require 'optparse' require 'rake' require 'singleton' def Autobuild(&script) Autobuild.send(:module_eval, &script) end module Autobuild class << self %w{ nice srcdir prefix verbose debug do_update do_build daemonize clean_log }.each do |name| attr_accessor name end attr_reader :programs attr_writer :logdir end DEFAULT_OPTIONS = { :nice => 0, :srcdir => nil, :prefix => nil, :logdir => nil, :verbose => false, :debug => false, :do_build => true, :do_update => true, :daemonize => false } @programs = DEFAULT_OPTIONS.each do |name, value| send("#{name}=", value) end @mail = class << self attr_reader :mail def logdir; @logdir || "#{prefix}/log" end def clean_log! Reporting.each_log do |file| FileUtils.rm_f file end end # Get a given program, using its name as default value def tool(name) programs[name.to_sym] || programs[name.to_s] || name.to_s end # Gets autobuild options from the command line # and returns the remaining elements def commandline(args) parser = do |opts| opts.separator "Path specification" opts.on("--srcdir PATH", "sources are installed in PATH") do |@srcdir| end opts.on("--prefix PATH", "built packages are installed in PATH") do |@prefix| logdir = "#{prefix}/autobuild" end opts.on("--logdir PATH", "logs are saved in PATH (default: /autobuild)") do |@logdir| end opts.separator "" opts.separator "General behaviour" opts.on('--nice NICE', Integer, 'nice the subprocesses to the given value') do |@nice| end opts.on("-h", "--help", "Show this message") do puts opts exit end opts.on("--[no-]daemon", "go into daemon mode") do |@daemonize| end opts.on("--[no-]update", "update already checked-out sources") do |@do_update| end opts.on("--[no-]build", "only prepare packages, do not build them") do |@do_build| end opts.separator "" opts.separator "Program output" opts.on("--[no-]verbose", "display output of commands on stdout") do |@verbose| end opts.on("--[no-]debug", "verbose information (for debugging purposes)") do |@debug| end opts.separator "" opts.separator "Mail reports" opts.on("--mail-from EMAIL", String, "From: field of the sent mails") do |from_email| mail[:from] = from_email end opts.on("--mail-to EMAILS", String, "comma-separated list of emails to which the reports should be sent") do |emails| mail[:to] ||= [] mail[:to] += emails.split(',') end opts.on("--mail-subject SUBJECT", String, "Subject: field of the sent mails") do |subject_email| mail[:subject] = subject_email end opts.on("--mail-smtp HOSTNAME", String, " address of the mail server written as hostname[:port]") do |smtp| raise "invalid SMTP specification #{smtp}" unless smtp =~ /^([^:]+)(?::(\d+))?$/ mail[:smtp] = $1 mail[:port] = Integer($2) unless $2.empty? end opts.on("--mail-only-errors", "send mail only on errors") do mail[:only_errors] = true end end parser.parse!(args) if !args[0] puts parser exit end Rake.application.options.trace = debug args[0..-1] end end end