class VerificationUI { constructor($table, config) { this.$table = $table; this.svgPath = $table.find("use[href]:first").attr("href").split("#")[0]; this.icon = "icon-key"; this.config = config; this.$table.on("click", ".show-verifications-modal", (e) => this.toggleModal(e)); this.addModal(); } addModal() { this.$modal = $(`


`); this.$table.after(this.$modal); this.$title = $("#user-groups .card-title:first"); this.$modalBody = this.$modal.find(".modal-body"); this.reveal = new Foundation.Reveal(this.$modal); } drawButtons() { this.$table.find("tbody tr").each((idx, tr) => { const $lastTd = $(tr).find("td:last"); $lastTd.prepend(` ${this.config.buttonTitle} `); }); } addStatsTitle() { // Add upper link to verification stats const $a = $(`${this.config.statsLabel}`); $a.on("click", (e) => { e.preventDefault(); this.loadUrl($a.attr("href"), true); }); this.$title.append($a); } getTrStatus(tr) { return this.getUserVerifications($(tr).data("user-id")).length ? "alert" : ""; } getVerification(id) { return this.config.verifications.find((auth) => == id); } getUserVerifications(userId) { return this.config.verifications.filter((auth) => auth.userId == userId); } toggleModal(e) { const userId = $("tr").data("user-id"); this.loadUrl(this.config.userVerificationsPath.replace("-ID-", userId)); } loadUrl(url, large = false) { this.$modal.removeClass("large"); if (large) { this.$modal.addClass("large"); } this.$modalBody.html(''); this.$modalBody.load(url); this.$"toggle"); } } $(() => { const ui = new VerificationUI($("#user-groups table.table-list"), DirectVerificationsConfig); // Draw the icon buttons for checking verification statuses ui.drawButtons(); ui.addStatsTitle(); });