attribute, value; end
#def Filter::lt attribute, value; Filter.new :lt, attribute, value; end
def Filter::ge attribute, value; Filter.new :ge, attribute, value; end
def Filter::le attribute, value; Filter.new :le, attribute, value; end
# #pres( attribute ) is a synonym for #eq( attribute, "*" )
def Filter::pres attribute; Filter.eq attribute, "*"; end
# operator & ("AND") is used to conjoin two or more filters.
# This expression will select only entries that have an objectclass
# attribute AND have a mail attribute that begins with "George":
# f = Net::LDAP::Filter.pres( "objectclass" ) & Net::LDAP::Filter.eq( "mail", "George*" )
def & filter; Filter.new :and, self, filter; end
# operator | ("OR") is used to disjoin two or more filters.
# This expression will select entries that have either an objectclass
# attribute OR a mail attribute that begins with "George":
# f = Net::LDAP::Filter.pres( "objectclass" ) | Net::LDAP::Filter.eq( "mail", "George*" )
def | filter; Filter.new :or, self, filter; end
# operator ~ ("NOT") is used to negate a filter.
# This expression will select only entries that do not have an objectclass
# attribute:
# f = ~ Net::LDAP::Filter.pres( "objectclass" )
# This operator can't be !, evidently. Try it.
# Removed GT and LT. They're not in the RFC.
def ~@; Filter.new :not, self, nil; end
# Equality operator for filters, useful primarily for constructing unit tests.
def == filter
str = "[@op,@left,@right]"
self.instance_eval(str) == filter.instance_eval(str)
def to_s
case @op
when :ne
when :eq
#when :gt
# "#{@left}>#{@right}"
#when :lt
# "#{@left}<#{@right}"
when :ge
when :le
when :and
when :or
when :not
raise "invalid or unsupported operator in LDAP Filter"
# to_ber
# Filter ::=
# and [0] SET OF Filter,
# or [1] SET OF Filter,
# not [2] Filter,
# equalityMatch [3] AttributeValueAssertion,
# substrings [4] SubstringFilter,
# greaterOrEqual [5] AttributeValueAssertion,
# lessOrEqual [6] AttributeValueAssertion,
# present [7] AttributeType,
# approxMatch [8] AttributeValueAssertion
# }
# SubstringFilter
# type AttributeType,
# initial [0] LDAPString,
# any [1] LDAPString,
# final [2] LDAPString
# }
# }
# Parsing substrings is a little tricky.
# We use the split method to break a string into substrings
# delimited by the * (star) character. But we also need
# to know whether there is a star at the head and tail
# of the string. A Ruby particularity comes into play here:
# if you split on * and the first character of the string is
# a star, then split will return an array whose first element
# is an _empty_ string. But if the _last_ character of the
# string is star, then split will return an array that does
# _not_ add an empty string at the end. So we have to deal
# with all that specifically.
def to_ber
case @op
when :eq
if @right == "*" # present
@left.to_s.to_ber_contextspecific 7
elsif @right =~ /[\*]/ #substring
ary = @right.split( /[\*]+/ )
final_star = @right =~ /[\*]$/
initial_star = ary.first == "" and ary.shift
seq = []
unless initial_star
seq << ary.shift.to_ber_contextspecific(0)
n_any_strings = ary.length - (final_star ? 0 : 1)
#p n_any_strings
n_any_strings.times {
seq << ary.shift.to_ber_contextspecific(1)
unless final_star
seq << ary.shift.to_ber_contextspecific(2)
[@left.to_s.to_ber, seq.to_ber].to_ber_contextspecific 4
else #equality
[@left.to_s.to_ber, unescape(@right).to_ber].to_ber_contextspecific 3
when :ge
[@left.to_s.to_ber, unescape(@right).to_ber].to_ber_contextspecific 5
when :le
[@left.to_s.to_ber, unescape(@right).to_ber].to_ber_contextspecific 6
when :and
ary = [@left.coalesce(:and), @right.coalesce(:and)].flatten
ary.map {|a| a.to_ber}.to_ber_contextspecific( 0 )
when :or
ary = [@left.coalesce(:or), @right.coalesce(:or)].flatten
ary.map {|a| a.to_ber}.to_ber_contextspecific( 1 )
when :not
[@left.to_ber].to_ber_contextspecific 2
# ERROR, we'll return objectclass=* to keep things from blowing up,
# but that ain't a good answer and we need to kick out an error of some kind.
raise "unimplemented search filter"
def unescape(right)
right.gsub(/\\([a-fA-F\d]{2,2})/) do
# Converts an LDAP search filter in BER format to an Net::LDAP::Filter
# object. The incoming BER object most likely came to us by parsing an
# LDAP searchRequest PDU.
# Cf the comments under #to_ber, including the grammar snippet from the RFC.
# We're hardcoding the BER constants from the RFC. Ought to break them out
# into constants.
def Filter::parse_ber ber
case ber.ber_identifier
when 0xa0 # context-specific constructed 0, "and"
ber.map {|b| Filter::parse_ber(b)}.inject {|memo,obj| memo & obj}
when 0xa1 # context-specific constructed 1, "or"
ber.map {|b| Filter::parse_ber(b)}.inject {|memo,obj| memo | obj}
when 0xa2 # context-specific constructed 2, "not"
~ Filter::parse_ber( ber.first )
when 0xa3 # context-specific constructed 3, "equalityMatch"
if ber.last == "*"
Filter.eq( ber.first, ber.last )
when 0xa4 # context-specific constructed 4, "substring"
str = ""
final = false
ber.last.each {|b|
case b.ber_identifier
when 0x80 # context-specific primitive 0, SubstringFilter "initial"
raise "unrecognized substring filter, bad initial" if str.length > 0
str += b
when 0x81 # context-specific primitive 0, SubstringFilter "any"
str += "*#{b}"
when 0x82 # context-specific primitive 0, SubstringFilter "final"
str += "*#{b}"
final = true
str += "*" unless final
Filter.eq( ber.first.to_s, str )
when 0xa5 # context-specific constructed 5, "greaterOrEqual"
Filter.ge( ber.first.to_s, ber.last.to_s )
when 0xa6 # context-specific constructed 5, "lessOrEqual"
Filter.le( ber.first.to_s, ber.last.to_s )
when 0x87 # context-specific primitive 7, "present"
# call to_s to get rid of the BER-identifiedness of the incoming string.
Filter.pres( ber.to_s )
raise "invalid BER tag-value (#{ber.ber_identifier}) in search filter"
# Perform filter operations against a user-supplied block. This is useful when implementing
# an LDAP directory server. The caller's block will be called with two arguments: first, a
# symbol denoting the "operation" of the filter; and second, an array consisting of arguments
# to the operation. The user-supplied block (which is MANDATORY) should perform some desired
# application-defined processing, and may return a locally-meaningful object that will appear
# as a parameter in the :and, :or and :not operations detailed below.
# A typical object to return from the user-supplied block is an array of
# Net::LDAP::Filter objects.
# These are the possible values that may be passed to the user-supplied block:
# :equalityMatch (the arguments will be an attribute name and a value to be matched);
# :substrings (two arguments: an attribute name and a value containing one or more * characters);
# :present (one argument: an attribute name);
# :greaterOrEqual (two arguments: an attribute name and a value to be compared against);
# :lessOrEqual (two arguments: an attribute name and a value to be compared against);
# :and (two or more arguments, each of which is an object returned from a recursive call
# to #execute, with the same block;
# :or (two or more arguments, each of which is an object returned from a recursive call
# to #execute, with the same block;
# :not (one argument, which is an object returned from a recursive call to #execute with the
# the same block.
def execute &block
case @op
when :eq
if @right == "*"
yield :present, @left
elsif @right.index '*'
yield :substrings, @left, @right
yield :equalityMatch, @left, @right
when :ge
yield :greaterOrEqual, @left, @right
when :le
yield :lessOrEqual, @left, @right
when :or, :and
yield @op, (@left.execute(&block)), (@right.execute(&block))
when :not
yield @op, (@left.execute(&block))
end || []
# coalesce
# This is a private helper method for dealing with chains of ANDs and ORs
# that are longer than two. If BOTH of our branches are of the specified
# type of joining operator, then return both of them as an array (calling
# coalesce recursively). If they're not, then return an array consisting
# only of self.
def coalesce operator
if @op == operator
[@left.coalesce( operator ), @right.coalesce( operator )]
# We get a Ruby object which comes from parsing an RFC-1777 "Filter"
# object. Convert it to a Net::LDAP::Filter.
# TODO, we're hardcoding the RFC-1777 BER-encodings of the various
# filter types. Could pull them out into a constant.
def Filter::parse_ldap_filter obj
case obj.ber_identifier
when 0x87 # present. context-specific primitive 7.
Filter.eq( obj.to_s, "*" )
when 0xa3 # equalityMatch. context-specific constructed 3.
Filter.eq( obj[0], obj[1] )
raise LdapError.new( "unknown ldap search-filter type: #{obj.ber_identifier}" )
# We got a hash of attribute values.
# Do we match the attributes?
# Return T/F, and call match recursively as necessary.
def match entry
case @op
when :eq
if @right == "*"
l = entry[@left] and l.length > 0
l = entry[@left] and l = l.to_a and l.index(@right)
raise LdapError.new( "unknown filter type in match: #{@op}" )
# Converts an LDAP filter-string (in the prefix syntax specified in RFC-2254)
# to a Net::LDAP::Filter.
def self.construct ldap_filter_string
# Synonym for #construct.
# to a Net::LDAP::Filter.
def self.from_rfc2254 ldap_filter_string
construct ldap_filter_string
end # class Net::LDAP::Filter
class FilterParser #:nodoc:
attr_reader :filter
def initialize str
@filter = parse( StringScanner.new( str )) or raise Net::LDAP::LdapError.new( "invalid filter syntax" )
def parse scanner
parse_filter_branch(scanner) or parse_paren_expression(scanner)
def parse_paren_expression scanner
if scanner.scan(/\s*\(\s*/)
b = if scanner.scan(/\s*\&\s*/)
a = nil
branches = []
while br = parse_paren_expression(scanner)
branches << br
if branches.length >= 2
a = branches.shift
while branches.length > 0
a = a & branches.shift
elsif scanner.scan(/\s*\|\s*/)
a = nil
branches = []
while br = parse_paren_expression(scanner)
branches << br
if branches.length >= 2
a = branches.shift
while branches.length > 0
a = a | branches.shift
elsif scanner.scan(/\s*\!\s*/)
br = parse_paren_expression(scanner)
if br
~ br
parse_filter_branch( scanner )
if b and scanner.scan( /\s*\)\s*/ )
# Added a greatly-augmented filter contributed by Andre Nathan
# for detecting special characters in values. (15Aug06)
# Added blanks to the attribute filter (26Oct06)
def parse_filter_branch scanner
if token = scanner.scan( /[\w\-_]+/ )
if op = scanner.scan( /\=|\<\=|\<|\>\=|\>|\!\=/ )
#if value = scanner.scan( /[\w\*\.]+/ ) (ORG)
#if value = scanner.scan( /[\w\*\.\+\-@=#\$%&! ]+/ ) (ff suggested by Kouhei Sutou
if value = scanner.scan( /(?:[\w\*\.\+\-@=,#\$%&! ]|\\[a-fA-F\d]{2,2})+/ )
case op
when "="
Filter.eq( token, value )
when "!="
Filter.ne( token, value )
when "<"
Filter.lt( token, value )
when "<="
Filter.le( token, value )
when ">"
Filter.gt( token, value )
when ">="
Filter.ge( token, value )
end # class Net::LDAP::FilterParser
end # class Net::LDAP
end # module Net