GEMFILE(5) GEMFILE(5) 1mNAME0m 1mGemfile 22m- A format for describing gem dependencies for Ruby programs 1mSYNOPSIS0m A 1mGemfile 22mdescribes the gem dependencies required to execute associated Ruby code. Place the 1mGemfile 22min the root of the directory containing the associ- ated code. For instance, in a Rails application, place the 1mGemfile 22min the same directory as the 1mRakefile22m. 1mSYNTAX0m A 1mGemfile 22mis evaluated as Ruby code, in a context which makes available a number of methods used to describe the gem requirements. 1mGLOBAL SOURCES (#source)0m At the top of the 1mGemfile22m, add a line for the 1mRubygems 22msource that con- tains the gems listed in the 1mGemfile22m. source "" It is possible, but not recommended as of Bundler 1.7, to add multiple global 1msource 22mlines. Each of these 1msource22ms 1mMUST 22mbe a valid Rubygems repository. Sources are checked for gems following the heuristics described in 4mSOURCE24m 4mPRIORITY24m. If a gem is found in more than one global source, Bundler will print a warning after installing the gem indicating which source was used, and listing the other sources where the gem is avail- able. A specific source can be selected for gems that need to use a non-standard repository, suppressing this warning, by using the 1m:source0m option or a 1msource 22mblock. 1mCREDENTIALS (#credentials)0m Some gem sources require a username and password. Use 1mbundle config 22mto set the username and password for any sources that need it. The command must be run once on each computer that will install the Gemfile, but this keeps the credentials from being stored in plain text in version control. bundle config user:password For some sources, like a company Gemfury account, it may be easier to simply include the credentials in the Gemfile as part of the source URL. source "" Credentials in the source URL will take precedence over credentials set using 1mconfig22m. 1mRUBY (#ruby)0m If your application requires a specific Ruby version or engine, specify your requirements using the 1mruby 22mmethod, with the following arguments. All parameters are 1mOPTIONAL 22munless otherwise specified. 1mVERSION (required)0m The version of Ruby that your application requires. If your application requires an alternate Ruby engine, such as JRuby or Rubinius, this should be the Ruby version that the engine is compatible with. ruby "1.9.3" 1mENGINE (:engine)0m Each application 4mmay24m specify a Ruby engine. If an engine is specified, an engine version 4mmust24m also be specified. 1mENGINE VERSION (:engine_version)0m Each application 4mmay24m specify a Ruby engine version. If an engine ver- sion is specified, an engine 4mmust24m also be specified. If the engine is "ruby" the engine version specified 4mmust24m match the Ruby version. ruby "1.8.7", :engine => "jruby", :engine_version => "1.6.7" 1mPATCHLEVEL (:patchlevel)0m Each application 4mmay24m specify a Ruby patchlevel. ruby "2.0.0", :patchlevel => "247" 1mGEMS (#gem)0m Specify gem requirements using the 1mgem 22mmethod, with the following argu- ments. All parameters are 1mOPTIONAL 22munless otherwise specified. 1mNAME (required)0m For each gem requirement, list a single 4mgem24m line. gem "nokogiri" 1mVERSION0m Each 4mgem24m 1mMAY 22mhave one or more version specifiers. gem "nokogiri", ">= 1.4.2" gem "RedCloth", ">= 4.1.0", "< 4.2.0" 1mREQUIRE AS (:require)0m Each 4mgem24m 1mMAY 22mspecify files that should be used when autorequiring via 1mBundler.require22m. You may pass an array with multiple files or 1mtrue 22mif file you want 1mrequired 22mhas same name as 4mgem24m or 1mfalse 22mto prevent any file from being autorequired. gem "redis", :require => ["redis/connection/hiredis", "redis"] gem "webmock", :require => false gem "debugger", :require => true The argument defaults to the name of the gem. For example, these are identical: gem "nokogiri" gem "nokogiri", :require => "nokogiri" gem "nokogiri", :require => true 1mGROUPS (:group or :groups)0m Each 4mgem24m 1mMAY 22mspecify membership in one or more groups. Any 4mgem24m that does not specify membership in any group is placed in the 1mdefault0m group. gem "rspec", :group => :test gem "wirble", :groups => [:development, :test] The Bundler runtime allows its two main methods, 1mBundler.setup 22mand 1mBundler.require22m, to limit their impact to particular groups. # setup adds gems to Ruby's load path Bundler.setup # defaults to all groups require "bundler/setup" # same as Bundler.setup Bundler.setup(:default) # only set up the _default_ group Bundler.setup(:test) # only set up the _test_ group (but `not` _default_) Bundler.setup(:default, :test) # set up the _default_ and _test_ groups, but no others # require requires all of the gems in the specified groups Bundler.require # defaults to just the _default_ group Bundler.require(:default) # identical Bundler.require(:default, :test) # requires the _default_ and _test_ groups Bundler.require(:test) # requires just the _test_ group The Bundler CLI allows you to specify a list of groups whose gems 1mbun-0m 1mdle install 22mshould not install with the 1m--without 22moption. To specify multiple groups to ignore, specify a list of groups separated by spa- ces. bundle install --without test bundle install --without development test After running 1mbundle install --without test22m, bundler will remember that you excluded the test group in the last installation. The next time you run 1mbundle install22m, without any 1m--without option22m, bundler will recall it. Also, calling 1mBundler.setup 22mwith no parameters, or calling 1mrequire0m 1m"bundler/setup" 22mwill setup all groups except for the ones you excluded via 1m--without 22m(since they are obviously not available). Note that on 1mbundle install22m, bundler downloads and evaluates all gems, in order to create a single canonical list of all of the required gems and their dependencies. This means that you cannot list different ver- sions of the same gems in different groups. For more details, see Understanding Bundler 4m 1mPLATFORMS (:platforms)0m If a gem should only be used in a particular platform or set of plat- forms, you can specify them. Platforms are essentially identical to groups, except that you do not need to use the 1m--without 22minstall-time flag to exclude groups of gems for other platforms. There are a number of 1mGemfile 22mplatforms: 1mruby 22mC Ruby (MRI) or Rubinius, but 1mNOT 22mWindows 1mruby_180m 4mruby24m 1mAND 22mversion 1.8 1mruby_190m 4mruby24m 1mAND 22mversion 1.9 1mruby_200m 4mruby24m 1mAND 22mversion 2.0 1mruby_210m 4mruby24m 1mAND 22mversion 2.1 1mruby_220m 4mruby24m 1mAND 22mversion 2.2 1mruby_230m 4mruby24m 1mAND 22mversion 2.3 1mmri 22mSame as 4mruby24m, but not Rubinius 1mmri_18 4m22mmri24m 1mAND 22mversion 1.8 1mmri_19 4m22mmri24m 1mAND 22mversion 1.9 1mmri_20 4m22mmri24m 1mAND 22mversion 2.0 1mmri_21 4m22mmri24m 1mAND 22mversion 2.1 1mmri_22 4m22mmri24m 1mAND 22mversion 2.2 1mmri_23 4m22mmri24m 1mAND 22mversion 2.3 1mrbx 22mSame as 4mruby24m, but only Rubinius (not MRI) 1mjruby 22mJRuby 1mmswin 22mWindows 1mmingw 22mWindows 32 bit 'mingw32' platform (aka RubyInstaller) 1mmingw_180m 4mmingw24m 1mAND 22mversion 1.8 1mmingw_190m 4mmingw24m 1mAND 22mversion 1.9 1mmingw_200m 4mmingw24m 1mAND 22mversion 2.0 1mmingw_210m 4mmingw24m 1mAND 22mversion 2.1 1mmingw_220m 4mmingw24m 1mAND 22mversion 2.2 1mmingw_230m 4mmingw24m 1mAND 22mversion 2.3 1mx64_mingw0m Windows 64 bit 'mingw32' platform (aka RubyInstaller x64) 1mx64_mingw_200m 4mx64_mingw24m 1mAND 22mversion 2.0 1mx64_mingw_210m 4mx64_mingw24m 1mAND 22mversion 2.1 1mx64_mingw_220m 4mx64_mingw24m 1mAND 22mversion 2.2 1mx64_mingw_230m 4mx64_mingw24m 1mAND 22mversion 2.3 As with groups, you can specify one or more platforms: gem "weakling", :platforms => :jruby gem "ruby-debug", :platforms => :mri_18 gem "nokogiri", :platforms => [:mri_18, :jruby] All operations involving groups (1mbundle install22m, 1mBundler.setup22m, 1mBundler.require22m) behave exactly the same as if any groups not matching the current platform were explicitly excluded. 1mSOURCE (:source)0m You can select an alternate Rubygems repository for a gem using the ':source' option. gem "some_internal_gem", :source => "" This forces the gem to be loaded from this source and ignores any global sources declared at the top level of the file. If the gem does not exist in this source, it will not be installed. Bundler will search for child dependencies of this gem by first looking in the source selected for the parent, but if they are not found there, it will fall back on global sources using the ordering described in 4mSOURCE24m 4mPRIORITY24m. Selecting a specific source repository this way also suppresses the ambiguous gem warning described above in 4mGLOBAL24m 4mSOURCES24m 4m(#source)24m. 1mGIT (:git)0m If necessary, you can specify that a gem is located at a particular git repository using the 1m:git 22mparameter. The repository can be accessed via several protocols: 1mHTTP(S)0m gem "rails", :git => "" 1mSSH 22mgem "rails", :git => "" 1mgit 22mgem "rails", :git => "git://" If using SSH, the user that you use to run 1mbundle install MUST 22mhave the appropriate keys available in their 1m$HOME/.ssh22m. 1mNOTE22m: 1mhttp:// 22mand 1mgit:// 22mURLs should be avoided if at all possible. These protocols are unauthenticated, so a man-in-the-middle attacker can deliver malicious code and compromise your system. HTTPS and SSH are strongly preferred. The 1mgroup22m, 1mplatforms22m, and 1mrequire 22moptions are available and behave exactly the same as they would for a normal gem. A git repository 1mSHOULD 22mhave at least one file, at the root of the directory containing the gem, with the extension 1m.gemspec22m. This file 1mMUST 22mcontain a valid gem specification, as expected by the 1mgem build0m command. If a git repository does not have a 1m.gemspec22m, bundler will attempt to create one, but it will not contain any dependencies, executables, or C extension compilation instructions. As a result, it may fail to prop- erly integrate into your application. If a git repository does have a 1m.gemspec 22mfor the gem you attached it to, a version specifier, if provided, means that the git repository is only valid if the 1m.gemspec 22mspecifies a version matching the version specifier. If not, bundler will print a warning. gem "rails", "2.3.8", :git => "" # bundle install will fail, because the .gemspec in the rails # repository's master branch specifies version 3.0.0 If a git repository does 1mnot 22mhave a 1m.gemspec 22mfor the gem you attached it to, a version specifier 1mMUST 22mbe provided. Bundler will use this ver- sion in the simple 1m.gemspec 22mit creates. Git repositories support a number of additional options. 1mbranch22m, 1mtag22m, and 1mref0m You 1mMUST 22monly specify at most one of these options. The default is 1m:branch => "master"0m 1msubmodules0m Specify 1m:submodules => true 22mto cause bundler to expand any sub- modules included in the git repository If a git repository contains multiple 1m.gemspecs22m, each 1m.gemspec 22mrepre- sents a gem located at the same place in the file system as the 1m.gem-0m 1mspec22m. |~rails [git root] | |-rails.gemspec [rails gem located here] |~actionpack | |-actionpack.gemspec [actionpack gem located here] |~activesupport | |-activesupport.gemspec [activesupport gem located here] |... To install a gem located in a git repository, bundler changes to the directory containing the gemspec, runs 1mgem build name.gemspec 22mand then installs the resulting gem. The 1mgem build 22mcommand, which comes standard with Rubygems, evaluates the 1m.gemspec 22min the context of the directory in which it is located. 1mGIT SOURCE (:git_source)0m A custom git source can be defined via the 1mgit_source 22mmethod. Provide the source's name as an argument, and a block which receives a single argument and interpolates it into a string to return the full repo address: git_source(:stash){ |repo_name| "{repo_name}.git" } gem 'rails', :stash => 'forks/rails' In addition, if you wish to choose a specific branch: gem "rails", :stash => "forks/rails", :branch => "branch_name" 1mGITHUB (:github)0m 1mNOTE22m: This shorthand should be avoided until Bundler 2.0, since it cur- rently expands to an insecure 1mgit:// 22mURL. This allows a man-in-the-mid- dle attacker to compromise your system. If the git repository you want to use is hosted on GitHub and is pub- lic, you can use the :github shorthand to specify just the github user- name and repository name (without the trailing ".git"), separated by a slash. If both the username and repository name are the same, you can omit one. gem "rails", :github => "rails/rails" gem "rails", :github => "rails" Are both equivalent to gem "rails", :git => "git://" Since the 1mgithub 22mmethod is a specialization of 1mgit_source22m, it accepts a 1m:branch 22mnamed argument. 1mGIST (:gist)0m If the git repository you want to use is hosted as a Github Gist and is public, you can use the :gist shorthand to specify just the gist iden- tifier (without the trailing ".git"). gem "the_hatch", :gist => "4815162342" Is equivalent to: gem "the_hatch", :git => "" Since the 1mgist 22mmethod is a specialization of 1mgit_source22m, it accepts a 1m:branch 22mnamed argument. 1mBITBUCKET (:bitbucket)0m If the git repository you want to use is hosted on Bitbucket and is public, you can use the :bitbucket shorthand to specify just the bit- bucket username and repository name (without the trailing ".git"), sep- arated by a slash. If both the username and repository name are the same, you can omit one. gem "rails", :bitbucket => "rails/rails" gem "rails", :bitbucket => "rails" Are both equivalent to gem "rails", :git => "" Since the 1mbitbucket 22mmethod is a specialization of 1mgit_source22m, it accepts a 1m:branch 22mnamed argument. 1mPATH (:path)0m You can specify that a gem is located in a particular location on the file system. Relative paths are resolved relative to the directory con- taining the 1mGemfile22m. Similar to the semantics of the 1m:git 22moption, the 1m:path 22moption requires that the directory in question either contains a 1m.gemspec 22mfor the gem, or that you specify an explicit version that bundler should use. Unlike 1m:git22m, bundler does not compile C extensions for gems specified as paths. gem "rails", :path => "vendor/rails" If you would like to use multiple local gems directly from the filesys- tem, you can set a global 1mpath 22moption to the path containing the gem's files. This will automatically load gemspec files from subdirectories. path 'components' do gem 'admin_ui' gem 'public_ui' end 1mBLOCK FORM OF SOURCE, GIT, PATH, GROUP and PLATFORMS0m The 1m:source22m, 1m:git22m, 1m:path22m, 1m:group22m, and 1m:platforms 22moptions may be applied to a group of gems by using block form. source "" do gem "some_internal_gem" gem "another_internal_gem" end git "" do gem "activesupport" gem "actionpack" end platforms :ruby do gem "ruby-debug" gem "sqlite3" end group :development, :optional => true do gem "wirble" gem "faker" end In the case of the group block form the :optional option can be given to prevent a group from being installed unless listed in the 1m--with0m option given to the 1mbundle install 22mcommand. In the case of the 1mgit 22mblock form, the 1m:ref22m, 1m:branch22m, 1m:tag22m, and 1m:sub-0m 1mmodules 22moptions may be passed to the 1mgit 22mmethod, and all gems in the block will inherit those options. 1mINSTALL_IF (#install_if)0m The 1minstall_if 22mmethod allows gems to be installed based on a proc or lambda. This is especially useful for optional gems that can only be used if certain software is installed or some other conditions are met. install_if -> { RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /darwin/ } do gem "pasteboard" end 1mGEMSPEC (#gemspec)0m If you wish to use Bundler to help install dependencies for a gem while it is being developed, use the 1mgemspec 22mmethod to pull in the dependen- cies listed in the 1m.gemspec 22mfile. The 1mgemspec 22mmethod adds any runtime dependencies as gem requirements in the default group. It also adds development dependencies as gem requirements in the 1mdevelopment 22mgroup. Finally, it adds a gem require- ment on your project (1m:path => '.'22m). In conjunction with 1mBundler.setup22m, this allows you to require project files in your test code as you would if the project were installed as a gem; you need not manipulate the load path manually or require project files via relative paths. The 1mgemspec 22mmethod supports optional 1m:path22m, 1m:glob22m, 1m:name22m, and 1m:develop-0m 1mment_group 22moptions, which control where bundler looks for the 1m.gemspec22m, the glob it uses to look for the gemspec (defaults to: "{,4m,24m/*}.gem- spec"), what named 1m.gemspec 22mit uses (if more than one is present), and which group development dependencies are included in. 1mSOURCE PRIORITY0m When attempting to locate a gem to satisfy a gem requirement, bundler uses the following priority order: 1. The source explicitly attached to the gem (using 1m:source22m, 1m:path22m, or 1m:git22m) 2. For implicit gems (dependencies of explicit gems), any source, git, or path repository declared on the parent. This results in bundler prioritizing the ActiveSupport gem from the Rails git repository over ones from 1mrubygems.org0m 3. The sources specified via global 1msource 22mlines, searching each source in your 1mGemfile 22mfrom last added to first added. May 2016 GEMFILE(5)