require 'rack' require 'svelte' require 'FileUtils' unless Object.const_defined?('FileUtils') # Svelte for Rack w/ Cogs(tm) # # @example Within a rackup file (or with Rack::Builder) # require 'rack/svelte' # use Rack::Svelte, # #app_root_dir:'').root, # app_root_dir: ::File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)), # components_dir_in: '/app/components', # components_dir_out: '/public/app/js', # default_dir_out_overwrite: false, # default_dir_out_clear: false, # format: 'iife' # run app # # @example Rails example # # above Rails::Initializer block # require 'rack/svelte' # # # inside Rails::Initializer block # config.middleware.use Rack::Svelte, # app_root_dir: Rails.root.to_s, # components_dir_in: '/app/components', # components_dir_out: '/public/app/js', # default_dir_out_overwrite: false, # default_dir_out_clear: false, # format: 'iife' # module Rack::Svelte autoload :Cogs, 'rack/svelte/cogs' # Create a new Rack::Svelte middleware component that builds Svelte components # using the svelte-ruby gem. The +options+ Hash can include any Svelte compiler # options AND components_dir_in, components_dir_in # # @see Svelte on Github for options: # # @param backend [#rack_object] set implicitly by Rack, use the var: `backend` # @param [Hash] options for processing and svelte compiler # @option options [String] :app_root_dir app's root dir (path expanded) # @option options [String] :components_dir_in where svelte-rack look for components (path begins at app's root dir) # @option options [String] :components_dir_out where svelte-rack writes compiled js (path begins at app's root dir) # @option options [Boolean] :dir_out_overwrite overwrite any files with matching name in the components_dir_out dir # @option options [Boolean] :dir_out_clear clear entire components_dir_out dir before writing new files # @return [void] # # Default svelte-rack options are: # default_root: '/' # default_components_in: '/app/components' # default_components_out: '/public/app/js' # default_dir_out_overwrite: false # default_dir_out_clear: false # def, options = {}), options) end end