module Prosopite DEFAULT_ALLOW_LIST = [ /active_record\/relation.rb.*preload_associations/, 'active_record/validations/uniqueness' ].freeze class NPlusOneQueriesError < StandardError; end class << self attr_writer :raise, :stderr_logger, :rails_logger, :prosopite_logger, :custom_logger, :ignore_pauses, :backtrace_cleaner attr_accessor :allow_stack_paths, :ignore_queries, :min_n_queries def allow_list=(value) puts "Prosopite.allow_list= is deprecated. Use Prosopite.allow_stack_paths= instead." self.allow_stack_paths = value end def backtrace_cleaner @backtrace_cleaner ||= Rails.backtrace_cleaner end def scan tc[:prosopite_scan] ||= false return if scan? subscribe tc[:prosopite_query_counter] = tc[:prosopite_query_holder] = { |h, k| h[k] = [] } tc[:prosopite_query_caller] = {} @allow_stack_paths ||= [] @ignore_pauses ||= false @min_n_queries ||= 2 tc[:prosopite_scan] = true if block_given? begin block_result = yield finish block_result ensure tc[:prosopite_scan] = false end end end def tc Thread.current end def pause if @ignore_pauses return block_given? ? yield : nil end if block_given? begin previous = tc[:prosopite_scan] tc[:prosopite_scan] = false yield ensure tc[:prosopite_scan] = previous end else tc[:prosopite_scan] = false end end def resume tc[:prosopite_scan] = true end def scan? !!(tc[:prosopite_scan] && tc[:prosopite_query_counter] && tc[:prosopite_query_holder] && tc[:prosopite_query_caller]) end def finish return unless scan? tc[:prosopite_scan] = false create_notifications send_notifications if tc[:prosopite_notifications].present? tc[:prosopite_query_counter] = nil tc[:prosopite_query_holder] = nil tc[:prosopite_query_caller] = nil end def create_notifications tc[:prosopite_notifications] = {} tc[:prosopite_query_counter].each do |location_key, count| if count >= @min_n_queries fingerprints = tc[:prosopite_query_holder][location_key].group_by do |q| begin fingerprint(q) rescue raise q end end queries = { |q| q.size >= @min_n_queries } next unless queries.any? kaller = tc[:prosopite_query_caller][location_key] allow_list = (@allow_stack_paths + DEFAULT_ALLOW_LIST) is_allowed = kaller.any? { |f| allow_list.any? { |s| f.match?(s) } } unless is_allowed queries.each do |q| tc[:prosopite_notifications][q] = kaller end end end end end def fingerprint(query) if ActiveRecord::Base.connection.adapter_name.downcase.include?('mysql') mysql_fingerprint(query) else begin require 'pg_query' rescue LoadError => e msg = "Could not load the 'pg_query' gem. Add `gem 'pg_query'` to your Gemfile" raise LoadError, msg, e.backtrace end PgQuery.fingerprint(query) end end # Many thanks to def mysql_fingerprint(query) query = query.dup return "mysqldump" if query =~ %r#\ASELECT /\*!40001 SQL_NO_CACHE \*/ \* FROM `# return "percona-toolkit" if query =~ %r#\*\w+\.\w+:[0-9]/[0-9]\*/# if match = /\A\s*(call\s+\S+)\(/i.match(query) return match.captures.first.downcase! end if match = /\A((?:INSERT|REPLACE)(?: IGNORE)?\s+INTO.+?VALUES\s*\(.*?\))\s*,\s*\(/im.match(query) query = match.captures.first end query.gsub!(%r#/\*[^!].*?\*/#m, "") query.gsub!(/(?:--|#)[^\r\n]*(?=[\r\n]|\Z)/, "") return query if query.gsub!(/\Ause \S+\Z/i, "use ?") query.gsub!(/\\["']/, "") query.gsub!(/".*?"/m, "?") query.gsub!(/'.*?'/m, "?") query.gsub!(/\btrue\b|\bfalse\b/i, "?") query.gsub!(/[0-9+-][0-9a-f.x+-]*/, "?") query.gsub!(/[xb.+-]\?/, "?") query.strip! query.gsub!(/[ \n\t\r\f]+/, " ") query.downcase! query.gsub!(/\bnull\b/i, "?") query.gsub!(/\b(in|values?)(?:[\s,]*\([\s?,]*\))+/, "\\1(?+)") query.gsub!(/(? 1 tc[:prosopite_query_caller][location_key] = query_caller.dup end end end @subscribed = true end end end