Given /^NetSaint configuration is at "([^"]*)"$/ do |path| require 'pathname' root = files = [] files << root.join('commands.cfg') files << root.join('netsaint.cfg') files << root.join('resource.cfg') be_true files.each do |filename| File.exists?(filename).should be_true end end Then /^I should see a valid JSON output$/ do lambda { parser = @data = parser.parse(@output) }.should_not raise_error end Then /^show me the output$/ do puts @output end Then /^I should see a list of (\w+)$/ do |type| @data[type].should_not be_nil @data[type].size.should > 0 end Then /^I should see the following attributes for every (\w+):$/ do |type, table| type += 's' values = table.hashes.find_all {|h| !h.key?("nillable?") }.map {|h| h["attribute"] } @data[type].each_pair do |name, items| items.each do |item| values.each do |attr| item[attr].should_not be_nil end end end nils = table.hashes.find_all {|h| h.key?("nillable?") }.map {|h| h["attribute"] } @data[type].each_pair do |name, items| items.each do |item| nils.each do |attr| item.member?(attr).should be_true end end end end