require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper' describe YARD::Templates::Helpers::BaseHelper do include YARD::Templates::Helpers::BaseHelper describe '#run_verifier' do it "should run verifier proc against list if provided" do mock = mock.should_receive(:call).with(1) mock.should_receive(:call).with(2) mock.should_receive(:call).with(3) should_receive(:options).at_least(1).times.and_return(:verifier => mock) run_verifier [1, 2, 3] end it "should prune list if lambda returns false and only false" do mock = should_receive(:options).at_least(1).times.and_return(:verifier => mock) mock.should_receive(:call).with(1).and_return(false) mock.should_receive(:call).with(2).and_return(true) mock.should_receive(:call).with(3).and_return(nil) mock.should_receive(:call).with(4).and_return("value") run_verifier([1, 2, 3, 4]).should == [2, 3, 4] end it "should return list if no verifier exists" do should_receive(:options).at_least(1).times.and_return({}) run_verifier([1, 2, 3]).should == [1, 2, 3] end end describe '#h' do it "should return just the text" do h("hello world").should == "hello world" h(nil).should == nil end end describe '#link_object' do it "should return the title if provided" do link_object(1, "title").should == "title" link_object(Registry.root, "title").should == "title" end it "should return a path if argument is a Proxy or object" do link_object(Registry.root).should == "" link_object(P("Array")).should == "Array" end it "should should return path of Proxified object if argument is a String or Symbol" do link_object("Array").should == "Array" link_object(:"A::B").should == "A::B" end it "should return the argument if not an object, proxy, String or Symbol" do link_object(1).should == 1 end end describe '#link_url' do it "should return the URL" do link_url("http://url").should == "http://url" end end describe '#linkify' do before do stub!(:object).and_return(Registry.root) end it "should call #link_url for mailto: links" do should_receive(:link_url) linkify("") end it "should call #link_url for URL schemes (http://)" do should_receive(:link_url) linkify("") end it "should call #link_file for file: links" do should_receive(:link_file).with('Filename', 'Filename', 'anchor') linkify("file:Filename#anchor") end it "should pass off to #link_object if argument is an object" do obj =, :YARD) should_receive(:link_object).with(obj) linkify obj end it "should return empty string and warn if object does not exist" do log.should_receive(:warn).with(/Cannot find object .* for inclusion/) linkify('include:NotExist').should == '' end it "should pass off to #link_url if argument is recognized as a URL" do url = "" should_receive(:link_url).with(url, nil, {:target => '_parent'}) linkify url end it "should call #link_include_object for include:ObjectName" do obj =, :Foo) should_receive(:link_include_object).with(obj) linkify 'include:Foo' end it "should call #link_include_file for include:file:path/to/file" do File.should_receive(:file?).with('path/to/file').and_return(true) File.should_receive(:read).with('path/to/file').and_return('FOO') linkify('include:file:path/to/file').should == 'FOO' end it "should warn if include:file:path does not exist" do log.should_receive(:warn).with(/Cannot find file .+ for inclusion/) linkify('include:file:/notexist').should == '' end end describe '#format_types' do it "should return the list of types separated by commas surrounded by brackets" do format_types(['a', 'b', 'c']).should == '(a, b, c)' end it "should return the list of types without brackets if brackets=false" do format_types(['a', 'b', 'c'], false).should == 'a, b, c' end it "should should return an empty string if list is empty or nil" do format_types(nil).should == "" format_types([]).should == "" end end describe '#format_object_type' do it "should return Exception if type is Exception" do obj = mock(:object) obj.stub!(:is_a?).with(YARD::CodeObjects::ClassObject).and_return(true) obj.stub!(:is_exception?).and_return(true) format_object_type(obj).should == "Exception" end it "should return Class if type is Class" do obj = mock(:object) obj.stub!(:is_a?).with(YARD::CodeObjects::ClassObject).and_return(true) obj.stub!(:is_exception?).and_return(false) format_object_type(obj).should == "Class" end it "should return object type in other cases" do obj = mock(:object) obj.stub!(:type).and_return("value") format_object_type(obj).should == "Value" end end describe '#format_object_title' do it "should return Top Level Namespace for root object" do format_object_title(Registry.root).should == "Top Level Namespace" end it "should return 'type: path' in other cases" do obj = mock(:object) obj.stub!(:type).and_return(:class) obj.stub!(:path).and_return("A::B::C") format_object_title(obj).should == "Class: A::B::C" end end end