module Rails module Brochure class HomeContent # This feature needs more work. # You can change the folder path and the routes are correct # Rails::Brochure::HomeContent.home_folder_path = 'app/views/content/' # but the home controller looks in the home folder anyway... # So the home controller would need to use a different # directory. If I wanted to make this configurable i'd probably # ask for a controller name, define one (meta) and render the # routes accordingly. @@home_folder_path = 'app/views/home/' cattr_accessor :home_folder_path def self.newest { |f| }.sort { |a,b| a.ctime <=> b.ctime }.map { |f| f.ctime }.last end def self.file_names files = Dir.glob("#{home_folder_path}**/*.{#{Mime::EXTENSION_LOOKUP.keys.join(",")}}.*") #puts files.inspect files.delete_if { |f| f.end_with?(".orig") } files end def self.templates do |f| f.gsub(/(#{home_folder_path}|\.(#{Mime::EXTENSION_LOOKUP.keys.join("|")})\.\w+)/,"") end end end end end