module PactBroker module Pacts class VerifiablePactMessages extend Forwardable READ_MORE_PENDING = "Read more at" READ_MORE_WIP = "Read more at" delegate [:consumer_name, :provider_name, :head_consumer_tags, :pending_provider_tags, :non_pending_provider_tags, :pending?, :wip?] => :verifiable_pact def initialize(verifiable_pact) @verifiable_pact = verifiable_pact end def inclusion_reason version_text = head_consumer_tags.size == 1 ? "version" : "versions" if wip? # WIP pacts will always have tags, because it is part of the definition of being a WIP pact "This pact is being verified because it is a 'work in progress' pact (ie. it is the pact for the latest #{version_text} of Foo tagged with #{joined_head_consumer_tags} and is still in pending state). #{READ_MORE_WIP}" else if head_consumer_tags.any? "This pact is being verified because it is the pact for the latest #{version_text} of Foo tagged with #{joined_head_consumer_tags}" else "This pact is being verified because it is the latest pact between #{consumer_name} and #{provider_name}." end end end def pending_reason if pending? "This pact is in pending state because it has not yet been successfully verified by #{pending_provider_tags_description}. If this verification fails, it will not cause the overall build to fail. #{READ_MORE_PENDING}" else "This pact has previously been successfully verified by #{non_pending_provider_tags_description}. If this verification fails, it will fail the build. #{READ_MORE_PENDING}" end end private attr_reader :verifiable_pact def join(list, last_joiner = " and ") quoted_list = list.collect { | tag | "'#{tag}'" } comma_joined = quoted_list[0..-3] || [] and_joined = quoted_list[-2..-1] || quoted_list if comma_joined.any? "#{comma_joined.join(', ')}, #{and_joined.join(last_joiner)}" else and_joined.join(last_joiner) end end def joined_head_consumer_tags join(head_consumer_tags) + same_content_note end def same_content_note case head_consumer_tags.size when 1 then "" when 2 then " (both have the same content)" else " (all have the same content)" end end def pending_provider_tags_description case pending_provider_tags.size when 0 then provider_name when 1 then "any version of #{provider_name} with tag '#{pending_provider_tags.first}'" else "any versions of #{provider_name} with tag #{join(pending_provider_tags)}" end end def non_pending_provider_tags_description case non_pending_provider_tags.size when 0 then provider_name when 1 then "a version of #{provider_name} with tag '#{non_pending_provider_tags.first}'" else "a version of #{provider_name} with tag #{join(non_pending_provider_tags)}" end end end end end