# ******************************************************************************* # OpenStudio(R), Copyright (c) 2008-2021, Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC. # All rights reserved. # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # (1) Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # (2) Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation # and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # (3) Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of any contributors # may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without # specific prior written permission from the respective party. # # (4) Other than as required in clauses (1) and (2), distributions in any form # of modifications or other derivative works may not use the "OpenStudio" # trademark, "OS", "os", or any other confusingly similar designation without # specific prior written permission from Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER(S) AND ANY CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, # THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER(S), ANY CONTRIBUTORS, THE # UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT, OR THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY, NOR ANY OF # THEIR EMPLOYEES, BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, # EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT # OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, # STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY # OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # ******************************************************************************* module OsLib_QAQC # include any general notes about QAQC method here # checks the number of unmet hours in the model # todo - do I need unique tolerance ranges for conductance, reflectance, and shgc def check_envelope_conductance(category, target_standard, min_pass, max_pass, name_only = false) # summary of the check check_elems = OpenStudio::AttributeVector.new check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('name', 'Envelope R-Value') check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('category', category) if target_standard == 'ICC IECC 2015' dislay_standard = target_standard check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('description', "Check envelope against Table R402.1.2 and R402.1.4 in #{dislay_standard} Residential Provisions.") elsif target_standard.include?('90.1-2013') display_standard = "ASHRAE #{target_standard}" check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('description', "Check envelope against #{display_standard} Table 5.5.2, Table G2.1.5 b,c,d,e, Section Roof reflectance of 55%, wall relfectance of 30%.") else # TODO: - could add more elsifs if want to dsiplay tables and sections for additional 90.1 standards if target_standard.include?('90.1') display_standard = "ASHRAE #{target_standard}" else display_standard = target_standard end check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('description', "Check envelope against #{display_standard}. Roof reflectance of 55%, wall relfectance of 30%.") end # stop here if only name is requested this is used to populate display name for arguments if name_only == true results = [] check_elems.each do |elem| results << elem.valueAsString end return results end # list of surface types to identify for each space type for surfaces and sub-surfaces construction_type_array = [] construction_type_array << ['ExteriorWall', 'SteelFramed'] construction_type_array << ['ExteriorRoof', 'IEAD'] construction_type_array << ['ExteriorFloor', 'Mass'] construction_type_array << ['ExteriorDoor', 'Swinging'] construction_type_array << ['ExteriorWindow', 'Metal framing (all other)'] construction_type_array << ['Skylight', 'Glass with Curb'] # overhead door doesn't show in list, or glass door # Versions of OpenStudio greater than 2.4.0 use a modified version of # openstudio-standards with different method calls. These methods # require a "Standard" object instead of the standard being passed into method calls. # This Standard object is used throughout the QAQC check. if OpenStudio::VersionString.new(OpenStudio.openStudioVersion) < OpenStudio::VersionString.new('2.4.3') use_old_gem_code = true else use_old_gem_code = false std = Standard.build(target_standard) end begin # loop through all space types used in the model @model.getSpaceTypes.each do |space_type| next if space_type.floorArea <= 0 space_type_const_properties = {} construction_type_array.each do |const_type| # gather data for exterior wall intended_surface_type = const_type[0] standards_construction_type = const_type[1] space_type_const_properties[intended_surface_type] = {} if use_old_gem_code data = space_type.get_construction_properties(target_standard, intended_surface_type, standards_construction_type) else data = std.space_type_get_construction_properties(space_type, intended_surface_type, standards_construction_type) end if data.nil? puts "lookup for #{target_standard},#{intended_surface_type},#{standards_construction_type}" check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "Didn't find construction for #{standards_construction_type} #{intended_surface_type} for #{space_type.name}.") elsif intended_surface_type.include? 'ExteriorWall' || 'ExteriorFloor' || 'ExteriorDoor' space_type_const_properties[intended_surface_type]['u_value'] = data['assembly_maximum_u_value'] space_type_const_properties[intended_surface_type]['reflectance'] = 0.30 # hard coded value elsif intended_surface_type.include? 'ExteriorRoof' space_type_const_properties[intended_surface_type]['u_value'] = data['assembly_maximum_u_value'] space_type_const_properties[intended_surface_type]['reflectance'] = 0.55 # hard coded value else space_type_const_properties[intended_surface_type]['u_value'] = data['assembly_maximum_u_value'] space_type_const_properties[intended_surface_type]['shgc'] = data['assembly_maximum_solar_heat_gain_coefficient'] end end # make array of construction details for surfaces surface_details = [] missing_surface_constructions = [] sub_surface_details = [] missing_sub_surface_constructions = [] # loop through spaces space_type.spaces.each do |space| space.surfaces.each do |surface| next if surface.outsideBoundaryCondition != 'Outdoors' if surface.construction.is_initialized surface_details << { boundary_condition: surface.outsideBoundaryCondition, surface_type: surface.surfaceType, construction: surface.construction.get } else missing_constructions << surface.name.get end # make array of construction details for sub_surfaces surface.subSurfaces.each do |sub_surface| if sub_surface.construction.is_initialized sub_surface_details << { boundary_condition: sub_surface.outsideBoundaryCondition, surface_type: sub_surface.subSurfaceType, construction: sub_surface.construction.get } else missing_constructions << sub_surface.name.get end end end end if !missing_surface_constructions.empty? check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "#{missing_constructions.size} surfaces are missing constructions in #{space_type.name}. Spaces and can't be checked.") end if !missing_sub_surface_constructions.empty? check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "#{missing_constructions.size} sub surfaces are missing constructions in #{space_type.name}. Spaces and can't be checked.") end # gather targer values for this space type # todo - address support for other surface types e.g. overhead door glass door target_r_value_ip = {} target_reflectance = {} target_u_value_ip = {} target_shgc = {} target_r_value_ip['Wall'] = 1.0 / space_type_const_properties['ExteriorWall']['u_value'].to_f target_reflectance['Wall'] = space_type_const_properties['ExteriorWall']['reflectance'].to_f target_r_value_ip['RoofCeiling'] = 1.0 / space_type_const_properties['ExteriorRoof']['u_value'].to_f target_reflectance['RoofCeiling'] = space_type_const_properties['ExteriorRoof']['reflectance'].to_f target_r_value_ip['Floor'] = 1.0 / space_type_const_properties['ExteriorFloor']['u_value'].to_f target_reflectance['Floor'] = space_type_const_properties['ExteriorFloor']['reflectance'].to_f target_r_value_ip['Door'] = 1.0 / space_type_const_properties['ExteriorDoor']['u_value'].to_f target_reflectance['Door'] = space_type_const_properties['ExteriorDoor']['reflectance'].to_f target_u_value_ip['FixedWindow'] = space_type_const_properties['ExteriorWindow']['u_value'].to_f target_shgc['FixedWindow'] = space_type_const_properties['ExteriorWindow']['shgc'].to_f target_u_value_ip['OperableWindow'] = space_type_const_properties['ExteriorWindow']['u_value'].to_f target_shgc['OperableWindow'] = space_type_const_properties['ExteriorWindow']['shgc'].to_f target_u_value_ip['Skylight'] = space_type_const_properties['Skylight']['u_value'].to_f target_shgc['Skylight'] = space_type_const_properties['Skylight']['shgc'].to_f # loop through unique construction arary combinations surface_details.uniq.each do |surface_detail| if surface_detail[:construction].thermalConductance.is_initialized # don't use intened surface type of construction, look map based on surface type and boundary condition boundary_condition = surface_detail[:boundary_condition] surface_type = surface_detail[:surface_type] intended_surface_type = '' if boundary_condition.to_s == 'Outdoors' if surface_type.to_s == 'Wall' then intended_surface_type = 'ExteriorWall' end if surface_type == 'RoofCeiling' then intended_surface_type = 'ExteriorRoof' end if surface_type == 'Floor' then intended_surface_type = 'ExteriorFloor' end else # currently only used for surfaces with outdoor boundary condition end if use_old_gem_code film_coefficients_r_value = surface_detail[:construction].to_LayeredConstruction.get.to_Construction.get.film_coefficients_r_value(intended_surface_type) else film_coefficients_r_value = std.film_coefficients_r_value(intended_surface_type, includes_int_film = true, includes_ext_film = true) end thermal_conductance = surface_detail[:construction].thermalConductance.get r_value_with_film = 1 / thermal_conductance + film_coefficients_r_value source_units = 'm^2*K/W' target_units = 'ft^2*h*R/Btu' r_value_ip = OpenStudio.convert(r_value_with_film, source_units, target_units).get solar_reflectance = surface_detail[:construction].to_LayeredConstruction.get.layers[0].to_OpaqueMaterial.get.solarReflectance .get # TODO: - check optional first does what happens with ext. air wall # stop if didn't find values (0 or infinity) next if target_r_value_ip[surface_detail[:surface_type]] == 0.0 next if target_r_value_ip[surface_detail[:surface_type]] == Float::INFINITY # check r avlues if r_value_ip < target_r_value_ip[surface_detail[:surface_type]] * (1.0 - min_pass) check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "R value of #{r_value_ip.round(2)} (#{target_units}) for #{surface_detail[:construction].name} in #{space_type.name} is more than #{min_pass * 100} % below the expected value of #{target_r_value_ip[surface_detail[:surface_type]].round(2)} (#{target_units}) for #{display_standard}.") elsif r_value_ip > target_r_value_ip[surface_detail[:surface_type]] * (1.0 + max_pass) check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "R value of #{r_value_ip.round(2)} (#{target_units}) for #{surface_detail[:construction].name} in #{space_type.name} is more than #{max_pass * 100} % above the expected value of #{target_r_value_ip[surface_detail[:surface_type]].round(2)} (#{target_units}) for #{display_standard}.") end # check solar reflectance if (solar_reflectance < target_reflectance[surface_detail[:surface_type]] * (1.0 - min_pass)) && (target_standard != 'ICC IECC 2015') check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "Solar Reflectance of #{(solar_reflectance * 100).round} % for #{surface_detail[:construction].name} in #{space_type.name} is more than #{min_pass * 100} % below the expected value of #{(target_reflectance[surface_detail[:surface_type]] * 100).round} %.") elsif (solar_reflectance > target_reflectance[surface_detail[:surface_type]] * (1.0 + max_pass)) && (target_standard != 'ICC IECC 2015') check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "Solar Reflectance of #{(solar_reflectance * 100).round} % for #{surface_detail[:construction].name} in #{space_type.name} is more than #{max_pass * 100} % above the expected value of #{(target_reflectance[surface_detail[:surface_type]] * 100).round} %.") end else check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "Can't calculate R value for #{surface_detail[:construction].name}.") end end # loop through unique construction arary combinations sub_surface_details.uniq.each do |sub_surface_detail| if sub_surface_detail[:surface_type] == 'FixedWindow' || sub_surface_detail[:surface_type] == 'OperableWindow' || sub_surface_detail[:surface_type] == 'Skylight' # check for non opaque sub surfaces source_units = 'W/m^2*K' target_units = 'Btu/ft^2*h*R' if use_old_gem_code u_factor_si = sub_surface_detail[:construction].to_LayeredConstruction.get.to_Construction.get.calculated_u_factor else u_factor_si = std.construction_calculated_u_factor(sub_surface_detail[:construction].to_LayeredConstruction.get.to_Construction.get) end u_factor_ip = OpenStudio.convert(u_factor_si, source_units, target_units).get if use_old_gem_code shgc = sub_surface_detail[:construction].to_LayeredConstruction.get.to_Construction.get.calculated_solar_heat_gain_coefficient else shgc = std.construction_calculated_solar_heat_gain_coefficient(sub_surface_detail[:construction].to_LayeredConstruction.get.to_Construction.get) end # stop if didn't find values (0 or infinity) next if target_u_value_ip[sub_surface_detail[:surface_type]] == 0.0 next if target_u_value_ip[sub_surface_detail[:surface_type]] == Float::INFINITY # check u avlues if u_factor_ip < target_u_value_ip[sub_surface_detail[:surface_type]] * (1.0 - min_pass) check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "U value of #{u_factor_ip.round(2)} (#{target_units}) for #{sub_surface_detail[:construction].name} in #{space_type.name} is more than #{min_pass * 100} % below the expected value of #{target_u_value_ip[sub_surface_detail[:surface_type]].round(2)} (#{target_units}) for #{display_standard}.") elsif u_factor_ip > target_u_value_ip[sub_surface_detail[:surface_type]] * (1.0 + max_pass) check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "U value of #{u_factor_ip.round(2)} (#{target_units}) for #{sub_surface_detail[:construction].name} in #{space_type.name} is more than #{max_pass * 100} % above the expected value of #{target_u_value_ip[sub_surface_detail[:surface_type]].round(2)} (#{target_units}) for #{display_standard}.") end # check shgc if shgc < target_shgc[sub_surface_detail[:surface_type]] * (1.0 - min_pass) check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "SHGC of #{shgc.round(2)} % for #{sub_surface_detail[:construction].name} in #{space_type.name} is more than #{min_pass * 100} % below the expected value of #{target_shgc[sub_surface_detail[:surface_type]].round(2)} %.") elsif shgc > target_shgc[sub_surface_detail[:surface_type]] * (1.0 + max_pass) check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "SHGC of #{shgc.round(2)} % for #{sub_surface_detail[:construction].name} in #{space_type.name} is more than #{max_pass * 100} % above the expected value of #{target_shgc[sub_surface_detail[:surface_type]].round(2)} %.") end else # check for opaque sub surfaces if sub_surface_detail[:construction].thermalConductance.is_initialized # don't use intened surface type of construction, look map based on surface type and boundary condition boundary_condition = sub_surface_detail[:boundary_condition] surface_type = sub_surface_detail[:surface_type] intended_surface_type = '' if boundary_condition.to_s == 'Outdoors' # TODO: add additional intended surface types if surface_type.to_s == 'Door' then intended_surface_type = 'ExteriorDoor' end else # currently only used for surfaces with outdoor boundary condition end if use_old_gem_code film_coefficients_r_value = sub_surface_detail[:construction].to_LayeredConstruction.get.to_Construction.get.film_coefficients_r_value(intended_surface_type) else film_coefficients_r_value = std.film_coefficients_r_value(intended_surface_type, includes_int_film = true, includes_ext_film = true) end thermal_conductance = sub_surface_detail[:construction].thermalConductance.get r_value_with_film = 1 / thermal_conductance + film_coefficients_r_value source_units = 'm^2*K/W' target_units = 'ft^2*h*R/Btu' r_value_ip = OpenStudio.convert(r_value_with_film, source_units, target_units).get solar_reflectance = sub_surface_detail[:construction].to_LayeredConstruction.get.layers[0].to_OpaqueMaterial.get.solarReflectance .get # TODO: - check optional first does what happens with ext. air wall # stop if didn't find values (0 or infinity) next if target_r_value_ip[sub_surface_detail[:surface_type]] == 0.0 next if target_r_value_ip[sub_surface_detail[:surface_type]] == Float::INFINITY # check r avlues if r_value_ip < target_r_value_ip[sub_surface_detail[:surface_type]] * (1.0 - min_pass) check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "R value of #{r_value_ip.round(2)} (#{target_units}) for #{sub_surface_detail[:construction].name} in #{space_type.name} is more than #{min_pass * 100} % below the expected value of #{target_r_value_ip[sub_surface_detail[:surface_type]].round(2)} (#{target_units}) for #{display_standard}.") elsif r_value_ip > target_r_value_ip[sub_surface_detail[:surface_type]] * (1.0 + max_pass) check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "R value of #{r_value_ip.round(2)} (#{target_units}) for #{sub_surface_detail[:construction].name} in #{space_type.name} is more than #{max_pass * 100} % above the expected value of #{target_r_value_ip[sub_surface_detail[:surface_type]].round(2)} (#{target_units}) for #{display_standard}.") end # check solar reflectance if (solar_reflectance < target_reflectance[sub_surface_detail[:surface_type]] * (1.0 - min_pass)) && (target_standard != 'ICC IECC 2015') check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "Solar Reflectance of #{(solar_reflectance * 100).round} % for #{sub_surface_detail[:construction].name} in #{space_type.name} is more than #{min_pass * 100} % below the expected value of #{(target_reflectance[sub_surface_detail[:surface_type]] * 100).round} %.") elsif (solar_reflectance > target_reflectance[sub_surface_detail[:surface_type]] * (1.0 + max_pass)) && (target_standard != 'ICC IECC 2015') check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "Solar Reflectance of #{(solar_reflectance * 100).round} % for #{sub_surface_detail[:construction].name} in #{space_type.name} is more than #{max_pass * 100} % above the expected value of #{(target_reflectance[sub_surface_detail[:surface_type]] * 100).round} %.") end else check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "Can't calculate R value for #{sub_surface_detail[:construction].name}.") end end end end # check spaces without space types against Nonresidential for this climate zone @model.getSpaces.each do |space| if !space.spaceType.is_initialized # make array of construction details for surfaces surface_details = [] missing_surface_constructions = [] sub_surface_details = [] missing_sub_surface_constructions = [] space.surfaces.each do |surface| next if surface.outsideBoundaryCondition != 'Outdoors' if surface.construction.is_initialized surface_details << { boundary_condition: surface.outsideBoundaryCondition, surface_type: surface.surfaceType, construction: surface.construction.get } else missing_constructions << surface.name.get end # make array of construction details for sub_surfaces surface.subSurfaces.each do |sub_surface| if sub_surface.construction.is_initialized sub_surface_details << { boundary_condition: sub_surface.outsideBoundaryCondition, surface_type: sub_surface.subSurfaceType, construction: sub_surface.construction.get } else missing_constructions << sub_surface.name.get end end end if !missing_surface_constructions.empty? check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "#{missing_constructions.size} surfaces are missing constructions in #{space_type.name}. Spaces and can't be checked.") end if !missing_sub_surface_constructions.empty? check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "#{missing_constructions.size} sub surfaces are missing constructions in #{space_type.name}. Spaces and can't be checked.") end surface_details.uniq.each do |surface_detail| if surface_detail[:construction].thermalConductance.is_initialized # don't use intened surface type of construction, look map based on surface type and boundary condition boundary_condition = surface_detail[:boundary_condition] surface_type = surface_detail[:surface_type] intended_surface_type = '' if boundary_condition.to_s == 'Outdoors' if surface_type.to_s == 'Wall' intended_surface_type = 'ExteriorWall' standards_construction_type = 'SteelFramed' elsif surface_type == 'RoofCeiling' intended_surface_type = 'ExteriorRoof' standards_construction_type = 'IEAD' else surface_type == 'Floor' intended_surface_type = 'ExteriorFloor' standards_construction_type = 'Mass' end else # currently only used for surfaces with outdoor boundary condition end if use_old_gem_code film_coefficients_r_value = surface_detail[:construction].to_LayeredConstruction.get.to_Construction.get.film_coefficients_r_value(intended_surface_type) else film_coefficients_r_value = std.film_coefficients_r_value(intended_surface_type, includes_int_film = true, includes_ext_film = true) end thermal_conductance = surface_detail[:construction].thermalConductance.get r_value_with_film = 1 / thermal_conductance + film_coefficients_r_value source_units = 'm^2*K/W' target_units = 'ft^2*h*R/Btu' r_value_ip = OpenStudio.convert(r_value_with_film, source_units, target_units).get solar_reflectance = surface_detail[:construction].to_LayeredConstruction.get.layers[0].to_OpaqueMaterial.get.solarReflectance .get # TODO: - check optional first does what happens with ext. air wall # calculate target_r_value_ip target_reflectance = nil if use_old_gem_code data = @model.get_construction_properties(target_standard, intended_surface_type, standards_construction_type) else # model_get_construction_properties takes additional arguments now, maybe standard should update to add default building_type = std.model_get_standards_building_type(@model) construction_set_data = std.model_get_construction_set(building_type) building_type_category = construction_set_data['exterior_wall_building_category'] data = std.model_get_construction_properties(@model, intended_surface_type, standards_construction_type, building_type_category) end if data.nil? check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "Didn't find construction for #{standards_construction_type} #{intended_surface_type} for #{space.name}.") next elsif intended_surface_type.include? 'ExteriorWall' || 'ExteriorFloor' || 'ExteriorDoor' assembly_maximum_u_value = data['assembly_maximum_u_value'] target_reflectance = 0.30 elsif intended_surface_type.include? 'ExteriorRoof' assembly_maximum_u_value = data['assembly_maximum_u_value'] target_reflectance = 0.55 else assembly_maximum_u_value = data['assembly_maximum_u_value'] assembly_maximum_solar_heat_gain_coefficient = data['assembly_maximum_solar_heat_gain_coefficient'] end assembly_maximum_r_value_ip = 1 / assembly_maximum_u_value # stop if didn't find values (0 or infinity) next if assembly_maximum_r_value_ip == 0.0 next if assembly_maximum_r_value_ip == Float::INFINITY # check r avlues if r_value_ip < assembly_maximum_r_value_ip * (1.0 - min_pass) check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "R value of #{r_value_ip.round(2)} (#{target_units}) for #{surface_detail[:construction].name} in #{space.name} is more than #{min_pass * 100} % below the expected value of #{assembly_maximum_r_value_ip.round(2)} (#{target_units}) for #{display_standard}.") elsif r_value_ip > assembly_maximum_r_value_ip * (1.0 + max_pass) check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "R value of #{r_value_ip.round(2)} (#{target_units}) for #{surface_detail[:construction].name} in #{space.name} is more than #{max_pass * 100} % above the expected value of #{assembly_maximum_r_value_ip.round(2)} (#{target_units}) for #{display_standard}.") end # check solar reflectance if (solar_reflectance < target_reflectance * (1.0 - min_pass)) && (target_standard != 'ICC IECC 2015') check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "Solar Reflectance of #{(solar_reflectance * 100).round} % for #{surface_detail[:construction].name} in #{space.name} is more than #{min_pass * 100} % below the expected value of #{(target_reflectance * 100).round} %.") elsif (solar_reflectance > target_reflectance * (1.0 + max_pass)) && (target_standard != 'ICC IECC 2015') check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "Solar Reflectance of #{(solar_reflectance * 100).round} % for #{surface_detail[:construction].name} in #{space.name} is more than #{max_pass * 100} % above the expected value of #{(target_reflectance * 100).round} %.") end else check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "Can't calculate R value for #{surface_detail[:construction].name}.") end end sub_surface_details.uniq.each do |sub_surface_detail| # TODO: update this so it works for doors and windows check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "Not setup to check sub-surfaces of spaces without space types. Can't check properties for #{sub_surface_detail[:construction].name}.") end end end rescue StandardError => e # brief description of ruby error check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "Error prevented QAQC check from running (#{e}).") # backtrace of ruby error for diagnostic use if @error_backtrace then check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', e.backtrace.join("\n").to_s) end end # add check_elms to new attribute check_elem = OpenStudio::Attribute.new('check', check_elems) return check_elem # note: registerWarning and registerValue will be added for checks downstream using os_lib_reporting_qaqc.rb end end