--- - !ruby/struct:VCR::HTTPInteraction request: !ruby/struct:VCR::Request method: :get uri: http://isaac%40recurly.com:isaac1024@litle-test.recurly.local:3000/transactions.xml body: headers: authorization: - Basic aXNhYWNAcmVjdXJseS5jb206aXNhYWMxMDI0 accept: - application/xml accept-encoding: - gzip;q=1.0,deflate;q=0.6,identity;q=0.3 user-agent: - Ruby connection: - close response: !ruby/struct:VCR::Response status: !ruby/struct:VCR::ResponseStatus code: 200 message: "OK " headers: x-runtime: - "1485" content-type: - application/xml; charset=utf-8 etag: - "\"a6ec4006524f4c9cb8156687a3844f74\"" cache-control: - private, max-age=0, must-revalidate content-length: - "15540" server: - WEBrick/1.3.1 (Ruby/1.9.2/2010-08-18) date: - Thu, 03 Feb 2011 22:24:43 GMT connection: - close set-cookie: - _recurly_session=7604ba3a0b22b6cf4187340d49300e1e; domain=.recurly.local; path=/; HttpOnly body: | 1 20 25 7a53ae4b1d7d4f768010ca03f8a91210 transaction-create-with-account-1296674173 purchase 2011-02-03T22:24:37Z 700 success Test Gateway: Successful test transaction 12345 Match Street address and postal code match. Y Y true true true 3aa9126e7c19407e8ebc395b8bcf2238 transaction-create-with-account-1296674173 authorization 2011-02-03T22:24:33Z 0 success Test Gateway: Successful test transaction 12345 Match Street address and postal code match. Y Y true false true bada094d35ec4ca8822320bb8062a8c9 transaction-create-with-accout-1296674173 purchase 2011-02-03T22:24:24Z 700 success Test Gateway: Successful test transaction 12345 Match Street address and postal code match. Y Y true true true ded3e61eab3944119e3406eb2f1ce71d subscription-refund-none-1296674173 purchase 2011-02-03T22:24:09Z 1000 success Test Gateway: Successful test transaction 12345 Match Street address and postal code match. Y Y true true true c3fe3fec44204dd79bb87f42d4bc8663 subscription-refund-partial-1296674173 credit 2011-02-03T22:23:56Z 1000 success Bogus Gateway: Forced success true true false b6b0346b3dcc4887b5832c5ac249285a subscription-refund-partial-1296674173 purchase 2011-02-03T22:23:47Z 1000 success Test Gateway: Successful test transaction 12345 Match Street address and postal code match. Y Y true false false 89986e7666b24c16b4d9f2490b9c59cb subscription-refund-full-1296674173 credit 2011-02-03T22:23:35Z 1000 success Bogus Gateway: Forced success true true false 8ed312129a6b4a2da9e4ac4c4f8f15aa subscription-refund-full-1296674173 purchase 2011-02-03T22:23:27Z 1000 success Test Gateway: Successful test transaction 12345 Match Street address and postal code match. Y Y true false false fef11da45dd64f47bcfda882b0646324 subscription-cancel-with-code-1296674173 purchase 2011-02-03T22:23:05Z 1000 success Test Gateway: Successful test transaction 12345 Match Street address and postal code match. Y Y true true true 7fb00ca83fe44839977a8ce9c99349d9 subscription-cancel-1296674173 purchase 2011-02-03T22:22:45Z 1000 success Test Gateway: Successful test transaction 12345 Match Street address and postal code match. Y Y true true true c86caacefde449d48e4cf21988014b36 subscription-reactivate-1296674173 purchase 2011-02-03T22:22:21Z 1000 success Test Gateway: Successful test transaction 12345 Match Street address and postal code match. Y Y true true true c4c6b6098c09497e93353e4d6153337c 1296674173 purchase 2011-02-03T22:22:00Z 1000 success Test Gateway: Successful test transaction 12345 Match Street address and postal code match. Y Y true true true 22ca8401b34e4429bbbb7d39ce2967c5 subscription-change1-1296674173 purchase 2011-02-03T22:21:38Z 1000 success Test Gateway: Successful test transaction 12345 Match Street address and postal code match. Y Y true true true 28ebb171073c4fdd98440835ae378666 subscription-create-1296674173 purchase 2011-02-03T22:21:27Z 1000 success Test Gateway: Successful test transaction 12345 Match Street address and postal code match. Y Y true true true 13b6bd7ef15a4780a13387074635c86c subscription-find-1296674173 purchase 2011-02-03T22:21:15Z 1000 success Test Gateway: Successful test transaction 12345 Match Street address and postal code match. Y Y true true true 9d0406d2ef0f4aec8795d2ded7722524 invoice-lookup-1296674173 authorization 2011-02-03T22:20:32Z 0 success Test Gateway: Successful test transaction 12345 Match Street address and postal code match. Y Y true false true b3587820d543493188147be66d45e566 invoice-list-1296674173 authorization 2011-02-03T22:20:15Z 0 success Test Gateway: Successful test transaction 12345 Match Street address and postal code match. Y Y true false true cc44b7b71e434fad842b035a1216c039 invoice-create-no-charges-1296674173 authorization 2011-02-03T22:20:08Z 0 success Test Gateway: Successful test transaction 12345 Match Street address and postal code match. Y Y true false true 83c0691f42d644f88aa64e44b7898af7 invoice-create-1296674173 authorization 2011-02-03T22:19:55Z 0 success Test Gateway: Successful test transaction 12345 Match Street address and postal code match. Y Y true false true d43001dca7f54ec0a52d580df4ac4fbf charge-create-1296674173 authorization 2011-02-03T22:18:55Z 0 success Test Gateway: Successful test transaction 12345 Match Street address and postal code match. Y Y true false true http_version: "1.1"