# = Nonlinear Least-Squares Fitting
# This chapter describes functions for multidimensional nonlinear least-squares
# fitting. The library provides low level components for a variety of iterative
# solvers and convergence tests. These can be combined by the user to achieve
# the desired solution, with full access to the intermediate steps of the
# iteration. Each class of methods uses the same framework, so that you can
# switch between solvers at runtime without needing to recompile your program.
# Each instance of a solver keeps track of its own state, allowing the solvers
# to be used in multi-threaded programs.
# Contents:
# 1. {Overview}[link:rdoc/nonlinearfit_rdoc.html#label-Overview]
# 1. {Initializing the Solver}[link:rdoc/nonlinearfit_rdoc.html#label-Initializing+the+Solver]
# 1. {GSL::MultiFit::FdfSolver class}[link:rdoc/nonlinearfit_rdoc.html#label-FdfSolver+class]
# 1. {Providing the function to be minimized}[link:rdoc/nonlinearfit_rdoc.html#label-Providing+the+function+to+be+minimized]
# 1. {GSL::MultiFit::Function_fdf class}[link:rdoc/nonlinearfit_rdoc.html#label-Function_fdf+class]
# 1. {Iteration}[link:rdoc/nonlinearfit_rdoc.html#label-Iteration]
# 1. {Search Stopping Parameters}[link:rdoc/nonlinearfit_rdoc.html#label-Search+Stopping+Parameters]
# 1. {Computing the covariance matrix of best fit parameters}[link:rdoc/nonlinearfit_rdoc.html#label-Computing+the+covariance+matrix+of+best+fit+parameters]
# 1. {Higher level interfaces}[link:rdoc/nonlinearfit_rdoc.html#label-Higher+level+interfaces]
# 1. {Examples}[link:rdoc/nonlinearfit_rdoc.html#label-Examples]
# 1. {Fitting to user-defined functions}[link:rdoc/nonlinearfit_rdoc.html#label-Fitting+to+user-defined+functions]
# 1. {Fitting to built-in functions}[link:rdoc/nonlinearfit_rdoc.html#label-Fitting+to+built-in+functions]
# == Overview
# The problem of multidimensional nonlinear least-squares fitting requires the
# minimization of the squared residuals of n functions, f_i, in p parameters,
# x_i, All algorithms proceed from an initial guess using the linearization,
# where x is the initial point, p is the proposed step and J is the Jacobian
# matrix J_{ij} = d f_i / d x_j. Additional strategies are used to enlarge the
# region of convergence. These include requiring a decrease in the norm ||F||
# on each step or using a trust region to avoid steps which fall outside the
# linear regime.
# To perform a weighted least-squares fit of a nonlinear model Y(x,t) to data
# (t_i, y_i) with independent gaussian errors \sigma_i, use function components
# of the following form, Note that the model parameters are denoted by x in this
# chapter since the non-linear least-squares algorithms are described
# geometrically (i.e. finding the minimum of a surface). The independent
# variable of any data to be fitted is denoted by t.
# With the definition above the Jacobian is
# J_{ij} =(1 / \sigma_i) d Y_i / d x_j, where Y_i = Y(x,t_i).
# == Initializing the Solver
# === FdfSolver class
# ---
# * GSL::MultiFit::FdfSolver.alloc(T, n, p)
# This creates an instance of the GSL::MultiFit::FdfSolver class of
# type T for n observations and p parameters. The type T
# is given by a Fixnum constant or a String,
# * GSL::MultiFit::LMSDER or "lmsder"
# * GSL::MultiFit::LMDER or "lmder"
# For example, the following code creates an instance of a Levenberg-Marquardt
# solver for 100 data points and 3 parameters,
# solver = MultiFit::FdfSolver.alloc(MultiFit::LMDER, 100, 3)
# ---
# * GSL::MultiFit::FdfSolver#set(f, x)
# This method initializes, or reinitializes, an existing solver self
# to use the function f and the initial guess x. The function f
# is an instance of the GSL::MultiFit::Function_fdf class (see below). The
# initial guess of the parameters x is given by a {GSL::Vector}[link:rdoc/vector_rdoc.html] object.
# ---
# * GSL::MultiFit::FdfSolver#name
# This returns the name of the solver self as a String.
# ---
# * GSL::MultiFit::FdfSolver#x
# * GSL::MultiFit::FdfSolver#dx
# * GSL::MultiFit::FdfSolver#f
# * GSL::MultiFit::FdfSolver#J
# * GSL::MultiFit::FdfSolver#jacobian
# * GSL::MultiFit::FdfSolver#jac
# Access to the members (see gsl_multifit_nlin.h)
# == Providing the function to be minimized
# === Function_fdf class
# ---
# * GSL::MultiFit::Function_fdf.alloc()
# * GSL::MultiFit::Function_fdf.alloc(f, df, p)
# * GSL::MultiFit::Function_fdf.alloc(f, df, fdf, p)
# Constructor for the Function_fdf class, to a
# function with p parameters, The first two or three arguments are Ruby Proc objects
# to evaluate the function to minimize and its derivative (Jacobian).
# ---
# * GSL::MultiFit::Function_fdf#set_procs(f, df, p)
# * GSL::MultiFit::Function_fdf#set_procs(f, df, fdf, p)
# This initialize of reinitialize the function self with p parameters
# by two or three Proc objects f, df and fdf.
# ---
# * GSL::MultiFit::Function_fdf#set_data(t, y)
# * GSL::MultiFit::Function_fdf#set_data(t, y, sigma)
# This sets the data t, y, sigma of length n, to the function self.
# == Iteration
# ---
# * GSL::MultiFit::FdfSolver#iterate
# THis performs a single iteration of the solver self. If the iteration
# encounters an unexpected problem then an error code will be returned.
# The solver maintains a current estimate of the best-fit parameters at all
# times. This information can be accessed with the method position.
# ---
# * GSL::MultiFit::FdfSolver#position
# This returns the current position (i.e. best-fit parameters) of the solver
# self, as a GSL::Vector object.
# == Search Stopping Parameters
# A minimization procedure should stop when one of the following conditions is true:
# * A minimum has been found to within the user-specified precision.
# * A user-specified maximum number of iterations has been reached.
# * An error has occurred.
# The handling of these conditions is under user control. The method below allows
# the user to test the current estimate of the best-fit parameters.
# ---
# * GSL::MultiFit::FdfSolver#test_delta(epsabs, epsrel)
# This method tests for the convergence of the sequence by comparing the last
# step with the absolute error epsabs and relative error (epsrel
# to the current position. The test returns GSL::SUCCESS if the following
# condition is achieved,
# |dx_i| < epsabs + epsrel |x_i|
# for each component of x and returns GSL::CONTINUE otherwise.
# ---
# * GSL::MultiFit::FdfSolver#test_gradient(g, epsabs)
# * GSL::MultiFit::FdfSolver#test_gradient(epsabs)
# This function tests the residual gradient g against the absolute error
# bound epsabs. If g is not given, it is calculated internally.
# Mathematically, the gradient should be exactly zero at the minimum.
# The test returns GSL::SUCCESS if the following condition is achieved,
# \sum_i |g_i| < epsabs
# and returns GSL::CONTINUE otherwise. This criterion is suitable for
# situations where the precise location of the minimum, x, is unimportant provided
# a value can be found where the gradient is small enough.
# ---
# * GSL::MultiFit::FdfSolver#gradient
# This method returns the gradient g of \Phi(x) = (1/2) ||F(x)||^2 from the
# Jacobian matrix and the function values, using the formula g = J^T f.
# ---
# * GSL::MultiFit.test_delta(dx, x, epsabs, epsrel)
# * GSL::MultiFit.test_gradient(g, epsabs)
# * GSL::MultiFit.gradient(jac, f, g)
# * GSL::MultiFit.covar(jac, epsrel)
# * GSL::MultiFit.covar(jac, epsrel, covar)
# Singleton methods of the GSL::MultiFit module.
# == Computing the covariance matrix of best fit parameters
# ---
# * GSL::MultiFit.covar(J, epsrel)
# * GSL::MultiFit.covar(J, epsrel, covar)
# This method uses the Jacobian matrix J to compute the covariance
# matrix of the best-fit parameters. If an existing matrix covar is given,
# it is overwritten, and if not, this method returns a new matrix.
# The parameter epsrel is used to remove linear-dependent columns when
# J is rank deficient.
# The covariance matrix is given by,
# covar = (J^T J)^{-1}
# and is computed by QR decomposition of J with column-pivoting.
# Any columns of R which satisfy
# |R_{kk}| <= epsrel |R_{11}|
# are considered linearly-dependent and are excluded from the covariance matrix
# (the corresponding rows and columns of the covariance matrix are set to zero).
# == Higher level interfaces
# ---
# * GSL::MultiFit::FdfSolver.fit(x, y, type[, guess])
# * GSL::MultiFit::FdfSolver.fit(x, w, y, type[, guess])
# This method uses FdfSolver with the LMSDER algorithm to fit the data
# [x, y] to a function of type type. The returned value is
# an array of 4 elements, [coef, err, chisq, dof],
# where coef is an array of the fitting coefficients, err contains
# errors in estimating coef, chisq is the
# chi-squared, and dof is the degree-of-freedom in the fitting
# which equals to (data length - number of fitting coefficients). The optional
# argument guess is an array of initial guess of the coefficients.
# The fitting type type is given by a String as follows.
# * "gaussian": Gaussian fit,
# y = y0 + A exp(-(x-x0)^2/2/var), coef = [y0, A, x0, var]
# * "gaussian_2peaks": 2-peak Gaussian fit,
# y = y0 + A1 exp(-(x-x1)^2/2/var1) + A2 exp(-(x-x2)^2/2/var2), coef = [y0, A1, x1, var1, A2, x2, var2]
# * "exp": Exponential fit,
# y = y0 + A exp(-b x), coef = [y0, A, b]
# * "dblexp": Double exponential fit,
# y = y0 + A1 exp(-b1 x) + A2 exp(-b2 x), coef = [y0, A1, b1, A2, b2]
# * "sin": Sinusoidal fit,
# y = y0 + A sin(f x + phi), coef = [y0, A, f, phi]
# * "lor": Lorentzian peak fit,
# y = y0 + A/((x-x0)^2 + B), coef = [y0, A, x0, B]
# * "hill": Hill's equation fit,
# y = y0 + (m - y0)/(1 + (xhalf/x)^r), coef = [y0, n, xhalf, r]
# * "sigmoid": Sigmoid (Fermi-Dirac) function fit,
# y = y0 + m/(1 + exp((x0-x)/r)), coef = [y0, m, x0, r]
# * "power": Power-law fit,
# y = y0 + A x^r, coef = [y0, A, r]
# * "lognormal": Lognormal peak fit,
# y = y0 + A exp[ -(log(x/x0)/width)^2 ], coef = [y0, A, x0, width]
# See {Linear fitting}[link:rdoc/fit_rdoc.html#label-Higer+level+interface] for linear and polynomical fittings.
# == Examples
# === Fitting to user-defined functions
# The following example program fits a weighted exponential model with background
# to experimental data, Y = A exp(-lambda t) + b. The first part of the program sets
# up the functions procf and procdf to calculate the model and its Jacobian.
# The appropriate fitting function is given by,
# f_i = ((A exp(-lambda t_i) + b) - y_i)/sigma_i
# where we have chosen t_i = i. The Jacobian matrix jac is the derivative of
# these functions with respect to the three parameters (A, lambda, b). It is given by,
# J_{ij} = d f_i / d x_j
# where x_0 = A, x_1 = lambda and x_2 = b.
# require("gsl")
# include GSL::MultiFit
# # x: Vector, list of the parameters to determine
# # t, y, sigma: Vectors, observational data
# # f: Vector, function to minimize
# procf = Proc.new { |x, t, y, sigma, f|
# a = x[0]
# lambda = x[1]
# b = x[2]
# n = t.size
# for i in 0...n do
# yi = a*Math::exp(-lambda*t[i]) + b
# f[i] = (yi - y[i])/sigma[i]
# end
# }
# # jac: Matrix, Jacobian
# procdf = Proc.new { |x, t, y, sigma, jac|
# a = x[0]
# lambda = x[1]
# n = t.size
# for i in 0...n do
# ti = t[i]
# si = sigma[i]
# ei = Math::exp(-lambda*ti)
# jac.set(i, 0, ei/si)
# jac.set(i, 1, -ti*a*ei/si)
# jac.set(i, 2, 1.0/si)
# end
# }
# f = GSL::MultiFit::Function_fdf.alloc(procf, procdf, 2)
# # Create data
# r = GSL::Rng.alloc()
# t = GSL::Vector.alloc(n)
# y = GSL::Vector.alloc(n)
# sigma = Vector.alloc(n)
# for i in 0...n do
# t[i] = i
# y[i] = 1.0 + 5*Math::exp(-0.1*t[i]) + r.gaussian(0.1)
# sigma[i] = 0.1
# end
# f.set_data(t, y, sigma)
# x = GSL::Vector.alloc(1.0, 0.0, 0.0) # initial guess
# solver = GSL::FdfSolver.alloc(FdfSolver::LMSDER, n, np)
# solver.set(f, x)
# iter = 0
# solver.print_state(iter)
# begin
# iter += 1
# status = solver.iterate
# solver.print_state(iter)
# status = solver.test_delta(1e-4, 1e-4)
# end while status == GSL::CONTINUE and iter < 500
# covar = solver.covar(0.0)
# position = solver.position
# chi2 = pow_2(solver.f.dnrm2)
# dof = n - np
# printf("A = %.5f +/- %.5f\n", position[0], Math::sqrt(chi2/dof*covar[0][0]))
# printf("lambda = %.5f +/- %.5f\n", position[1], Math::sqrt(chi2/dof*covar[1][1]))
# printf("b = %.5f +/- %.5f\n", position[2], Math::sqrt(chi2/dof*covar[2][2]))
# === Fitting to built-in functions
# #!/usr/bin/env ruby
# require("gsl")
# include MultiFit
# N = 100
# y0 = 1.0
# A = 2.0
# x0 = 3.0
# w = 0.5
# r = Rng.alloc
# x = Vector.linspace(0.01, 10, N)
# sig = 1
# # Lognormal function with noise
# y = y0 + A*Sf::exp(-pow_2(Sf::log(x/x0)/w)) + 0.1*Ran::gaussian(r, sig, N)
# guess = [0, 3, 2, 1]
# coef, err, chi2, dof = MultiFit::FdfSolver.fit(x, y, "lognormal", guess)
# y0 = coef[0]
# amp = coef[1]
# x0 = coef[2]
# w = coef[3]
# graph(x, y, y0+amp*Sf::exp(-pow_2(Sf::log(x/x0)/w)))
# {prev}[link:rdoc/fit_rdoc.html]
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