Feature: Tally comments As a Redditor I want to be able to tally another Redditor's comments In order to see what they like to talk about Scenario: Tally comments Given the Reddit service returns comments for the user "mipadi" When I run `usaidwat tally mipadi` Then it should pass with: """ apple 6 AskReddit 61 battlefield3 2 books 2 django 1 Games 1 nyc 1 personalfinance 1 photography 1 programming 20 redditcasual 1 wikipedia 1 worldnews 2 """ Scenario: Sort comments Given the Reddit service returns comments for the user "mipadi" When I run `usaidwat tally -c mipadi` Then it should pass with: """ AskReddit 61 programming 20 apple 6 battlefield3 2 books 2 worldnews 2 django 1 Games 1 nyc 1 personalfinance 1 photography 1 redditcasual 1 wikipedia 1 """ Scenario: Tally comments when user has no comments Given the Reddit service returns comments for the user "blank" When I run `usaidwat tally -c blank` Then it should pass with: """ blank has no comments. """ Scenario: Sort comments when user has no comments Given the Reddit service returns comments for the user "blank" When I run `usaidwat tally -c blank` Then it should pass with: """ blank has no comments. """ Scenario: Search for a comment when tallying Given the Reddit service returns comments for the user "mipadi" When I run `usaidwat tally --grep='Heisenbug' mipadi` Then the exit status should not be 0 And stderr should contain: """ invalid option: --grep=Heisenbug """ Scenario: Search for a comment when sorting Given the Reddit service returns comments for the user "mipadi" When I run `usaidwat tally -c --grep='Heisenbug' mipadi` Then the exit status should not be 0 And stderr should contain: """ invalid option: --grep=Heisenbug """ Scenario: Sort comments when a user does not exist Given the Reddit service does not have a user "testuser" When I run `usaidwat tally testuser` Then it should fail with: """ No such user: testuser """ Scenario: Tally comments with subreddit Given the Reddit service returns comments for the user "mipadi" When I run `usaidwat tally mipadi AskReddit` Then the exit status should not be 0 And stderr should contain exactly: """ You cannot specify a subreddit when tallying comments """ Scenario: Sort comments with subreddit Given the Reddit service returns comments for the user "mipadi" When I run `usaidwat tally -c mipadi AskReddit` Then the exit status should not be 0 And stderr should contain exactly: """ You cannot specify a subreddit when tallying comments """ Scenario: Pass no arguments when tallying Given the Reddit service returns comments for the user "mipadi" When I run `usaidwat tally` Then the exit status should not be 0 And stderr should contain exactly: """ You must specify a username """ Scenario: Pass no arguments when sorting Given the Reddit service returns comments for the user "mipadi" When I run `usaidwat tally -c` Then the exit status should not be 0 And stderr should contain exactly: """ You must specify a username """